plp-5911.JPGBahamas Press has heard some disturbing news now coming out of Grand Bahama this morning, and if it is true, then clearly the PLP will be followed by the words SCANDAL, SHAME AND DISGRAGE whenever the next election is called. Even if the party recovers from this generational stain, the year 2017 will be the next possible date for their return to serve the people.

We’ve tried for months now to WARN MEMEBERS OF THE PLP through this blog of the serious abilities of the FNM’s attack machine. It’s a media machine, which took 25 years to build and it is getting stronger by the day. BUT they paid us NO ATTENTION! We’ve warned them of the practices of the “Donkey GONE SNITCH” Obie Wilchombe, who love to carry news to his ‘TOILET PAPER” publisher Eileen Carron, but again PLPs would not listen. We’ve warned them to rid themselves of their TIRED, WEAK leader ‘PUSSY CAT’ Christie, but like a wild woman who reject RIGHTEOUS WORDS, they’ve paid us no attention. But today, the world is seeing what we’ve been preaching for more than a year.

Let’s examine this PLP. What will that party now do, if one or two members of their leadership face criminal proceedings before the courts of The Bahamas? Should the party allow this implosion to begin a makeover of the country’s grand old party? Indeed we hope so.

The time is has come for radical PLP to take charge of their party and stop leaving the decision making to a half dead ‘PUSSY CAT’. The time has come for the party to louden the voices of younger active radicals, whilst the older members mellow in the sunset. The time has come once again for the party to throw persons like OBIE (THE DONKEY GONE SNITCH) under the bus and begin with a clean shaved face to the people.

The time has come to swell support on the floor of the country, in pockets throughout communities the message of CHANGE around the Bahamas. Anyone looking at Christie last Friday night at the school in Kennedy can see like day, that there is a gathering of the clouds for him. The man is in his sunset, he has lost steam, he is off message and his condolatory words to the people of Kennedy – some who were half sleep at that meeting – proves our point. Christie has lost it! He ignites NO FLAMES nor does he excite anyone anymore. Someone can announce that he is speaking at a rally today, and PLPs start sucking their teeth.

This is a time for a passing of the torch to a young more vibrant group. It’s time for Christie to do the same thing which Henry Milton Taylor and others did to Pindling, and what Pindling and others did to him, begin passing the torch of leadership over to a voice of CHANGE! To a fresh new face, someone who would ignite HOPE once again around this country! The time has come for PLPs to begin rebuilding its now ruptured party, for it will take a long while to heal from this. IT IS A MATTER OF TRUST! AND THEREFORE IT IS DIFFICUT, VERY DIFFICULT TO SEE THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY ELECTING A PLP GOVERNMENT IN ITS CURRENT STATE.

THIS IS ALSO A TIME FOR ALL BAHAMIANS to show that world that we who live in The Bahamas do have standards and abide by the rule of law.



  1. Tristan, forgive me if you think I am speculating, all I know is something nasty went down and it don’t only affect the people involved, it affects all of us as a nation. So I don’t think I am wrong for wanting to see justice prevail. It just hurtful to see the way some people allow their political persuasion to cloud their judgment and they would make excuse for anybody once that person is a member of their party. Well I don’t think like that, I feel like if you did the crime, you should serve the time. I really hope Marvin Dames get an A+ on this examination and the predators get what they deserve. I am sick and tired of these greedy people embarrassing us. Yall know just how Nancy Grace like to dramatize, anybody who don’t know Bahamians watching her show last night would think we are people with low morals.

  2. Kim I wouldnt be too quick to say that. I think we should all let this play out. The truth wont come out until the trial begins. I think we should stop trying to figure out what happened and who is involved until the case has started and evidence is revealed. I just hope Marvin wont get an F on his first Exam.

  3. Dames is definitely the man for the job and he is in the right place at the right time to deal with this situation. This is what we need someone who is interested in getting to the bottom of this investigation. I am confident he wont stop until he leaves every stone unturned. Bahamian people have to learn that not everything is politics, it is all about what is right and what is wrong. We must show the world that we are not a bunch of corrupt and immoral people, we are people of integrity. I hope our law enforcement officers’ deal with this case in a swift manner and all the culprits will be prosecuted. Amen.

  4. Dames is a good officer but I want you all to consider this. We now have to equally qualified men vying for the position of Commissioner after Ferguson retires. A very ambitious man may consider that whatever he can do to please “Daddy Ingraham” will give him an advantage over the competition, especially when it comes to dealing a blow to the PLP.

