Perry Christie Gags his members, from Liberal to a Communist Party?


n45167922304_1220414_4095This was the headline on one of the morning dailies. Christie through the media again was talking to members of his party, telling them all to SHUT UP! Whilst the leader of the PLP s simply trying to keep the rope on members of his party, Bahamas Press wonders why would the leader of the party want to convey such rules into the public domain?



  1. JR :Cool PC also needs to stop being nice with those same people around him who scheming to throw him to the curb, starting with his lousey chairwoman. I you never thought she was lousey, this last bit of scandal is proof. Lets see hey, Omar going nuts, Glenys just lousey and Colby need a personality. Yeah Elcott, you would have been much better after all. The proof is in the pudding and I saw you show that with Wendal Jones last week. BP, you need to put Wendal in his place now.

    I agree with you JR. Glenys is the worst chairman they have had. Such a disappoitment. From what I hear she’s not even a good friend, ditch Obie when she thought he was in trouble unlike before wherever you saw him you saw her. I was starting to believe Obie was Mr. Martin!

  2. JR :Cool PC also needs to stop being nice with those same people around him who scheming to throw him to the curb, starting with his lousey chairwoman. I you never thought she was lousey, this last bit of scandal is proof. Lets see hey, Omar going nuts, Glenys just lousey and Colby need a personality. Yeah Elcott, you would have been much better after all. The proof is in the pudding and I saw you show that with Wendal Jones last week. BP, you need to put Wendal in his place now.


  3. ronica7 :
    For nikki: The plp under Perry Christie, also repaired runway 14/32 at the airport,lighted all of the runways on the family islands, introduced e-passports, the electronic tele-medicine in abaco,(i stand to be corrected on the name ). fixed prince george wharf, and was putting in place anchor developements on each family island, which would have stopped the drain of young people leaving the family islands
    Built over 532 classrooms. Started the airport project, (that by the way was never stopped). Conducted the most comprehensive study on Bay st. and its environs by EDAW. Which by the way was scrapped.
    The foreign reserves was at it’s highest under Mr.christie. And the iceing on the cake would be in my estimation, the amount of homes that were built, almost 1500 in a five year trem . AMAZING

    That was just government housing and doesn’t include all the private developments that benefitted from the exemption from real property tax that the PLP had in place. I know because I got mine! So the number of houses built is more like 2,500 at least.

  4. Cool PC also needs to stop being nice with those same people around him who scheming to throw him to the curb, starting with his lousey chairwoman. I you never thought she was lousey, this last bit of scandal is proof. Lets see hey, Omar going nuts, Glenys just lousey and Colby need a personality. Yeah Elcott, you would have been much better after all. The proof is in the pudding and I saw you show that with Wendal Jones last week. BP, you need to put Wendal in his place now.

  5. Russell I agree, Mr. Christie must use some sort of strategy as Leader to bring order to the PLP as an administration. In any business, only management can speak on behalf of the country so I guess that is what he is doing but the thing is…ITs FAR TO LATE FOR THAT!!!

  6. I read the story and see nothing wrong with the demands of the PLP Leader to have himself and the Chairman speaking on behalf of the PLP party.Thats good management as no one can speak on behalf of any Leader unless he gives his consent.We must all remember that we as Bahamians disregard quotes from members of political parties as we love to hear from the Leader,.My good friend Omar it looks as if you must re-adjust your strategy and speak just for yourself.The PM has a tight rein on his party and when they speak you notice that they do not believe what they say as only their lips move and the rest of their bodies just float.Malcolm Adderley will love this as he never speaks.
    Perry Christie as maximum Leader?This I have got to see as the man has a soft and forgiving heart.

  7. I did not read the story but since it made headlines I am proud that PC put his foot down as the animals seemed to have taken over the zoo.My expression.I must find that story b4 commenting further.

