We would like to know what is it are you most THANKFUL for on this day? BP…..


We would like to know what is it are you most THANKFUL for on this day? BP…..


  1. Im ever so thankful for God’s grace, goodness, saftey the love of my wonderful family and friends. I am also thankful for a job, good health and to be blessed with wonderful people in my life who are concerned about my well being. There are other things in my life that I am still praying for but as a friend said this morning, I thank God for having shine on me again and again and again…even when I dont deserve it! Blessings to one and all…

  2. I am thankful that on this day, BP was not mean toward our Prime Minister, nor the Minister of national Security, the FNM or anyone.

    I pray God that in all things we can always say thanks to him.

    God Bless all.

  3. I am thankful for knowing the Lord, Also for the gift of forgivness, for family, friends, life, love, a job to go that love and wonderful co-workers Ms. Natasha Sweeting and Ms. Angel WesT. In all things give thanks wether it may be good or bad.

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