A DONKEY GONE SNITCH in the PLP! Now you see why the PLP FAILING!


snitchBahamas Press is aware that members of the Progressive Liberal Party are foaming over the departure of Kenyatta Gibson, and well they should be. But this post will tell of a greater reason why members of the opposition should be upset.

Isn’t it amazing to see how every time the WUTLESS ‘TOILET PAPER‘ reports that some high-ranking PLP has spoken to them, the MP for West End and Bimini has an article nearby? And you know, looking at this trend, this is one reason why ordinary citizens in this country believes that the PLP will not get its act together by 2012.

Obiediah “SNITCH” Wilchcombe was the very MP in the PLP who told all PLPs to BOYCOTT the “TOILET PAPER’ in 2007. BUT LOW AND BEHOLD every time leak on the PLP is published in the ‘TOILET PAPER’, the “DOCKEY GONE SNITCH” is giving some commentary to the paper, firing shots at members of his own party. Now, how is it PLPs do not find that strange, nor do they foam at the mouth when it happens is just simply beyond us.


WILCHCOMBE the “DOCKEY GONE SNITCH” has a radio agreement with the ‘old maid’ of Shirley Street and Bahamas Press can prove it. Wilchcombe issued a radio licence as minister with responsibility for broadcasting to himself – Hubert should look into this. That radio station is Y98.7FM, which is managed by the OLD MAID’s Radio Group.

The next time PLPs are wondering what is wrong with their party, all we at Bahamas Press says is this, LOOK AROUND, THE ENEMY IS IN THE CAMP!

“Yinna ga lose come 2012 if yall don’t CHANGE ya know?”


  1. media :Isn’t it “Canesfins”? Is it falling down or based on our numbers, rising? The fact that you are here commmenting proves the contrary. The problem you have is this, you are one that is sooo politically oppose to TRUTH about the PLP, that you and some others cannot STAND IT.
    Do remember Bahamas Press holds NO BIAS! We are loyal to NO PARTY, NO SINGLE INDIVIDUAL. The Tribune says we are PLP, You think we are FNM, Bahamas Press says we are the middle of the road.
    Please don’t mix it up, we are a rare kind in this country, and this is why, THOUSANDS FLOCK ON HERE TO READ WHAT IS SAID!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Media after the position you took on the Kenyatta issue, I find it hard to believe that you are the middle of the road as you put it… Actually you did show biasness because you compromised… I have to now take everything that you write with a grain of salt and try to figure out whether you like the person you are talking about because you have proven that you do have favourites and will compromise for them!!

    What I can’t stand is people who will compromise for people who are their friends or family!! You need to be real and call it like it is!! Canesfins is RIGHT!!

  2. media :
    Well Canesfins writing good journalistic articles does not means writting good reports about Christie. As we said before, if you don’t like it on here, you do have the Tribune our famous ‘TOILET PAPER’.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Again – I have not said anything about any party, just the quality of your reporting.

  3. Well Canesfins writing good journalistic articles does not means writting good reports about Christie. As we said before, if you don’t like it on here, you do have the Tribune our famous ‘TOILET PAPER’.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. I didn’t accuse you of any affiliation, nor am I in denial about anything. I call it like I see it and the commentary here is garbage lately. And increase in numbers means nothing, it usually results in the site going downhill, has happened to many sites. Get a grip and write good journalistic articles, not propaganda.

  5. Isn’t it “Canesfins”? Is it falling down or based on our numbers, rising? The fact that you are here commmenting proves the contrary. The problem you have is this, you are one that is sooo politically oppose to TRUTH about the PLP, that you and some others cannot STAND IT.

    Do remember Bahamas Press holds NO BIAS! We are loyal to NO PARTY, NO SINGLE INDIVIDUAL. The Tribune says we are PLP, You think we are FNM, Bahamas Press says we are the middle of the road.

    Please don’t mix it up, we are a rare kind in this country, and this is why, THOUSANDS FLOCK ON HERE TO READ WHAT IS SAID!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. Commentary on this site is quickly going down the toilet, its awful. It is obvious everything reported here is pure propoganda

  7. You aint miss much cept Media got dis ting in he butt ’bout Obie owning one radio station in Nassau. Media obsessed or is he “OBIEcessed?” I just dont know.

    But anyway hoping all will have a safe a blessed weekend – Go to the church of your choice, or none at all if that is your choice. God is everywhere!

