Cleola Hamilton given the nod to takeout Neymour in South Beach


Cleola Hamilton


The PLP Candidates Committee has ratified Nurses Union President, Cleola Hamilton, as a standard bearer in South Beach constituency. The word was handed down just minutes ago as PLP leadership ratified candidates for the upcoming general elections.

Political newcomer Deon Smith has been ratified for the Kennedy seat, now held by former PLP Kenyatta Gibson.

We can confirm the PLP has also ratified; GIANT KILLER, Glenys Hanna-Martin for Englerston, Leslie ‘Potcake’ Miller for Blue Hills and Melanie Griffin in Yamacraw.


  1. How come every one in the union with a big mouth think they can run the ocuntry, people beware look how they run the UNIONS. It seem as if every union in the country now is mad about something, by the way what NIB people call in SICK for the other day? Was it just to try and disrupt the system.? Tell me why………. Ms. Hamilton should have stayed in the Nurses Union.

  2. You mean the PLP can’t find no one other than POTCAKE,what? he give the party some money ay? The way he DIS the party and Christie after the last election I thought he was finish with yinna.I hope he get cut ass.

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