Bernard Evans Responds to the Tabloids



“Contrary to rumors being circulated in a front page news story recently published in The Punch, I, Bernard Evans, President of the BCPOU, have no interest in being a political candidate nor have I been offered any candidacy for any party.”


  1. Our country is still strong and will be stronger in the future. Our national pride and strength should be in its people, not a 51% of a phone company that has been manipulated and mismanaged by every government over the last 40 years. This mica he/she sure is consistent with their message though…Lol.

    • @ Grouper Mouth:

      Clearly, you and Ms Mica share one brain, but I will now address your vacuous comments, since you are the last one have “opened mouth and inserted foot!”

      Whatever do you mean by the statement: “Our country is still strong and will be stronger in the future…?” Are you unconscious, hearing or sight impaired or all of the above?

      The Bahamas is more than $4 Billion dollars in debt! With no immediate plans for revitalizing our ailing economy being implemented nor even discussed in Parliament.

      The pride and dignity of the Bahamian people have been assaulted by this government’s unsanctioned implementation of a Foreignization policy, designed to undermine the long established Bahamianization policy.

      But guess what, Grouper? We will not be pushed any further, nor will any further insults be tolerated. The Bahamian people will declare with one voice: “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  2. @Mica :Be careful of an old saying “What sweet ya mouth, may bitter ya behind. I hope your iphone and blackberry gives you a sense of belonging, when ya country gone.

  3. i salute you Bernard..I think you are doing a fine job….I just wish you were in office much longer and had ample time to adequately address this horrible issue that is facing us.. To the stupid.. ppl who are only looking to save a few dollars..and to get cheap minutes shame on you…
    We the ppl. need to retain ownership of BTC.. and Bahamian-ize it….Keep 51%..of the shares always..
    You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out y..

    • @Carie:
      This post by the BCPOU President so disturbed the “proposed” thieves, that they attempted to hijack the BP site last evening so that many would miss this important news item. The Truth is detrimental to their LIE!

      The Bahamian people will need to stand and fight this spiritual battle for themselves. Whichever way it goes, the BCPOU members will be compensated through their presently generous pension plan. But why should we stand idly by and watch hundreds more join the welfare lines at the Dept. of Social Services, just to accomodate the personal wealth of Hubert “Dictator” Ingraham and his Cronies?

      Thanks to Bernard Evans and his leadership team, the Bahamian people are now fully aware and will mount an offensive unlike ever seen before in this nation. Jerico’s Walls will fall!

    • Cuz you have scammed so many people, tryin to make it seem like u care. It’s absolutely genius how you manipulate the simple folk

    • @Mica:

      You sound like a Jungalist who needs more minutes to hook up your booty-call! But those of us who know the history of our Middle Passage experience, the structured poverty we have endured these many decades and who are interested in greater business opportunities for marginalized Bahamians, look forward to the day when fellow Bahamians are Telico Owners, offering reduced cell rates to international customers.

      If this paradigm shift requires that FNM MP’s who disagree with this “proposed” sale of BTC to “Careless & Wutless” (CWC) cross the floor of the House of Assembly, thus preventing Hubert “The Dictator” Ingraham from achieving the majority vote, then those noble representatives of the people will have uncontested-safe-seats in the new Parliament, once General Elections are called.

      I am praying for just such a smooth transition of power, although I’m aware that our physical presence will be required at least once more in Rawson Square to MAKE IT SO!

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