  8. Just thought I’d throw in my comment for the week.

    Things were so crazy in the office this week that I didn’t get to read a paper, watch a news channel or get my daily dose of trash from BP.

    Now that I have a couple of yall fired up and ready to shoot back…What did I miss in the Bahamas this week?

  9. Most of you,… no, wait…
    Many of you, ….wait, no..
    Some of you, …still not right..
    A few of you, … nahhh…
    Okay gat it this time…
    2 or 3 of you are just plain PATHETIC!!!

  10. Media, stop this foolishness about Obie and Y98.7FM. The way you carrying on one might be left with the impression that you own a competing Radio Station!?!

    Stop this crap ’bout Obie owning Y98.7FM – I don told you who owns dat ting. Dem Abaco folks gat dat. Now res yasef. Talk ’bout something you know, and leave da conjecture to da res o da Media. You is sposed to be factual!!

    Have a happy day.

  11. media :Statement by Obie Wilchcombe,Member of Parliament for West End & Bimini.
    My departure from the Great Progressive Liberia Party is grossly absurd. Such reports can only be considered mischief as it would take a complete blood transfusion to remove the PLP from my DNA. I am PLP and proud!
    I am a proud member of the PLP that will fight to the bitter end to defend its philosophy. My involvement and commitment to the PLP is pure. I am committed to service.
    I shall be going nowhere. I will remain in the trenches of my party, committed to introduce a new era of leadership, and change so as to raise the level of the political dialogue in this country in our continued quest to move our people forward, upward, onward together!
    We note here, NOT a word about his comments which appeared in the ‘Toilet Paper’ Tribune. And nothing for our statments on here about Y98.7FM. isn’t that amazing?
    Bahamas Press/ Editor


    Not a word as to why he leak that story to the Punch in the first place!!Poor Gelnys, that’s what she gets for going rogue.

  12. WOW! :

    rudy :@media LOL! WOW you are busted!!![Reply]

    Rudy, don’t try to distract from the fact that you came on here posting blatant FNM propaganda. Maybe you are the real operative on here, hmmmm.?

    Ha! It’s obvious you don’t know what you are talking and trust me, it has nothing to do with FNM, I am nobody’s operative. I with BP when it comes to them. I want change and it doesn’t matter who brings it!

  13. Thanks for the complement BP, I’ll take that at face value. never used Ebonics as a means of expressing myself,i would prefer colloquial, as i sometimes do.Personally i hate the influence that black America have on our youths today

  14. Statement by Obie Wilchcombe,
    Member of Parliament for West End & Bimini.

    My departure from the Great Progressive Liberia Party is grossly absurd. Such reports can only be considered mischief as it would take a complete blood transfusion to remove the PLP from my DNA. I am PLP and proud!

    I am a proud member of the PLP that will fight to the bitter end to defend its philosophy. My involvement and commitment to the PLP is pure. I am committed to service.

    I shall be going nowhere. I will remain in the trenches of my party, committed to introduce a new era of leadership, and change so as to raise the level of the political dialogue in this country in our continued quest to move our people forward, upward, onward together!


    We note here, NOT a word about his comments which appeared in the ‘Toilet Paper’ Tribune. And nothing for our statments on here about Y98.7FM. isn’t that amazing?

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  15. Well done Rupert, Well done! Don’t mind my intellectual friend who have 6 degrees. I would not say how he got them (JOE BLOW THAT IS) but lets just say, he worked for them…LOL!

    But as the Constitution says, we are all entitled to “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” and whether that is in the English TONGUE or otherwise it is all good.

    Now the use of EBONICS is forbidden…LOL, we cannot accept that!

  16. Hmmmm, so much to answer to but I’ll try to sum it up. firstly Bp “WHATEVER” i would refer you back to post #8. AS for blow joe,

    Rupert: the name calling and back-biting appears to me to be coming mostly from disgruntled PLPs. It is not necessary to use this tactic to get one’s point across. In participating in this kind of negative rhetoric several things happen; the reader discerns that the writer has little command of the language; that he/she has a deep-seated anger that needs professional help; that the message is discarded as it is overshadowed by the negativity attached to the language. If you do not like Mr. Ingraham’s style, why are you trying to emulate it?

