The DNA Leader was an accomplice to the political crimes committed against the people of Grand Bahama

Former FNM and the real leader behind the DNA, Dr. Jonathan Rodgers greets Branville McCartney in Grand Bahama over the weekned.

Freeport, Grand Bahama –– A case of mass ‘political’ murder was being presented on the island of Grand Bahama over the weekend as politicos following the Democratic National Alliance visited the community.

The event was filled with excitement as some 3,000 former FNMs packed the Our Lucaya Ballroom in expectation to see the new slate of candidates.

Sharing his platform with no other candidate was former FNM Cabinet Minister and party member for more than 25 years, Branville McCartney. The DNA leader spoke for over an hour before a live Cable TV audience.

McCartney spoke of the slaughter and neglect by the FNM committed upon the people of Grand Bahama during the past 4 and a half years.  Attending the event was former mega FNM financial donor, Sir Jack Hayward. McCartney sounded like a warning to the Grand Bahama Port Authority for its callous mistreatment towards the Grand Bahamians, as he warned the FNM that there are no makeup, no do over, “YA FIRED!”

The VICEROY of Freeport, Sir Jack Hayward, at the DNA event on Grand Bahama over the weekend. This looks like another FNM event to us.

Bahamas Press is trekking across the crime scene now under investigation in the nation’s second city as we probe the yellow tape from West End to High Rock.  We stood shocked in amazement to hear the former minister for immigration speak about slaughter and neglect of the people of Grand Bahama. We remember very well how he supported four tax and pain budgets of the Free National Movement government, which deliver labour pains to the people of Grand Bahama.

The taxes imposed by Branville, Papa and the FNM raised electricity rates on the people of that island and imposed higher taxes on books, pencils, underclothes and also the HOLY BIBLE in 2008.

, Papa and the Free National Movement were complicit in crime against Grand Bahamians when that collectively sat around the Cabinet Room and slapped fees on contributors of National Insurance. He was in the room when Papa and the FNM ‘jookup’ Grand Bahamians and raised import duties on thousands of items [particularly food items].

The DNA leader was an accomplice to the crime against Grand Bahamians, especially when the FNM took away subventions to needed charities, private schools and safe houses across the country; the girls and boys brigades, the Ranfurly Home For Children, the Centre for the Deaf, and hospices. My God look at the people they slaughtered together.

Branville, Papa and the FNM together sat in the Cabinet Room and slammed car dealers as they collectively raised taxes on car imports to 85%. And while the people of Grand Bahama could not buy food, they collectively supported legislation to protect turtles, dogs, cats, rats, birds and now sharks. They this year brought a bill to put zero taxes on dog food. Fact is, Papa ‘dem’ made it easier for the people of Grand Bahama to buy dog food. EAT THAT!

But while all this happened, many Bahamians living on Grand Bahama forgot how Branville, by instruction of PAPA processed the letter as minister of immigration against Hannes Babak. The move delivered a deathblow to the economy of Grand Bahama, and Branville was a part that! In fact, he signed the letter. The Americans we know now through the Wikileaks revelations stated that the decision was “DEVASTATING TO THE ECONOMY GRAND BAHAMA.” Talking fool is a very serious thing!

Bahamas Press asks Branville how many work permits did he approved for foreigners as thousands of Grand Bahamians were kicked to the food lines; and he is talking but putting Bahamians first? HMMMMMMM! THEY HAVE NO DAMN SHAME!

Branville, Papa and the FNM together are one in the same. Papa held the scattergun, Branville held the political knife as the FNM ordered the political death of Bahamians. Branville McCartney is an accomplice in the death of Grand Bahama and is BP’s wanted man for this mass political slaughter.


  1. BP you guys are a piece of work. Perhaps a psychiatric evaluation of your thinking is order. Where do you guys come up with this stuff! Why don’t you show us who at BP is writing these stories so we can EVALUATE who you are? I’ll bet you don’t divulge who is on the BP Staff. LIST YOUR PEOPLE NOW…we deserve to know. After all you know who we are when we comment on your site. FAIR IS FAIR!

    • Bahamas Press has stated on more than one OCCASION, our CEO is, Mr. ALEXANDER JAMES, who will be here in Nassau in a few days, will entertain anyone who makes a genuine request. If you seek clarity on anything, provide us your contacts and we assure you he will be happy to address your queries. He has done this with many other persons and organizations making inquires to Bahamas Press.

      He is the HNIC, the CEO the man to address your concerns. Our sources, contacts, fly on the wall, ants on the ground, birds in the tree and four legged beasts in masks are off limits to any kind of public review. Bahamas Press as you can see is a SERIOUS organization. WE are not afraid! We are not scared of the plotters of death! Those along with our writers are off limits!

