A Seventy-nine year-old woman shot in leg


Nassau, Bahamas — If you thought the carnage, violence and death against women had finished, then check this story out.

BP can confirm a 79 year-old resident of the Eastern Road was shot in the crossfire of gunshots while driving in the Cordeaux Ave. area yesterday. In an account to police the women said she was driving in the area when she came upon gunfire in the area around 11PM.

A bullet pierced her car door hitting her in the leg.

Everywhere in this country you go, you hear of the violence against women. When it isn’t an MP beating his girlfriend it is someone gunning down women in the streets leaving them bloody in the road to die like an animal. BOY, we need change!


Sometime around 6:30 am on Friday 01st April, 2011 officers of the Western Division executed a search warrant on a residence at Curtis Road, Gambier Village.  Officers searched and recovered from the ceiling of the home a handgun with ammunition.  Four (4) people, two (2) males ages 22 and 18 years and two (2) females ages, 41 and 31 years were taken into custody.

A third male namely Aaron Emmanuel Dean age 28 years was able to evade police during the search. Police are actively seeking this suspect in reference to firearm possession and housebreaking.


Officers of the Central Detective Unit are continuing their investigations into the country’s most recent homicide. 

Two (2) males ages 37 and 18 years of New Providence are presently in police custody assisting with the investigations.  The men were arrested sometime around 7:00 pm on Wednesday 30th 2011 while in the Bacardi Road area. Charges are expected to be brought against the two. Police investigations continue.


Sometime around 11:14 am on Friday 01st April, 2011 officers of the Central Intelligence Bureau were on routine patrol on William Street off Alexandria Boulevard when they observed the driver of a black Honda Accord L/P 238211 acting suspiciously.  Officers conducted a search of the vehicle and recovered a handgun with ammunition.  The driver, a 35 year old male of Elizabeth Estates was taken into custody.  Police investigations continue. 


Sometime around 2:11 pm on Friday 01st April, 2011 police received information of a house-breaking in progress at Yamacraw Beach Hill Road.  Police responded and information received is that a female on arrival to her home was approached by two males coming out of her residence. It is reported that the suspects on seeing the female snatched her handbag and fled. Officers acting on information proceeded to Mangrove Avenue and Exuma Avenue, Yamacraw Beach Estates where they observed two (2) males fitting the description. Police were able to apprehend one of the suspects, a 28 year old male, while the other fled.  Officers gave chase of the second suspect, who produced a handgun and fired at the police.  The police returned fire; however the suspect was able to make good his escape.  Police were able to recover a quantity of jewelry from the suspect.  Police investigations continue.


  1. I am just happy this stray way bullet didn’t hit this elderly woman in her head. I hope the wound doesn’t take long to heal. You know when you get to be that age things to heal as quick as it use to. If I was the Minister of National Security, I would of gone to see how this elderly lady was doing or say something publicly about it, but knowing him I highly doubt he could picture himself doing something like that.

  2. Far too many guns on our streets. That good thing what papa doing, giving some people who qualify prescription cards where they could obtain free medicine. Maybe he should consider dishing out some free bullet proof vests and some other gadgets which you could use to protect yourselves, because it is very risky living in this country.

      • Hi Altec, I been in search of the light at the end of the tunnel and I believe I am now seeing a little flicker of light right about now with election looming in the air. Things got so hard in the country, I decided to take a backseat approach and see if I could ride this one out, but you soon see them coming out of the woodwork like worms and I plan to be ready for them. I still young and I have a very good memory. I know who was doing what and who was laughing when they ought to have been serious and that’s how I am prepared to deal with them accordingly, now it is only up to the Bahamian people not to get swing this time around and vote base on their conscience.

  3. Lord you said if you can find, just one righteous in the city you will save the whole city. so right now i am asking you to look upon my homeland and my people and help them. some are crying out to you. so for the ones who are crying out. save the city because of them. you said where two or three are gathered in your name, there you are in the midst. i am also standing in your presence for my homeland and people too. thank you father for what you are about to do. in Jesus name I’m asking. amen.

  4. This was not an act of vilence against women, It was a stray bullet the struck a car in which a person was hit who happened to be a woman. Sad. Yes. Is action required to stop all this. Yes. But, call it for what is.
    Guns are like cell phones in town.

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