    Yes blow Joe, am mad as hell! weren’t you guys upset when the plp was in power? you should be glad its only a few of us, you een seen nothing yet. as for your second point, are u sure i didn’t get my point across? thirdly, yes i do have a problem with the English language, that’s why i speak Bahamian. Yes i do have very seated anger….. for all you people who voted fnm in the last election, no more so than what you guys felt prior to may 2002,.. Discarded? say it ain’t so, if anyone missed my point please go back and reread. I would admit blow Joe that i een as smart and as perfect as you and have some trouble with the “English language”. but am sure my point is well taken.

  17. rudy :
    LOL! WOW you are busted!!!

    Rudy, don’t try to distract from the fact that you came on here posting blatant FNM propaganda. Maybe you are the real operative on here, hmmmm.?

  18. media :

    WOW! :

    rudy :
    Watch your mouth! Were you at the meeting? I believe my source who was right there.

    Stop tripping out and take your medication you know me better than that.

    If there was such a meeting where this was discussed, I would have been. Obviously you were not, tell me what meeting this “supposedly” happened at and I will expose your lie for you.

    See I tell yall, Christie has a BIGTIME SPY ON BAHAMAS PRESS, yall thought I was joking, now we know!

  19. rudy :
    LOL! WOW you are busted!!!

    I am nobody’s spy or lackey my brother. The opinions expressed here are my own and I report to no one.

    Besides, this a public domain, you do not need a “spy” to find out what is being said on here, be real.

  20. WOW! :

    rudy :
    Watch your mouth! Were you at the meeting? I believe my source who was right there.

    If there was such a meeting where this was discussed, I would have been. Obviously you were not, tell me what meeting this “supposedly” happened at and I will expose your lie for you.

    See I tell yall, Christie has a BIGTIME SPY ON BAHAMAS PRESS, yall thought I was joking, now we know!


  21. @Joe Blow
    Well JOE your point of view is YOUR POINT OF VIEW, but don’t get all ORDERLY when we ask you about how “NIGGERLY” HUBERT INGRAHAM gets when addressing the public, with his ever AUDACIOUS comments.


  22. @Joe Blow
    In all honesty, NONE OF THEM. They both are the opposite extremes of each other. Did you see the PM on the news yesterday responding to the S&P report? My goodness. HI has no pedigree, and that is the nicest way i can put it.

    I really thought Tommy had a chance to do something, but i lost all respect for him when HI came back. The way in which Tommy just moved over for him and didnt even fight for his position of leader told me all i needed to know about him.

    Branville McCartney showing me something though. I think he maybe the one FNM MP who have some talent. And it look like HI see that too. Tommy must be jealous.

    Dead Fred has some good ideas but he is too much like PC. If Fred can show some cut throat ability he may have a chance. but right now, he is PC jr.

    Emperor Obie is too dam slick for my taste. So if Obie give you a drink dont drink it. lol.

    Sears has potential and is a real good guy, but the man has the charisma of a snail.

    Media my sleeper is the down home boy Piswell Forbes. You heard it here first. Watch out for him.

  23. Altec: Very astute observation. Now tell me, which of the two (PC or HI)
    should be running the country given our present circumstances?

  24. Altec, I will agree with you to a point. Consider this, the real weakness may have been that when you have a 100% statesman as leader, then the deputy must handle the role of politician under instructions of the leader. Christie should have been able to say to all the gentlemen mentioned, “I support your renomination but you have to go speak to the deputy”, who would in turn drop the proverbial hatchet on these “fine” gentlemen in the best interest of the party.

    This is a tactic that Pindling used many, many times, no disrespect to Mother Pratt.

  25. media :
    You feel it hard when we attack Christie, others feel it harder when we speak of MUGABE, but we are in the middle. True?
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Media, in all honestly here is my take on PC. when PC was PM his biggest flaw was and is that he doesnt seem to know when to be a politician and when to be a statesman. Hear me out for a second BP.

    The real good politicians by nature are selfish, have an impeccable sense of timing and knows how to deal with enemies and threats. All great political leaders are good politicians but they also have a statesmanlike quality to them and they know how to maneuver between being a politician and a statesman while leading.

    The problem with PC is that he isnt that good of a political leader because his nature is more of a statesman than politician. When it was time for PC to be a politician (ie, firing Kenyatta and Keo because of their fight, firing the MP involved in the Korean Boat scandal who was also allegedly bankrupt, etc) he acted like a statesman and tried to be “above it all.” If PC was in politician mode he would have been looking out for the party and cut them suckers, sensing they were a threat to his party’s ability to be reelected as the government. but he was trying to be a statesman and didnt do anything. thats what makes him looks so weak. You cant save a few to the detriment of many and thats what PC tried to do, save a few.