  8. For nikki: The plp under Perry Christie, also repaired runway 14/32 at the airport,lighted all of the runways on the family islands, introduced e-passports, the electronic tele-medicine in abaco,(i stand to be corrected on the name ). fixed prince george wharf, and was putting in place anchor developements on each family island, which would have stopped the drain of young people leaving the family islands

    Built over 532 classrooms. Started the airport project, (that by the way was never stopped). Conducted the most comprehensive study on Bay st. and its environs by EDAW. Which by the way was scrapped.

    The foreign reserves was at it’s highest under Mr.christie. And the iceing on the cake would be in my estimation, the amount of homes that were built, almost 1500 in a five year trem . AMAZING

  9. “Nikki”, I’m with you. Previously, I indicated almost all those same points on this site! I did indicate that Mr. Christie may have served the shortest term, but it certainly was one of the best 5 yrs ever, economically, socially and morally! He kept the church leaders in consultaion ! The PLP really lost because they never defended the “LIES” the FNM perpetrated ! We all know some of them ! Investments, COB in Freeport, Crime, Urban Renewal. One of the main things is that we as a nation was NOT, I repeat, NOt ready for that type of governance where everybody was given a chance to perform – even those coniving Permanant Secretaries who sabatoged a lot of projects…Perry allowed qualified FNMs to function, much to the displeasure of the PLPs – some of whom voted against him because of that ! He wanted to include ALL in the building of our country. I think the Bahamian people now recognize that..!!!

  10. YOUNG people in this country are tired of not being respected and used like puppets… Trust me they will speak out and their voices will be heard on this march

  11. Slavery was abolished not FREDOM OF SPEECH!!!!! When I speak I speak for the common man. not the PLP. SHUT WHO UP? I am not an MP.

  12. By the way Kevin…I love the way your mind works…Just another superb commentary. Please write MORE!!! more!! MORE!!

  13. Behave man Tristan man … lol lol lol The FNM is a Government of tax collecting getting rich and see ya lata… ahhh lol lol

  14. Mr. Christie did do a deed of good for our country. However, some drastic mistakes happened as to the rusult at the polls the PLP lost but I hope they learn from their mistakes and move forward. They are a government of the Economy. The FNM is a Government of tax collecting getting rich and see ya lata…

  15. What planet do you Drama King and Kevin Mckenzie live in? I could see you asking the question of Hubert Ingraham because he was in from 1992 to 2002 then 2007 to now. There is nothing that he have produced.
    Mr. Christie came in 2002 of May to 2007 May, thats 5 years. In such time, he and his cabinet introduced the Urbin Renual Project, which Hubert Ingraham tried to changed. He and his Cabinet extended the Financial Service Sector which Hubert Ingraham abolished. More houses were built in Perry Christie’s five years than Hubert Ingraham built in his first two terms plus his now two years. Tourism was in a better position in Mr. Christie’s time than ever Mr. Ingraham. He brought in many investment which Hubert Ingraham tried to hide away from the public but now have no other choise to try to carry thim on because of the stupid moves by Ingraham, along with the National Health Insurance what would have been implimented. Even Investments that he said was not true, but, but yet he did his all to distroy it (heard about Bamar?). Morals were higher under Mr. Christie than ever Mr. Ingraham. There are more that Mr. Christie have done but these are some of the most important to me. My other PlP friends and rational thinking people, you have my permition to continue and put in where I left off from of the accomplishment of Mr. Christie.


  16. Kevin, once again you hit the nail on the head. These two law buddies need to get off the political scene forever. They are scandalous and they have no shame.

  17. It is my opinion that both Perry Christie and Hubert Ingraham are playing Bahamians to be fools.In short they are using us.i challenge any one to name one substanial investor that mr.Christie or mr.Ingraham brought to this country.Remember thatmr.Sol Kerzner was trying to get into this country before 1992 but due to international sanctions at that time against South Africa was unable courted Hutchinson Whampoo during this period and mr.Ingraham condemned him for wasting taxpayers’money traveling to China and the Far East to attract investors.

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