Bartlett Hill Primary School Closed Following BP’s Shocking Story

Minister of Education Desmond Bannister at Bartlett Hill Primary School meeting with teachers in regard to the problem with rats and other concerns at the school. The school is now closed until Monday while the building is being exterminated for rats and other crawling pest.

Jones Town, GB — The Action Minister of Education, Desmond Bannister hauled his *** to Bartlett Hill Primary School yesterday following BP’s explosive story on the infestation of rats and rodents, which have overtaken the school.

Now get this, BP had this story for more than one week and we sat on it waiting to see which media house will carry it. Children and teachers were falling sick following what is believed to be dangerous insanities at the primary facility due to rat and insect infestation and not a paper carried it.

Rats holding class at Bartlett Hill Primary.

We dropped our bombshell Tuesday and by midday Wednesday morning the leadership in Education was on the ground. Now it isn’t fair ya know! BP just reach; the newest media kid on the block and all them old dinos and toilet paper trash are still peeping through ‘Kiki’ Knowles Building window near the PLP headquarters taking pictures and sending it to the WUTLESS MEDIA. Meanwhile the  children at Bartlett Primary were becoming infected with rat transmitting illnesses. THEY HAVE NO DAMN SHAME! THEY ARE WUTLESS!

Rats can cause severe cases of Eosinophilic Meningitis, Leptospirosis, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Rat-bite fever (RBF),  Murine Typhus or Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.

BP commends the minister to his quick action to investigate the travesty left behind by the wutless former Bozo Clown Minister, who Papa fired from the Cabinet!


  1. lets be real, the RATS came from the city market store in the Plaza last week when they had the pest people in there. THE WHOLE OF EMR IS INFESTED with BIGGGG RATS. There is nothing political there, there is PLP RATS and FNM RATS and some iNDEPENDENT RATS OK. when the past stoms hit GB. over 2 million rats died leaving about 3 million ok. so get a life and stop making it sound like the MOE cause there to be plenty rats at the school. I LOVE THE ROCK MAN.

    • FACT IS BP Told the story and now the school is close. We don’t give a damn where they come from; even if it was from the FNM headquaters in EIGHT MILE ROCK!

  2. BP,
    There is a deep revelation in this post, and it reminds me of the story of the Pied Piper.

    There is a clear moral to the story: ‘The Importance of Keeping Promises’.
    The Minister of Education, Desmond Bannister ‘promised’ to do better than Mr. Carl Bethel. The consequence of breaking a promise is also illustrated in the Pied Piper’s response to the townsfolk refusing to pay the agreed fee for freeing the town of its rat plague. He charms the children away in the same way that he charms the rats away from the town. This is both an ironic and serious consequence.

  3. Well did you listen to chrissy love this morning? She said “Why is her GOOD Minister in Freeport killing Rats wasting his time” She said “they gat plenty rats in nassau he can kill he must hurry come back nassau wasting time buy the school killing RATS. LOL she gats to stop, Thats the minister’s duty to make sure each and every school problems are solved.

  4. when our elected officials and teachers don’t send their children to public schools why do the general public think that things will change in the piblic school will never see a person working for ford motor company and driving a chevy to work every point is if people who are suppose to be fixing the system or adding value to the system don’t belive in the system how and when will the education system be better.

  5. Madam Grant must be proud! Now I see why the Government doesn’t want news broadcasted from the ‘second city’, and they say, “no news, is good news”, ha! It’s still the Bahamas, we will find out. Those poor parents (who are possibly employed)now have to find day sitters, whom they have to pay, because the M.O.E & M.P gotbetter things to do. Tragic!

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