Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador MP Brave Davis Tells of Ingraham Shameful Behavior in the Parliament

Philip 'Brave' Davis Deputy Leader of the PLP

Last night as the Hon. Loretta Butler-Turner and I rose to make our contributions to the debate on the Mid-Term budget the Prime Minister rudely, abruptly and prematurely ended the debate.  He denied a voice in the parliament to the people of Cat Island , Rum Cay, and San Salvador and the people of Montagu who in majority supported his party in 2007.  The Speaker of the House of Assembly, the Hon. Alvin Smith who is responsible for ensuring fairness and balance in the House of Assembly failed to judiciously intervene on behalf of the thousands of Bahamians whose voices were silenced by the bullying of the Prime Minister.

I remind the Prime Minister that just as he was elected to be the voice in Parliament of the people of the North Abaco constituency so was the Hon. Loretta Butler-Turner and I elected to represent the people of Montagu and Cat Island , Rum Cay and San Salvador respectively.   We are all equal in the House of Assembly. You are not the House of Assembly.  You are not the Commonwealth of The Bahamas !

The Prime Minister and the Speaker owe the people of Montagu and Cat Island , Rum Cay and San Salvador an apology. They both showed no regard or respect for them as citizens of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas .

I thank my colleagues who walked out of Parliament in defense of Loretta Butler-Turner and I, and our constituents and against another shameful display of dictatorial arrogance by the Prime Minister.

PLP Abandons Bahamians AGAIN from FNM Restoring Your Trust on Vimeo.


  1. silent partner, alvin smith is never so bad as ali butler. now, he was the worse that country will ever see. albeit, alvin smith is not far behind. and, something please tell ms. butler-turner to SHUT UP. she is only a distraction when i’m trying to listern to the other people make contribution. the loudest bell sometimes need to tone down. i’m tied of hearing her LOUD mouth.

  2. @ Silent Partner:

    Guess you did not hear Ingraham’s closing comments in the House of Assembly yesterday, eh? He said that he was never easily intimidated, NOT in his private life and certainly NEVER as THE GOVERNMENT OF THE BAHAMAS!

    Well blow me down! Was he delusional, mildly intoxicated or riotiously drunk?

    When did Hubert Alexander Ingraham become THE GOVERNMENT of The Bahamas?

    I hope that while he checked into that medical fascility today, the attending physcians would have summoned a Psychiatrist, as well!

  3. … Forget about HAI and his ever increasing paranoic behaviour.But Alvin Smit will most assuredly go down in the entire history of the Parliament of The Bahamas as the worse speaker, ever! What is he afraid off? He has already been told that he will not run again in North Eleuthera. He is assured of his pension as a MP/Speaker. Why is he so ballless, gutless and plain coward! The house of Assembly is not Ingraham’s to dictate to. Each and every member has rights which should be protected by the Speaker. Let’s hope this entire nighmare is soon past and over for the good of the institutions of our country.

  4. it is truly a sad day in this country when the educated among us suport thes members of parliment who ack in such a manner as this when there is no democracy in in the parliment of the bahamas.and we wonder why this country in going to hell in a hand basket.god save us all

    • Well said Andre!

      I too, was extremely disappointed to see another display of Ingraham’s arrogance and ignorance, as it prevented me from hearing if the Deputy Leader of the Progressive Liberal Party would be making a definitive statement RE: The “Proposed” Sale of BTC to “Careless & Wutless” (CWC).

      I was poised and waiting to hear Mr. Philip “Brave” Davis say words simlar to these:

      “We will do everything within the limits of the Law, along with the Bahamian people, to prevent this sale!”

      “Should our efforts fail, then it becomes our solemn obligation to rescind this sale to (CWC) whenever we become the government.”

      Such an utterence from the former legal representative of a foreign entity which had also sought to purchase BTC during the previous administration would have allayed any misgivings I had about his ability to hear the cry of the Bahamian people.

      Alas, Mr Davis was interrupted and we will have to wait until March 21, 2011, when the HOA re-convenes, where he may then be allowed to address the issue of BTC or address the crowd of Bahamians outside on Bay Street.

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