  5. Yes WOW, It is very unusual for the cause of death to be listed as “seizure”. I think The Insurance company is also doing they investigate with this aspect as well.
    And Yes, when since has our police force become so talkative during an ongoing investigation? Normally the press would be directed to the Force Liaison Officer, but not this time, Dames all over the TV. I think it is also some good PR for Dames to let everyone know “I AM NOW IN CHARGE.” Nothing wrong with that, Dames is a good officer.

  6. I really hope that Lightbourne boy don’t get left holding the bag by himself. If I was him I would be singing like a canary. Obie done was already saying aint no politicians were involved. Anyway, time will reveal how this will all play out. They just was talking about this on the Today Show, it sound like they have a tape recording and they are referring to the persons involve as predators. This is just so embarrassing for the country right now.

  7. Boy that ambulance driver sure found himself in some hot water. If only he did is job the way he was supposed to. This is a prime example of how people medical information does end up in the street. Sometimes people who are HIV positive are the last to know, people on the street knows their results before them. Something must be done about the way medical information is handle in this country. It is them same people who have access to your person business talking. That is why people who have the money normally go away to the doctor. It is not that we believe our doctors are not capable, but just to avoid this same foolishness.

  8. Wisdom :
    Ms. Bridgewater and Obie?… Let us stop for a MOMENT and “THINK.”
    In my opinion the questions should be; WHY did the POLICE gave-up Mr. Travolta’s son’s body so quickly? Why was the dead son cremated so quickly? What am I missing? To extort the Travolta’s for $20 million, something must have gone down untoward, or “BONIE and CLYDE” is back. Are the police hiding information into the REAL reason the son’s death? Was it really a seizer or a murder took placed? I could be wrong but this is just a thought. (PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I think like this) Had anyone felt the same?

    You right on with this. It is very unusual for the cause of death to be listed as “seizure”. You can have “suffocation due to seizure”, or “blunt force trauma due to seizure”, but not just seizure. Since the American media is so interested in this story, I suggest they investigate this aspect as well.

    And when since has our police force become so talkative during a ongoing investigation? Normally the press would be directed to the Force Liason Officer, but not htis time, Dames all over the TV!

  9. Disgusted :Wisdom you are right on!! I have been saying the same thing since the news came out. What else is there to the story? I am afraid that Lightbourne is going to take the brunt of this blow and Plesant is going to get off Free. Word is that he looked to her for legal counsel once he was dissmissed from his job at the hospital, at which time he told her a few details about the boy’s death. I belive she saw him as her golden goose and took advantage of it.

    Yes, I agree with you. She must be the dumbest lawyer in the Bahamas. How can a lawyer assist their client in committing a crime. From what I have been hearing about her, she needs professional help. Plenty people have suffered at her hand. You know she was so interested in those $$$ that she was blinded by what is right and she aint get no guidance from her colleague Allyson. Boy what a team!!

  10. Omar, I havent heard from you in a while. If you would expell them from the party and the courts prove then innocent, what would you do? If others in your party who may be the cause of all of this, and they are there along with you, How would you feel? I dont think we should act on what people are saying until the matters are before the courts and the evidence reveal themselves. God warned us about Judging others so that we must not be Judged. Omar, I have heard many things about you but I will never Judge you according to what people say. You know I support you for your quest in Kennedy but we must all excersize common sense and really try to understand the truth that is going on here rather than being gullible to every story twist we hear. Futher more, what they are being accused of has nothing to do with the PLP Organization. If a Catholic Priest was caught having sex with little boys, does the people stop attending the church of their faith? Baptist Bishops are accused and charged of Rape, Baprtist is still one of the Largest Denominations here in the Bahamas. Anglicans have a gay Bishop in their Communion, That doesnt stop be from being an Anglican. Please people yes the PLP need CHANGE AND THAT CHANGE MUST HAPPEN NOW!! I hope Omar, that you are apart of that change…

  11. I would have simply expelled both of them from the party. However it’s not my call. I am so emabarrased. This is my lowest point since joining this party. The question is what’s next?

  12. Wisdom you are right on!! I have been saying the same thing since the news came out. What else is there to the story? I am afraid that Lightbourne is going to take the brunt of this blow and Plesant is going to get off Free. Word is that he looked to her for legal counsel once he was dissmissed from his job at the hospital, at which time he told her a few details about the boy’s death. I belive she saw him as her golden goose and took advantage of it.

