Christie Salutes Bahamian Beijing Olympics Team



Bahamians are still jumping following the Bahamian men 4X400 relay team brought home the silver medal at the Beijing games on Saturday in Beijing. Bahamas Press stands proud and salutes all the Bahamian Olympic 2008 athletes!

Following is a statement by Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie, Leader of the Official Opposition.
August 24th, 2008

I extend heartiest congratulations to our entire Bahamian team at the Beijing Olympics, especially our Mens 4 x 400 meter relay team and Leevan Sands for their silver and bronze medal winning performances.

As Bahamians, we should all take a great deal of patriotic pride in the outstanding efforts and achievements of our Olympic athletes. Although we are a small country, we continue to attain results that are truly remarkable.

Our challenge now is to intensify our national commitment to our sports development programs so that come the London Olympic Games in 2012, our performances will result in even greater successes for our athletes and our beloved nation.


  1. In order to support our athletes the numbers lottery in the Bahamas should be made legal.

    Millions of Dollars leave the Bahamas each week
    for lottories WORLD WIDE, we need to keep this money in the country. The Government should then make the numbers houses pay some sort of tax.

    Bahamians WILL GAMBLE we must not be stupid about this let us keep the money in the country it will be better for all.

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