Crime UPDATE: Wednesday 29th September, 2010


Wednesday 29th September, 2010


Sometime around 7:00 am on Tuesday 28th September, 2010 police received information of an armed robbery at Crooked Island Street and Cordeaux Avenue. Police responded and information received that a male while exiting his vehicle at Crooked Island Street was approached by another male allegedly armed with a handgun demanding cash. It is reported the culprit robbed the man of his wallet and his black 1999 four (4) door, Nissan Sunny and fled the area accompanied by a second suspect. Police are investigating.


Sometime around 1:45 am on Wednesday 29th September, police received information of an armed robbery at Sunrise Wash house, Jerome Avenue and Pyfrom Road. Police responded and information received that a dark male clad
in dark clothing with a handkerchief over his face, allegedly armed with a handgun entered the establishment demanding cash. The employee told the suspect she had no cash; hence, the culprit stole the employee purple 2008 Chevy Equinox L/P unknown and fled the area. Police are investigating.


Shortly before 5:00 am on Wednesday 29th September, 2010 police received information an armed robbery at Commonwealth Street, Blair Estates. Police responded and information received that a male while at home was approached by a masked male inside his home, allegedly armed with a handgun demanding cash. It reported the suspect robbed the victim of an undisclosed amount of cash, and a television and fled the area in the victims 2007 Suzuki Baleno L/P 180940. Moments later police recovered the vehicle a few corners away from the victim’s home. Police are investigating.