Is There Tiefin, Cheating and Fraud in the JCNP?


junkanoo.jpgNassau, Bahamas: The BBC’s broadcast debate between members of civil society in the Arabs States drew our attention to something. The forum brought Westerners and Arabs together. Young and old, Christians and Muslims. In that room Palestinians and Arab leaders spoke to the regional breakdown of Arab unity. Over 72% agreed with the motion, that Arab unity did not exist in the Middle East.

The debate on cable tv opened our eyes to something. Although war still exists in the Middle East with tension still high, the people in Arab CIVIL SOCIETY sat together, before the world to debate their problems. Although it was a heated hour, the players were still willing to share what was in their heads.

The Bahamas and the issues now arising in the Junkanoo community causes us concern. CHEATING, TIEFIN and FRAUD now engulf the Junkanoo community and the JCNP. This is not new. But what is, is the fact that it now takes judges two months to declare a winner for the parade. It took electors just several hours to declare Barack Obama leader of the Free World. So why can’t backyard parade judges count and declare a winner the same day? This must be a cause for SERIOUS concern! What does this say about our country, and its number one cultural festival? What does this say about the people who lead us and the transparency about judging parades in the Bahamas?

Bahamas Press became more concerned about this brewing problem after the sole Junkanoo show in the country refused to discuss the matter on its call-in talk show. THIS IS THE PROBLEM NOW FACING THE BAHAMAS! WHERE IS THE DIALOGUE? WHERE ARE THE DEBATES? Why is civil society and the MEDIA in this country willing to censor everything? We no longer live in a colonial time capsule people!

Then there was the charge by the JCNP calling our announcement of the overturning of the Boxing Day results being information coming from mischief makers. This is another problem in our country! The minute TRUTH is exposed in this town someone or some organization attempts to DEMONIZE the messenger. This is not the way DEMOCRACIES FUNCTION. Communist states function in this way!

Democracies open discussion, build dialogue, welcome opposition and share information. And now it looks like the Junkanoo community leaders are GAGGING themselves like the PLP! WHAT UTTER NONSENSE!

Bahamas Press is SICK AND TIRED of this CROOKED, CORRUPT CULTURE of SILENCE AND CENSORSHIP IN THE BAHAMAS! We are sick of it and will not accept it! We REJECT it in total! And, we warn the JCNP to respect artisans in this country and do their JOBS or GET THE HELL OUT OF THE JUNKANOO BUSINESS!



  1. Drama king,You have to be kidden.The vice Premier has already left the country and so is the chance for the SAXONS to win first place.Still VALLEY or nothing.DRAMA KING

  2. Dibbles :What’s the deal with all these Chinese flag flown at our roundabouts in the area of the Airport.I’m aware that the vice premier of China was her but he has already left. So why is the flag still flying in our country?Could someone tell how long would these flags be up,at our round abouts for.

    Dibbles, my boy, the flags are there to show honor to the Boxing Day theme of the Mighty Shell Saxon Superstars, true winners of that parade – CHINA. How’s that?

  3. What’s the deal with all these Chinese flag flown at our roundabouts in the area of the Airport.I’m aware that the vice premier of China was her but he has already left. So why is the flag still flying in our country?Could someone tell how long would these flags be up,at our round abouts for.

  4. And the winner is,was,still is,the VALLEY.SAXONS take a chill pill and waite until Boxing day.Win junkanoo on Bay Street not in an office.

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