  13. Liptor need to be Locked up too cuz he know something we dont know. Or is he the Newest member of Judges in The Magestrate Courts

  14. Maybe wisdom… Why did the ambulance pick up a dead body? Why didnt restview came and collect? Why made it seems as if persons tried to resesitate the boy knowing that he was dead for hours? Yes Lightbourne something is wrong but we must not deem these Celebrities holy than thou. Hopefully everything will be revealed sinse its to popular

  15. Ms. Bridgewater and Obie?… Let us stop for a MOMENT and “THINK.”
    In my opinion the questions should be; WHY did the POLICE gave-up Mr. Travolta’s son’s body so quickly? Why was the dead son cremated so quickly? What am I missing? To extort the Travolta’s for $20 million, something must have gone down untoward, or “BONIE and CLYDE” is back. Are the police hiding information into the REAL reason the son’s death? Was it really a seizer or a murder took placed? I could be wrong but this is just a thought. (PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I think like this) Had anyone felt the same?

  16. To rb75: You are quite correct in saying the Senator’s problems cannot be a direct reflection on Mr. Christie or the PLP. What I have noticed, though, is that it is mostly PLPs who continue to debate the issue and declare her to be unjustly villified by some elaberate scheme concocted by Mr. Ingraham and the FNM. We need to let justice unfold as it should. Leave the politics out of it. Mr. Christie needs to remind O.W.that he is not the spokesperson for his party and refrain from contacting the foreign press for interviews. He should also admonish F.M. that he is a member of the Opposition and not try to fool people into believing he is still part of the party in power by continually appearing at functions to which he is either self-invited or just shows up to for publicity sake.
    Lipitor: Your descriptions are unnecessarily graphic and I am sure there is a better way to express yourself!

  17. Media ,

    I do not see the reason behind this last post….If you where tieing the recent Bridgewater Scandal to the leadership of P.C… then media you are wrong to link those two together or the PLP for that matter I cannot see how any person with a brain can try linking the two ….Yes I agree with you media the PLP has to remake itself and retool itself and the way it is going about it right now is not the best way but for the love of God everything that one does in his/her personel life can’t fall at the feet of Perry and the PLP this has nothing to do with Perry or any other PLP officer and until the fact come out we just have to leave it at that for at this point all it is ,is just plain speculation so we should just leave it at that.

  18. JR :Liptor, see why I hate stupid Bahamians? The woman has not been convicted of anything but your dumb @#$#@ already saying she rob someone. Guilty until proven innocent, that is unless you’re an FNM. No wonder this country going to hell. I moving to Haiti man, at least there, I don’t have to pretend the government messed up. Here, its messed up but the stupid idiots who see what is happening and read the real news here still dumb enough to support it, especially when they are setting people up. Media, you need to copy that photo of the photos from the TMZ site to show these stupid people like Liptor who sent that to them and then explain why this is a set up. The dumb gal mussey thought TMZ would be like the Tribune and not publish her name. This is the real conspiracy.

    Ya See JR as I said in another forum you seem like one of those people who jacks off to yellow and blue and a crab symbol. Well, hello now is the time to find a woman or at least some decent porno. Nobody set her up except for her greed, why The Travoltas are FNM’s hey? Well apparently you like the PLP so much they can do no wrong, but hey you still shouldn’t jack off so prepare to give Obie some conjugal visits you moron

  19. Ya See JR as said in another forum you seem like one of those people who jacks off to yellow and blue and a crab symbol. Well, hello now is the time to find a woman or at least some decent porno. Nobody set her up except for her greed, why The Travoltas are FNM’s hey? Well apparently you like the PLP so much they can do no wrong, but hey you still shouldn’t jack off so prepare to give Obie some conjugal visits you moron.

  20. Mr. Christie is not the problem here. The FNM’s agender is to have their own way and they are doing it at any course. They (the FNM) are what the Bible spoke of, A GENERATION OF VIPERS.


  21. I was at Our Lucaya this weekend and it was relatively empty, the Sheridan was shut down, most restaurants in the hotel were closed. Having said that, it is a nice place

  22. More terrible news out of Grand Bahama…

    Layoffs At Our Lucaya
    By Sasha L. Lightbourne

    More than 100 hotel industry workers joined the unemployment line Friday following a mass layoff exercise at the Our Lucaya Resort on Grand Bahama, according to Bahamas Hotel Catering and Allied Workers Union Second Vice President Lionel Morley.

    The laid off workers were called in to a meeting with management Friday where they were given termination letters and letters of reference, and told that they would be given their severance cheques as soon as they return their badges and all other resort property, Mr. Morley said in a telephone interview with the Bahama Journal.

    The union official also took president Roy Colebrooke to task for allegedly giving the workers only one day’s notice that they would be laid off.

    “President Colebrooke only came on the radio after he heard news that we were in a local newspaper here in Freeport,” Mr. Morley said.