      We know we operate in a city like Baghdad and therefore we have come prepared.

      We advise Branville and his supporters to use their energies in getting to the bottom of those men who sought to kill him a few days ago; one of who we understand was hired by a senior member of the FNM! WAS THAT TRUE OR WAS IT STAGED? NO ONE KNOWS!

      And like justice in this country, the case has gone stale and quiet like moldy bread! We shall wait and see if it will ever make the courtroom or be followed in the press!


  2. I have a feeling if Bran went to the PLP, there would be no mention from BP regarding any increases in taxes that Mr. McCartney may have voted for.

    Here is the funny thing about all of these political parties you guys follow. They ALL Vote for most of each other’s budgets!

    The PLP has complained about the debt the FNM added, when in fact, they supported every budget of the FNM until last years. Essentially suppporting the debt increases.

    The FNM blasted and tore into the PLP’s NHI program and voted for it while in opposition.

    I can go on and on.

    C’mon, the boot lickin and blind party following disgusts me.

    • Are you suggesting TIRED we would be like the OLD DINOs and bury our attacks on Bran? You mussy never see the PLP under the scatter gun eh?


  3. I’m confused are you?
    Before Cecil Wallace-Whitfield and team bolted from the PLP’s convention they did stand for something on behalf of the Bahamian people. I forget now what is it that Bran stood for Bahamians before he first praised the PM, the FNM and then meekly walked to his car?

  4. Damn lie BP, red and goal party supporters where at the GB lunch. We the people want real change. DNA CHANGE!!!! SAY WHAT YOU LIKE, WE DA PEOPLE GONE DNA… Remember 1992!!!!!!!

  5. bp you do have a point in this article however i think this is an over reach. the green leader was at the table during a certain period in the fnm cabinet. the concern that is being faced in grand bahama was also symtimatic under the plp government due they bare any blame over the years. i assume that mccartney was fired then he decided to speak up against the ills in this country. it is never to late to have an once of conviction to change course is it bp for what ever useful or selfish reasons. i notice in anvert in the punch the plp is saying bahamians first piggy backing of the green party. if the damn red and goal party would stop taking the bahamian people for asses over all these years perhaps just perhaps the green party might have been dead on arrival. most citizens have the same fear and concerns top on their agenda during two administration of the red and goal there is hardly anything new under this precious bahamian sun. i look over most of the dna candidates bio at least they are trying to give you a variety old young priviledge background modest background etc .. not all lawyers and doctors. at least i see the attempt to be a game changer who knows the result you ever wonder why the traction by green party towards so many.

  6. BP ya confusing me on dis whole DNA issue. One minute dey FNMs. Next Bran is a one man show. Next Dr. Rodgers is da brains. Next he ga nominate people like Steve McKinney and other phantom peoples. Next Bran and the DNA is connected to a Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright. I mus say ya all over the map on dis one. Sounds da ole political adage. Keep throwing sh*t at the wall and some may stick eh.

  7. BP. When Bran first broke away from the FNM i thought that he was a fresh breeze in Bahamian politics. I truly thought that he would break away from the old politics and present Bahamians with clear, capable choices. I was wrong on all counts and is man enough to say it. Anything that has John Rodgers as a prime mover is on the face of it anti-Bahamian and not in our best interest.This man represents a time and place in Bahamian history where he and others of his ilk were too good to associate with the grassroots and indeed saw any black progress as against his interests. He came from a family of privilege and never lets us Bahamians forget it. Many of the younger Bahamians don’t know this perhaps, not even Bran.If this is the type of individual that Bran takes advice from then “dog eat he lunch”.

    • You are soooo wrong about Mr. Rodgers! Get your facts together! Mr. Rodgers started a food-rescue program that feeds 3,000 persons a week! Where are u living??

  8. Bran is a real FREAK. Im voting PLP. you is great half white trickster. hope my boy Mr. Thomas dont spend his money chasing your dream Bran. An 1 question to mr Ego, why didnt you allow not one member of your team to speak on behalf of GB. where they are going to be looking for VOTEs?? this make me wanna sat ummm whats going on with this pile of ego ****.

    • Listen, this was not a rally! It was just a launch, and besides no candidate was even named for GB at that time! Don’t be fool! At the rallies in the near future you will hear from the candidates themselves!

      • Bran is busy using the Bahamian people to cut home movies so his michelle obama like wife could continue to dream….BUYER BEWARE.something in the milk aint clean. HE IS MORE IOF A DICTATOR THAN PAPA. I WOULD DANCE WITH PERRY FIRST AND DRINK WITH PAPA….WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET…OK

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