allyson-copy-1Massau, Bahamas: We at Bahama Press offer no credit to The Queen of the Wutless Media for her headline story on Wednesday concerning a PLP faction wanting Maynard-Gibson gone. For here again, this would only be some scatter brain PLP(s) using the same Wutless media outlet to destroy their own party members, which is the agenda of ‘Toilet Paper’ Tribune in any case. In fact, if PLP Snitch, Obie Wilchcombe, wasn’t so busy crying, hence, wetting up his KY Jelly tube, Bahama Press would accuse him of giving the Wutless Tribune the story that appeared implicating Madame Senator Maynard-Gibson. And who knows? Isn’t PLP Snitch Wilchcombe muti-tasking? Hence isn’t it possible that he could cry, wet up his KY Jelly tube and still give that story to the Wutless Tribune all at the same time?

However, Bahama Press was hearing from Saturday (January 24th), that PLP’s in Grand Bahama were blaming Madame Senator Allyson Maynard-Gibson for the sad plight of her colleague, Pleasant Bridgewater, simply because those scatter brain PLP’s believe that Madame Senator Maynard-Gibson should have done something or more to dissuade Bridgewater from taking the course she is accused of taking. Bahama Press can only assume that some PLP’s would want the madame senator to stop an oncoming train next!

Bahama Press cannot say what Bridgewater, or anyone, else has done in this sad affair. But what we can say is that the cannibals are obviously hungry, because once again PLP’s are trying to eat alive one of its own. Bahama Press holds no brief for Maynard-Gibson, or any Maynard or Gibson, because individuals have different experiences. Some may say harsh things about an individual while some may say great things about that same individual. It is always about individual experience and how human beings assess those experiences.

But here is the point that Bahama Press speaks rationally about; ‘if’ Madame Senator Maynard-Gibson played any role in this affair coming to light, it should be recognized that she is and has been, for a long time, a lawyer for The Travolta family. And in that regard, ‘if’ she played any role in this affair, rational minded people would hope that she would protect her client—just as any PLP who may hire her would want to happen!

But then again, if you are a cannibal, when you are hungry, you crave human flesh. But why is it that PLP cannibals always seek the flesh that is close at hand?

Bahama Press reserves the rational right to see how it all plays out before coming to any conclusion. But one thing that we can already conclude is how correct the foreign media, press and television, is about the character of PLP Snitch Obie Wilchcombe. They have him assessed perfectly—even though they cannot even pronounce his name correctly! Simply Amazing!!!


  1. I hope his lawyers and family have purchased the vaseline cause these politicians are soooo not taking the heat on this one. Obie already cry his way out of this and Pleasant already wore her white dress of “purity” and “surrender”. The poor ambulance driver was mumbling to himself as he was handcuffed and dragged before the courts. I feel he will be the one who ends up holding the bag on this one. Grapevine you predict right.

  2. At the end of the day Drama, and when all the dust settles; its the man on the end of the pole that gets screwed sans the vaseline. The less educated and the one without the fancy lawyers. Unfortunately I have already predicted this case.

  3. Ahhhh just one quick question….did someone die and leave Joe Blow “attorney in charge of defence”….just thought I would ask.

    I almost willing to bet my savings that the ambulance driver will be the one to “take one for the team”.

  4. Being a spokesperson for a Party does not give you license to say just what you wish. You are told, by the powers that be, just what the Party line will be on any issue. It is then your job to spin that line in a way that is most favourable to the Party. Ms. Hanna is not to be blamed, in this case. Her “No comment” comes from the “power brokers”. It matters not that she is female.

  5. Yep, she is going to be just like Christie, a one term chairman. That party needs a good cleasning.

  6. RJ :

    JR :I thought the Devil Master was Eileen. LOL. Man Kim, I’m with you. I heard some PLPs on Freeport running on bout Allyson dis and Allyson dat and its like those people will run to blame anyone except themselves when things go wrong. What do they want Ally to do? Cover up and help the ambulance man? Next thing you know, two PLP Senators marching on Bank Lane. BP, you know me, I am PLP through and through but this cannibalism is really getting on my nerves man. Can you tell me why the PLP Chairman has been invisible in all of this? And don’t think I forget you and me and a few thousand of our good friends have a date at noon. Drama, I hope you didn’t drink all the Kalik because all I have is Sands.
    LOL! The wutless chairman. I see her grinning on the TV saying she aint got nothing to say but she might be saying something later! That woman is so dumb, I guess she waiting for Obie to draft it! They should have picked her up too!


