A Police Officer Becomes Bahamas 61st Murdered Victim



Officer 2682 Edison Bain was found dead in Grand Bahamas on Monday night. His death pushed the country’s murder count to 61. Shown here is Cop. Bain receiving an honour when he passed out of the Royal Bahamas Police Force.
Freeport Grand Bahamas – The island-wide search of a missing police officer after failing to report for duty on Saturday, concluded with sad news last night. Corporal Edison Bain has become Grand Bahama’s ninth murder victim and the country’s 61st. The gruesome discovery of the 28 year old police officer’s lifeless body was bound at hands and feet with a huge rock on his head where he laid face up in a small ditch near the Grand Lucaya waterways area in Freeport.

The police officer who was said to have not missed his tour of duty unless he had ill, had last appeared to work on Friday night and had failed to report on Saturday. His fellow officers became concerned as the young officer from the island of Andros again failed to report to his duties on Sunday.

The murdered corporal’s car was found in the Imperial Gardens area of Freeport on Monday afternoon just after 3PM, and later last night officers found his lifeless body in its early stages of decomposition.

Family members of the slain officer were overwhelmed to hear of gruesome discovery and echoed the call for justice as the murder rate rockets to unacceptable levels. Again in the Bahamas another innocent member of the public – this time an officer of the law – life is suddenly taken away by heartless killers that roam the country.

Of late in the Bahamas a spate of murders have occurred in the country surpassing 2006 total murder count of 60. Just yesterday on making his contribution on an amendment to the Juries Act in the House of Assembly Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham cried shame on the state of the country’s judicial system left behind by the Progressive Liberal Party.

“It was a national disgrace that the Progressive Liberal Party spent five years in office and left the judicial system in the mess that it is in today.” Mr. Ingraham said.

last week the Minister of National Security Hon. Tommy Turnquest highlighted that over 114 persons are out on bail for murder. The Minister joined comments of the Prime Minister that crime is unacceptably high within the Bahamas and pledged for his government to fix the problem.

A family member of the slain officer noted that Corporal Bain did not deserved to die in this fashion as he served his country honourably.

A spate of robberies and murder crimes continue to puzzle police as the possible posting of a global travel advisory by the United States and Europe to The Bahamas can be imminent.

With some 200 persons expelled from the United States for violent crimes along with over 114 person now on bail for murder, The Bahamas faces a serious problem of home grown TERROR across the capital city.


  1. Remember Stephen Burrows? The boy who was charged with Veronica Smith’s murder last August. He was freed on $30,000 bail yesterday, according to The Guardian. He confessed to killing Smith after police found her body stuffed in a garbage container that had been dumped in a mangrove swamp at Adelaide.
    Now I have no problem with accused people getting bail but I think the bail bond should reflect the gravity of the crime. Sometimes I wonder what these judges are thinking. When that woman who beat her husband to death in his sleep got $5000 (no I didn’t leave of a zero) bail I was appalled. What message does this send to the public? That murder is a minor crime?

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