    Whereas PC is more statesman like in his leadership style, HI style is the total opposite. Totally, 100% political in tone. HI doesnt have one ounce of statesmanship in him. Everything he does has a political bent to it. If he sense you are a threat, bush crack, you gone. No ifs, ands, or buts. HI left the FNM high and dry in 2000 because it was the best decision for HIM not the FNM. he plotted the political demise of Tommy T and that plot scared the crap out of Brent and any other FNM thinking about going toe to toe with him. so when HI decided to comeback, HI had no competition. HI does deal with he enemies and threats, whereas PC would invite them to his house for tea.

    This brings me to the beauty of L.O. Pindling. While not perfect, he knew when the situation called for him to be a political animal or a statesman. He was the perfect blend of a politician and statesman. If you crossed L.O.Pindling you would get cut off at the knees or worse. And he was a statesman to the core.

    PC and HI are the opposites of each other. PC weakness is that he wont cut nobody. He doesnt want to fight and get dirty. he doesnt want to hurt no ones feelings. And i think he is seeing now that being Mr Nice Guy all the time is not a role to play 24/7 in running a political party because it is seen as a sign of weakness.

    If PC wants to prove to the party and country that he is willing to fight and get dirty then i am watching and waiting for him to deal with Emperor Obie, rein in dead Fred, and cut the dead weight of Malcolm Adderly and other high ranking PLP’s who seem to be holding the party back and tripping out, ie Leslie Miller.

  26. Media: I cannot understand your retort to my reply. Where in all this were you and I discussing that report? I was answering a question YOU put to me. You pick the oddest times to throw in remarks that have absolutely nothing to do with the discussion of the moment. If you wish my response to that report and the ensuing remarks by the Prime Minister then write the article and I will be happy to give you my views. Let me make this clear, I DO NOT accept your premise that it is acceptable to verbaly attack and try to degrade persons with nasty name- calling. Attacking their stance on the issues is another matter all together.

  27. rudy :
    Watch your mouth! Were you at the meeting? I believe my source who was right there.

    If there was such a meeting where this was discussed, I would have been. Obviously you were not, tell me what meeting this “supposedly” happened at and I will expose your lie for you.

  28. It is amazing Joe Blow that we should not attack persons, but Hubert Ingraham can attack an INTERNATIONAL AGENCY and your pinned lipped on the matter? AMAZING!!!!


  29. Rupert: the name calling and back-biting appears to me to be coming mostly from disgruntled PLPs. It is not necessary to use this tactic to get one’s point across. In participating in this kind of negative rhetoric several things happen; the reader discerns that the writer has little command of the language; that he/she has a deep-seated anger that needs professional help; that the message is discarded as it is overshadowed by the negativity attached to the language. If you do not like Mr. Ingraham’s style, why are you trying to emulate it?
    Media: You ask the Question: Who is takng us backwards? The answer is simple! It is no one person, it is the general attitude of the people who inhabit this country. We condone “sweet-hearting”. This in itself destroys the children who are subject to all the negativity that comes from that way of life. It is just a self indulgence that is a thief of both the time and money that rightfully belongs to the legitimate members of one’s family. It destroys the bi-product(the illegitimate off-spring)of the illicit union. We make heroes of criminals ,especially drug lords, whose crime is not in the money they get but in the utter destruction of the lives of our youth. We continually pay out “bribes” to people so we can get the benefits of lower duty rates or in order to jump the queque or get the contract. This is a way of life here and everyone is aware of it. We allow our elected members, our church officials, our lawyers to continue to commit unethical and immoral acts and deeds and throw up our hands saying “that’s our Culture.” Does that answer your queston?
    Medis: you have condemned this teacher and meted out what you believe to be the appropriate punishment but have no proof. “Guilty” before proven!
    I totally agree he should not return to a classroom until the situation is resolved.

  30. LOL! My Good Friend Altec, you know we love this country and you know we have strong passions where this country is headed. By we cannot accept where both me HUBERT and Christie is taking us.

