Campaign to end Violence Against Women



Hon. Loretta Butler-Turner, Minister of Social Services and Women Affairs.

NASSAU, Bahamas – The Bahamas joined other members of the United Nations in adding its name to the campaign ad, “Say NO to Violence Against Women” during a signing ceremony Tuesday at the Ministry of Labour and Social Development.

Minister of State for Social Development with responsibility for Women’s Affairs the Hon Loretta Butler-Turner signed the document on behalf of the Bahamas Government and pledged support to the United Nations Development Fund’s (UNIFEM) multi-year campaign to end violence acts against women.

The move coincides with the enactment of the Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act, 2007 which comes into effect on Monday, December 1.

The campaign was a year-long global advocacy and awareness-raising effort on ending violence against women. It was designed to support UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s campaign to end violence against women.

“The UNIFEM initiative is intended to demonstrate that there are tremendous amounts of persons who do say ‘no’ to violence against women and say ‘yes’ to make ending it a top priority for governments everywhere,” Mrs Butler-Turner said.

The names that have been collected throughout the campaign were to be presented to the Secretary-General on November 25, which was being organised as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. These names will support the campaign that will end in 2015.

“The Bahamas remains committed to ending violence against women and we have demonstrated our commitment through the strengthening of existing laws like the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Act. Our recent amendments to this Act provide for stiffer penalties for offenders,” Mrs Butler-Turner said.

“Our country has worked diligently to also introduce new legislation to provide greater protection to persons affected by domestic violence,” she added.

It is hoped that the implementation of this “key legislation” will assist in deterring acts of violence in the communities, particularly against women.

Mrs. Butler-Turner thanked the Crisis Centre and the Nassau Chapter of Links, which have supported the work of the government in addressing violence against women.

“The Crisis Centre continues to provide counselling to many victims and the Links Safe House for Women in Crisis has helped to house those women who require shelter from abuse,” she said.


  1. Loretta Butler Turner, please remember the battered men in our country. I really don’t want them to be overlooked as usual; something needs to be put in place for them too.

    Your department is doing an remarkable job, you just need to do some for the men now.

  2. You know why no attention is being paid to batter men? It’s because men seldom report their abusers, because they are made to feel like punks when they do report it. A man told me a few years ago, that is wife used to beat him and the children every Sunday before she got ready for church. He was always ashamed to report it to the police, but one time he mustered the courage to go to the police station with his brothers to report it, you know what he said happened? The police them did not empathized with him at all, instead they laugh him and his brothers straight out off the police station. Another time he called the police to the house after a beating, they aint never sent a car. Our law enforcement officers need more training when it comes to battered men, they needs to be able to identify and understand what these men are going through and more laws needs to be put in place for these men. This is another important issue for the Department of Social Service to look closely at and it should not be ignored, this is something happening in our country everyday. They need to find ways to encourage men to report these women who are abusing them.

  3. hardhead gal you are definitely right. Someone must talk up for the men who are being abused in this country too. We have some aggressive women out there who do beat their husbands for breakfast lunch and dinner and ain’t nobody focusing on them. This is not fair something need to be done for them too.

  4. They raid the straw market again!! Minister Brandon McCartney is so serious about this illegal immigrant problem, his officers even trying to locking up Bahamians and all.…lol….

  5. Thanks for this timely article. The last few bills coming to the HOA will go a long way to stem violence against women and children. There will still be those who cannot control their tempers but the strong penalties will deter many. Now the problem will be enforcement because their is still the mindset by some that women and children have lesser value than men. Kim speaks with a passion that I hope all women will embrace. And the women must do their part by reporting any abuse and then following up. To stem the dropping of charges that is so prevalent we need a program where a police officer becomes the “charger” and the woman is the witness. This way no amount of persuasion will allow charges to be dropped. We’ve taken the first step!

  6. Kim Sands you are absolutely correct Mrs. Butler-Turner is doing a great job. You made an excellent assessment.

  7. Drama I don’t know what when down with Zonicle and her husband. I know the gentlemen to be mild tempered. I know some of these women could provoke you, but that still don’t give him no right to do what he did. He should have walked outside and catch some fresh air………

  8. The Hon. Loretta R. Butler-Turner Minister of State for Social Development is making some things happen in her ministry. Nobody could accuse her of being on the news every night not doing anything. She deserves some credit for the results coming out the Department of Social Service. Now these men who like beat up on women, when they come home drunk or when they mad with their sweethearts will think twice before they beat up on their wives. Ladies if your man blacks your eyes don’t feel bad that’s evidence for your case. No need to hide behind those shades anymore; it’s time to let people see what that bastard did to you! Maybe some of those some people who witness the damage especially while it’s still fresh, could be call as your witnesses in you court case. Stop covering up for them and lying about falling down the stairs or you hit your eye on the refrigerator door!

    Also, I am glad to see that stiffer penalties have been put in place for sexual offences. For too long I felt these sexual offenders was getting away with a slap on the wrist, that’s why there are so many predators out there. Previous laws that were in place really were not fair to the victims. Everyday the victims have to relive these unpleasant memories, sometimes ending up with diseases and unwanted pregnancy. While these people who have damaged their lives forever are free to roam our streets after spending such a short time in jail.

    These new laws are indeed necessary. Keep up the good work Min. Butler-Turner!!

  9. Maybe now Minister Butler- Turner would consider launching a campaign to end sexual violence against Bahamian children

  10. They should have startedt his campaign long time ago. All the big wigs beating up dey wives and ting. First Zonicle and later Butler boy. Women are not punching bags !

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