    They have to pick her up for being stupid. I really think we need a new chairman now man because the things this gal has done in the year she has been there have been absolutely stupid and divisive. They need a spokesman and she is that person but her dumb ass getting by by saying “no comment.” How dumb can you be? Thats why you have people like Paul Moss and them running all over the place saying what they want to say because the PLP Chairman has been ineffective. They need to give her a vote of no confidence and put that young guy Dorsett in charge and if he doesn’t cut it, kick his tail out too. BP, I know you gat it in for Perry but sometimes, its this gal and Obie who makes the PLP look like a bunch of idiots and losers. Everytime you criticize the PLP for not saying anything, its her to blame because she is the spokesman, not perry.

  7. BP, I was wondering myself why people were getting angry with Allyson.. I just want to know the truth and if the truth sends Pleasant to jail then so be it!!

    One cannot blame Allyson for giving evidence against Pleasant if Pleasant has done something wrong!! If I knew or were to see Allyson today I would tell her to just speak the TRUTH and who gets run over, just gets run over!!

    SPEAK THE TRUTH and don’t LIE for anyone it will come back to haunt you!!!

  8. Now BP I know Allyson is your girl, but you know there was a lot of controversy when she was Minister of Financial Services and her directing so much work to her law firm. In fact that is why she was eventaully removed because of the number of complaints of conflict of interest. I wonder if the Travoltas were one of those many referrals?

  9. This whole state of affairs is horrible considering the principle players. It just goes to show no matter how much education you have, you can still be stupid..and no matter how much money you have you can still want/need more.
    The ambulance driver might have been a good man, who did many good deeds. He needs a ‘rock star’ lawyer right now.
    I continue to watch this one on the sidelines.

  10. JR :I thought the Devil Master was Eileen. LOL. Man Kim, I’m with you. I heard some PLPs on Freeport running on bout Allyson dis and Allyson dat and its like those people will run to blame anyone except themselves when things go wrong. What do they want Ally to do? Cover up and help the ambulance man? Next thing you know, two PLP Senators marching on Bank Lane. BP, you know me, I am PLP through and through but this cannibalism is really getting on my nerves man. Can you tell me why the PLP Chairman has been invisible in all of this? And don’t think I forget you and me and a few thousand of our good friends have a date at noon. Drama, I hope you didn’t drink all the Kalik because all I have is Sands.
    LOL! The wutless chairman. I see her grinning on the TV saying she aint got nothing to say but she might be saying something later! That woman is so dumb, I guess she waiting for Obie to draft it! They should have picked her up too!

  11. I thought the Devil Master was Eileen. LOL. Man Kim, I’m with you. I heard some PLPs on Freeport running on bout Allyson dis and Allyson dat and its like those people will run to blame anyone except themselves when things go wrong. What do they want Ally to do? Cover up and help the ambulance man? Next thing you know, two PLP Senators marching on Bank Lane. BP, you know me, I am PLP through and through but this cannibalism is really getting on my nerves man. Can you tell me why the PLP Chairman has been invisible in all of this? And don’t think I forget you and me and a few thousand of our good friends have a date at noon. Drama, I hope you didn’t drink all the Kalik because all I have is Sands.

  12. Kim the media is biased because the media houses are either owned by or in the back pocket of the Devil Master, Manny Alexiou.

  13. The media need to stop being bias and interview some of the friends and colleagues of that Ambulance Driver. I am sure he must have done some good in this country, after all the career he have chosen is one that helps people, I can only imagine the amount of countless lives he have saved or all the injured people he have helped.

  14. People need to stop blaming everybody else except the perpetrators. The blame should be placed on the shoulders of the criminals who concocted this dumb extortion scheme that landed them in this hot mess. Until Bahamians learn where to point their finger, this country will never be any better. Our politicians have us for jokes, they know when they do their foolishness they would have some people making excuses for their shameful behaviour and they would find a way to wiggle themselves right out of it. The reason why people of prestige have always managed to get away with murder in this country, it is because we allow it. You notice nobody is talking on behave of the ambulance driver. They done interview all of Pleasent friends and colleague all them had their chance to say what a beautiful, qualify and a woman of integrity she is. The ambulance driver doesn’t have any friends or colleagues that can speak on his behave aye? Did he even finish High School? What are his qualifications? To tell you the truth nobody really cares what his situation is because as far as we are concerned he just a plain old ordinary ambulance driver. Anyway, if Allyson Maynard Gibson did not warn Pleasent about the set up, that’s good. Pleasent is a grown, educated and a woman of integrity, so far as I am concerned Allyson had nothing to warn her about.

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