    You feel it hard when we attack Christie, others feel it harder when we speak of MUGABE, but we are in the middle. True?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  31. Media you know i is ya boy, but man i need to know what PC do you? Your hatred for him at times is really really evident. I think its to the point where he had to do something personal to you. Is it personal? I read this blog daily and i believe that politically you are in agreement most of the time with PLP ideology more than FNM ideology, but you are incensed with the current PLP leadership. What did they do to you on a personal level?

    I agree with you about Obie. Obie is the emperor with no clothes, everyone sees him for what he is, but he thinks no one sees his intentions. Emperor Obie actions will all be for naught though.

  32. rudy :
    Talking about the Wilson lady, I hear PC tell his meeting she joining the PLP and he want give her a big position! He forget he is not PM hey?

    Now that’s a lie.

  33. @rudy
    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thanks Rudy!

    We wipping Hubert tonight on his RAW statement yesterday against Standards & Poor’s outlook for the Bahamas. And guess what, we know of one of their agents who read Bahamas Press! We recorded Mugabe’s statements yesterday and all we said is this, ALL TYRANTS USUALLY ATTACK WORLD BODIES TO GET THEIR WAY!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  34. Rupert :
    all you trying to get is allot hits to your website, and believe me bp, all those hits you been getting, that’s me, and the twenty or so political junkie blogger that frequently check your website ten times a day. .

    Let me assure you Rupert we are no twenty something BLOG. Don’t fool your self with that. Bahamas Press has the numbers and as we told you our readers before, WE HAVE TAKEN OVER CYBERSPACE and is a dominant force here in the country.!

    EVERY parliamentarian, those who can surf and those who can’t get a printed copy, WE KNOW THAT FOR A FACT! 41 plus 16 is? 57.

    With our new upgrade by our masterful webmaster, Bahamas Press can now be seen on FACEBOOK and MY SPACE as additional BLOG links. We have RSS feeds on scores of search engines, OUTSIDE this country across the world were most of our target readers come, we have directly linked our blog to several universities and colleges around the world.

    Now if you wish to believe 25 people read this BLOG, then keep on believing that, but we know better, OK RUPERT?

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  35. @media
    I am with you on your position, and if some of us could really and sincerely put country first we will get REAL CHANGE be it FNM or PLP! I think you guys are on the right track. Keep up the good work!

  36. rudy :
    Just because people criticise a party doesn’t mean they are FNM. You are dead wrong on that!

    RUDY these some crazy PLPs ech? If you try and open their eyes with a crane, it is cemented tight with blindness. All we say is this, how can there be such outrage and hate for Kenyatta and none for an insider of the party like Obie? I mean how can that be? Obie went on National Radio and lambased the PLP party and its members, and yall coming on here attacking us? NOW wait!

    Rudy you see why that party crumbing to pieces? Now it is no secret that we are against the leadership of the PLP, NO QUESTION ABOUT IT. Perry Christie is the weakest link to Hubert Ingraham and if CHANGE is to take place by getting rid of the two, then it starts with getting rid of the weakest link! PC the ‘PUSSY CAT’!

    But there is no need to question who we are and what we are doing on here, as we said before and we say it again, Bahamas Press is NOT PLP nor FNM, WE WANT CHANGE IN THIS COUNTRY! CHANGE IS WHAT WE ARE FIGHTING FOR, NOT RECYCLED LEADERSHIP!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  37. Talking about the Wilson lady, I hear PC tell his meeting she joining the PLP and he want give her a big position! He forget he is not PM hey?

  38. Joe Blow :
    Media: As things stand we are moving backwards at an ever increasing rate. If we don’t continue to positively evolve we are destined to dissolve.

    Now my question to you JOE is this, “WHO IS TAKING US BACKWARDS?” Who? Don’t just leave the question open like that, call the individual out BY NAME! Let it be known, and make them shame! For as you can see we have NO problem on this blog TELLING IT LIKE IT IS!

    On another note, Bahamas Press has send a special investigator to investigate the story of this MALE teacher that has molested several boys at the Eight Mile Rock High School on Grand Bahama. What a SHAME that NOW one of the boys IS HIV POSITIVE? We know the place for the educator and it’s JAIL! And where is Berlinda Wilson on this WICKED CORRUPTION AGAIST YOUNG PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY?

    And then here again is the Ministry of Education with the audacios tone to have the teacher to be place in the system here on New Providence?



