Breaking News >>> Will More Workers Go Home at Atlantis???


ingraham-house_0632Bahamas Press has just learned that some members of the Ingraham Cabinet has just returned from meetings over at Atlantis this afternoon. Both Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and Dion Foulkes drove in the same vehicle as they returned to the House of Assembly today. What was the minister of labour doing driving in the car with the prime minister? Were they discussing more job losses? The Minister of Tourism Vincent Vanderpool Wallace was also present at the meetings at Atlantis and returned to his office in the motorcade. Bahamas Press is on to this developing story. (A file photo of Prime Minister in the House)


Bahamas Press knew we were on to something when we reported what we know already. How many more thousands will go from Atlantis? And why was the Prime Minister and his minister plotting at Atlantis today? Was the Prime Minister plotting again as to how we should get the BAD NEWS from the Resort? Will Atlantis now become the HUNTED HOUSE OF THE BAHAMAS? Too many question, but NO answers from Ingraham or Foulkes.

Well here below is the Thursday morning front page of the ‘TOILET PAPER’. They grabbed this story off Bahamas Press today and began digging into it. BUT GUESS WHAT, they really want to deflect the news, whilst Bahamas Press has the news already! Stay Tuned Bahamas, STAY TUNED!



  1. It’s clear, we’ve become the news leaders in the Bahamas! Members of the WUTLESS media are now reporting/responding to news posted on Bahamas Press.

    They would not give us a grain of credit, but article after article finds its way onto their pages and or newscasts. When they aren’t copying the story, they’re trying to report something opposite to what we said. All we say to them is this, give us our credit. Don’t be WUTLESS and VICKED at the same time, WUTLESS media!

    Oh and just in case we’ve forgot, we certain;y stop both the Tribune and Guardian from posting their web material up early. LOL! Let’s keep it that way, the internet news leader belongs to Bahamas Press!

    Bahamas Press/editor

  2. @Thomas Finley


    I agree with you 1000% when Vanderpool was appointed what most people did not realise was that it was under him as director general when in the latter half of the nineties our tourism product was taken a dive and when he left before 2002 the Bahamas had lost a lot of ground .

    As good as he was to be to our product there is nothing to this point to show me that his appointment has done anything to chnage our upgrade our product.

  3. WOW! :
    When VVW was appointed Minister of Tourism, even I called this move a stroke of genius. Now almost a year later, who can truly say that they are impressed with his performance? Has he lived up to any of your expectations? You would be surprised how much difference a simple move such as a live band downtown, even if only on the Cruise Ship days, would make. Throw in a native art display, some Kaliks, Sands, conch fritters, guava duff, etc. and a lot of our tourist would be less likely to complain that there is nothing to do.
    BP, I have another story suggestion for you. Since Marquis obviously doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to do it, why don’t you grade the current Cabinet. Should be interesting.

    I agree with you Wow! I remember back in the late 80s, early 90s that Bay Street used to be jumping with activity on Fridays due to Goombay Summer. That should have been improved upon with bands like you suggested, and turning bay into a permanent Promenade, lined with quality restaurants and various other forms of entertainment.

  4. Hubert Ingraham must be living in LA LA LAND! He claims as he rapped up debate on the Police Act that the Commissioner cannot be removed once the bill is passed. But suggested that he could be removed based on pass years practises.

    WHAT UTTER NONSENSE! If he cannot be removed after the bill is passed, he cannot be removed now, UNLESS as specified in the constitution of the Bahamas! But as we said Mugabe does what he pleases, EVEN BREAK THE LAWS OF THE LAND!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  5. Wow so SIB checking on BP?? So we living in a communist country, then? No form of freedom of speech? Serious times.

  6. BP, you sound like you scared! You think they will send the Gestapo after you hey? Be careful though, I hear Fergie and ISB cooking up something for you. The FNM own a big, big “dirty tricks” playbook. I know of a lady that made a request for a Customs investigation into a well know and connected (at the HIGHEST levels) businessman who was selling similar products as her at ridiculous prices. Without giving out to much details, it was virtually impossible to sell them at these levels due to their controlled cost in the U.S. . All of a sudden, B.E.C. knocking at her door fining her $10, 000.00 for “meter tampering” as well as a number of other “coincidences”. She told her problems to a friend who swiftly told her “You don’t know who that man is hey?”

  7. You know WOW we don’t get much credit for it, but I believe we do a DAILY assessment of the JOKERS AND ACES in this community EVERYDAY! But the style is John Marquis own, and we are not happy by TIEFIN styles of RACIEST!

    We leave that kind of thing to the man who paper reads Bahamas Press by the minute!


  8. When VVW was appointed Minister of Tourism, even I called this move a stroke of genius. Now almost a year later, who can truly say that they are impressed with his performance? Has he lived up to any of your expectations? You would be surprised how much difference a simple move such as a live band downtown, even if only on the Cruise Ship days, would make. Throw in a native art display, some Kaliks, Sands, conch fritters, guava duff, etc. and a lot of our tourist would be less likely to complain that there is nothing to do.

    BP, I have another story suggestion for you. Since Marquis obviously doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to do it, why don’t you grade the current Cabinet. Should be interesting.

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