    “He had notice of these terminations four to six weeks ago and remained silent… That is an outright disgrace and a shame that President Colebrooke does not try to protect the moral sanctity and integrity of the organisation which he heads.”

    According to Mr. Morley, a dark cloud now hangs over the hotel union.

    “At this time all the president seems to be is an altar boy because everything management says he agrees to,” he claimed.

    “That is a shame. In these hard economic times when the membership needs us the most and for us to come together, he is bringing in people from Nassau to work the day-to-day affairs, trying to impede the three elected officials in Freeport from doing their job.”

    Last week, however, Mr. Colebrooke stated that layoffs at Our Lucaya were inevitable given the way things have been going at the resort.

    He also maintained at the time that the hotel union does everything possible in the best interest of union members.

    Dismissing Mr. Colebrooke’s assurance, the second vice president claimed that Mr. Colebrooke’s actions are motivated by personal and political gain.

    “I say to Colebrooke, today for those workers tomorrow for him,” Mr. Morley said.

    “We cannot allow for this kind of thing to happen to our membership.”

    According to Mr. Morley, steps would have to be taken to ensure that the rights of the dismissed workers are protected.

    Up to Friday, the workers were not yet aware of the compensation they would receive, he said.

    “I know that they would have been entitled, according to the industrial agreement, to two weeks for every year that they were (with the company),” he said.

    “Due to the fact that they have now gotten no notice they are supposed to be paid in lieu of notice. I hope that this takes place and I will be on top of it and I will keep the membership and the media informed because this isn’t any time to play with people’s livelihood.”

    Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham commented also Sunday on the impact of the layoffs at the Grand Bahama resort.

    “I am told that Our Lucaya is going to lay off between 181-186 persons because they do not have the business to continue to sustain operations,” he said. “We regret that but that’s a reality.”

    “You might read the travel section of the New York Times [Sunday] and see that the Caribbean is on sale this tourist season. Rates are cut way down just to maintain rooms because people travel when they feel comfortable and safe with their employment and when they have money.”

    The prime minister told reporters that at the moment, most Americans do not feel comfortable and safe.

    “In fact, the latest statistics I have from a report was that one out of every five Americans does not feel safe in employment, they feel threatened in some way or form and consumer confidence therefore is at an all time low in America,” he said. “We get up to 85 percent of visitors from the United States and as a consequence of that we’ve been impacted.”

    “Now our nearness to America has been a good thing for us in that our hotel properties, for instance, Paradise Island, would still have or expect to have occupancy levels in the 60 percent range this month.”

    He said that has to be compared to the 80 percent the Bahamas received in past years.

    “We are not doing as badly as some other places but no where near as what we did in the past,” Prime Minister Ingraham said. “But as I continue to say when things are good in the world economy and in America, the Bahamas benefits and we enjoy it and when things are bad, then we have to pay the price.”

  23. Liptor, see why I hate stupid Bahamians? The woman has not been convicted of anything but your dumb @#$#@ already saying she rob someone. Guilty until proven innocent, that is unless you’re an FNM. No wonder this country going to hell. I moving to Haiti man, at least there, I don’t have to pretend the government messed up. Here, its messed up but the stupid idiots who see what is happening and read the real news here still dumb enough to support it, especially when they are setting people up. Media, you need to copy that photo of the photos from the TMZ site to show these stupid people like Liptor who sent that to them and then explain why this is a set up. The dumb gal mussey thought TMZ would be like the Tribune and not publish her name. This is the real conspiracy.

  24. Now she needs prayers eh. She didn’t need God when she was tryin to shake the man down for his money. I pray justice is served and is completly blind.

  25. The Leader need to fire those who are apart of this. I also heard some disturbing news and if it is true, Mr. Christie should fire them and once that is completed, he then should turn in his own resignation. atleast he would have the dignity to leave with some honour after he clean house under his leadership. Thats all I will say for now.
    However, from my understanding, Ms. Bridgewater will be vindicated but I do hope that she brings everything to a head and those who are Criminals in parliament whether its PLP or FNM, that they should be convicted. I also ask for the Bahamian people to pray for her that God will give her the strength and courage.

  26. Media you are right. the plp needs radical changes and persons like say all in parliament should not run again. serioulsy though the old ones should go… only picewell, frank and melanie should stay. but the gigger problem is that they need a true leader that is a break from the past and he/she is not in the house or the senate. where are the true voices? the fnm will be returned and that is bad. i nominate Andre Rollins and Paul Moss. these 2 young men are serious and will excite the bahamas.

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