    Bahamas Press intends to expose the name of that TEACHER IN SHORT ORDER!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  39. We are moving backwards because that’s where Hubert’s taking us blow Joe, and as for the name calling please ask your dear leader voodoo king Hubert Ingraham to stop, The lead comes from him. and as for you ruby, yes PC is a one term leader but his legacy would out shine voodoo kings… Every time i see or even think of you fnms, only one story comes to mind, that’s the story of the dog with the bone in his mouth looking at his reflection in the river and we all know what happened then. Thanks to you and voodoo king our country’s clock is ticking backwards.

  40. @Rupert Ya know Rupert, I think that you are right about Media! He seems to have a hatred for PC just like the other media houses. Media is driven by his hatred for PC!

    I think that Media is just one of those disgruntle FNMs who does not like HI’s return to the helm of the FNM…

    The difference between you (Media) and I is that I will not defend my friends or colleagues if they are WRONG!! I see that you have NO problem doing that… I had the most respect for you (Media) before you decided to side with Kenyatta and NOT give him wrong for how he made his exit from the PLP… In other words Media you seriously disappointed me and I have lost confidence in you and everything that you say/said!!

    There is nothing WRONG with saying that you support someone but still be able to say when they make a STUPID decision and I don’t mean leaving the PLP. I mean HOW he left and the words used…

  41. Media: What is this site for? Is it foremost to attack people and institutions and name call? Is it a format for PLPs to continually vent because they lost the election? I had hoped it would be a site where we could look at the issues that confront the nation and make relevant suggestions as to how to solve our problems. As things stand we are moving backwards at an ever increasing rate. If we don’t continue to positively evolve we are destined to dissolve.

  42. Media, if you are so interested in who really owns Y98.7 FM simply go to the PUC and ask.

    I read this page on a daily basis, but you are being ridiculous in your statements concerning Y 98.7, and it makes me wonder if your are as mis-informed about other issues as you are about the radio thing.

    I do not know who your are as a person, but man for Christ’s sake get the basis facts straight, and maybe then we out here in cyber space will give your comments some credence.

    To save you the trouble of checking, Y98.7 is owned by New Wave Communications Ltd. which is owned by two people – husband and wife – in Abaco.

  43. If the PLP is foaming because Kenyatta is gone then PLPs are stupid. If Obie is a snitch because he confess that the PLP has issues and reporting to the people about a party 49% of the people support then others are stupid. Confession is good for the soul and maybe if its out in the open, change can accur

  44. @Rupert
    This is what you call blind loyalty ’cause you can’t be serious with your describing PC as the best thing ever happened. He did make history though, the first one term PM. There are a lot of people who would make great leaders, but so far I don’t see any of them trying to take the helm in the PLP.

  45. You guys are pathetic, including you media, all day, all you do is try to blame PC for all the ills of the plp and this country. The FNM IS THE GOVERMENT. the plp may have some problems, and we would solve them before the next electoin. Din,t the Fnm had problems before the last election with tommy and Hubert? didn’t the democratic party had problems with hillary and they all came together for the Nov. elections? i mean give me a brake. The fact is that pc is the best thing that ever happened to this country in the past 15yrs. and no matter how hard you try, NOTHING can change that.

    If you say something long enough, over and repeatedly you tend to make it stick, and you know BP it almost worked, but Ive come the realization that you een no different form the rest of the” Wutless media”, all you trying to get is allot hits to your website, and believe me bp, all those hits you been getting, that’s me, and the twenty or so political junkie blogger that frequently check your website ten times a day. I mean PC this PC that, you have more hate for PC than the fnm. Maybe you should tell everyone what PC done to you then maybe we would all understand…. Oh as for your story on “THE SNITCH”, that’s yesterdays news. The plp has to renew itself and he’s one of the few that’s waiting at the exit…. And remember that pc is not the plp, he’s just one of the MANY grate leaders that we have in our party, and when he goes there would be many more grate leaders to take his place.

  46. Objective thought :I listened to Obie yesterday on Jeff’s afternoon show… That’s where I heard him made those comments…
    I think that Obie wants PC to retire so that he can run for the leadership of the party… The persons in the party who are interested in being its leader are always making a comment that sounds good but I think that it is just stupid!! They say, “I will never run against PC for the leadership of the party for as long as he is leader”.. I just can’t understand why anyone would make a statement like that if they think that they can be a better leader or maybe that’s just it, they don’t think that they can be a better leader!!
    They keep saying that over and over which is making it hard for them to challenge PC as long as he is leader if they don’t want that statement to be used against them!!!
    Why doesn’t Obie be a man and just tell PC that he should retire and stop trying to destroy the PLP????? WHY????

    Boy you and I have been disagreeing a lot but this is where we both agree and maybe we agree on a whole lot more. Because this is what baffles me, be a man and stop all this sneaky backbiting foolishness. If you interested in leadership, say you are! PC know that he aint got the you know whats to do that so that is why he will remain.

  47. Objective thought :

    Why doesn’t Obie be a man and just tell PC that he should retire and stop trying to destroy the PLP????? WHY????

    The Answer is SIMPLE, because he is a SNITCH! PLAIN AND SIMPLE, and yall gat him right up in yall meeting and talking about WIN in 2012? YOU ALL will BROKE “VINN” FIRST!

    If that party had a REAL LEADER, more political bloodshed would have been in there from MAY 2nd 2007. Obie would have been AXED OUT THERE LONG TIME, from the first time he snitch to the ‘TOILET PAPER’, not second time snitching, or third, forth or fifth time!

    So much for a ‘PUSSY CAT’ leader ECH?


  48. I listened to Obie yesterday on Jeff’s afternoon show… That’s where I heard him made those comments…

    I think that Obie wants PC to retire so that he can run for the leadership of the party… The persons in the party who are interested in being its leader are always making a comment that sounds good but I think that it is just stupid!! They say, “I will never run against PC for the leadership of the party for as long as he is leader”.. I just can’t understand why anyone would make a statement like that if they think that they can be a better leader or maybe that’s just it, they don’t think that they can be a better leader!!

    They keep saying that over and over which is making it hard for them to challenge PC as long as he is leader if they don’t want that statement to be used against them!!!

    Why doesn’t Obie be a man and just tell PC that he should retire and stop trying to destroy the PLP????? WHY????

  49. media :Hanna-Martin Refutes Punch LiesPublished: Thursday January 15th, 2009
    This statement is released to refute the false report in today’s Punch that I have been in discussions with the F.N.M. to leave the Progressive Liberal Party of which I am currently National Chairman to join forces with that political organization.
    This is a total lie.
    I am ideologically opposed to the tenets of the Free National Movement. I am a member of the Progressive Liberal Party because I am committed to its philosophy which mandates the progressive advancement of our people.I will continue to advocate for my people and my country without fear or favour and will use my best efforts to build and strengthen the Party not to weaken or debilitate it.
    I invite our people to bear this in mind whenever these baseless, mischievous assertions are made.
    PLP Chairman

    What she say, she trying to build and strenthen? That is a total lie. She has done so much to divide. In fact she should take some responsibility for people leaving. Too spiteful and can’t take any criticism at all.

  50. Hanna-Martin Refutes Punch Lies
    Published: Thursday January 15th, 2009

    This statement is released to refute the false report in today’s Punch that I have been in discussions with the F.N.M. to leave the Progressive Liberal Party of which I am currently National Chairman to join forces with that political organization.

    This is a total lie.

    I am ideologically opposed to the tenets of the Free National Movement. I am a member of the Progressive Liberal Party because I am committed to its philosophy which mandates the progressive advancement of our people.
    I will continue to advocate for my people and my country without fear or favour and will use my best efforts to build and strengthen the Party not to weaken or debilitate it.

    I invite our people to bear this in mind whenever these baseless, mischievous assertions are made.

    PLP Chairman

  51. @rudy
    Everything in time Rudy, let’s see if he will have the BALLS to challange us first. And well silence gives consent hey? This is NOT the first time Bahamas Press has made reference to this ownership of Y98.7FM. BUT WHAT A SNITCH, WHAT A SNITCH, the same “DEAMON” who told PLP don’t read or talk to the ‘Toilet Paper’ is all in the front page chatting up a storm, HITTING BACK AT HIS PARTY and the same people he wants to lead?

    Remember when Kenyatta left? OBIE went to the Tribune and said how the PLP has problems. You remember when PLP MPs were attacking the paper, yes, Obie came to their defense, saying they were doing their job as media persons. And who remembers when the pressure of the leadership came into question, yes the snitch again called the Tribune and said, THE SNITCH will make a good leader, and so they endorsed him.

    The PLP needs to be GUTTED!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  52. Have you forwarded a copy of this Agreement to Hubert? I hear he getting ready to take Shane out well all and sundry should go to. I think it is your obligation to really and truly expose this.

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