No one is above the Law, not even Ralph Jan Ward


Disbarred Lawyer Ralph Jan Ward charged again for 'THIEFIN' someone money. Photo by Tribune

Nassau, Bahamas – There is no on that is above the law, not a police officer, not a judge, not any professional and most certainly not the gun totting Rwandan style gangsters wreaking havoc in the Bahamas.

However, despite this fact, when we see what is unfolding in the courts we cannot help but agree with the words of Derek Walcott in his allegory Te’ Juan and his Brothers.

We want you to pay careful attention to this disbarred lawyer named, Ralph Jan Ward. He is a UK trained barrister who now finds himself on the wrong side of the law. According to dockets presented before the courts, Ward STOLE by “reason of service” some $61,750 in property by reason of his service on September 6th, 2010.

What service was that? From our knowledge, Ward was disbarred as an officer of the court following his hook up in another matter involving the embezzlement [THIEFIN BY REASON OF SERVICE AGAIN], funds from one of his client some years back.

But that is not all, last week, the same Ralph Jan Ward, following a shady transaction with Scotia Bank, took additional sums of money from another client and had failed to pay it back before being hauled before the court. WHAT A DISGRACE!

What is more reprehensible is this, magistrates dispensing these matters releases Ward on bail one after the other ever time he stands before the bar. We understand he has some 11 ‘thiefin’ matters backed-up in the courts. Three down, eight more to go.

Ralph Jan Ward - Photo by Guardian

Now ‘yinner’ know something gats to be wrong with this! He goes to court for ‘thiefin’ people money released on bail the same day? This is incredible! No wonder why some people does be found bald naked nailed to the tree out in the woods covered with honey plastered all over them waiting for a hungry bear. THIS IS OUTLANDISH!

The boy in Bain Town is getting 5 years for stealing from the tourist, the police officer is getting three years for stealing supplies out of the canteen and the janitor gone-ta-jail for stealing toilet tissue but Ralph Jan Ward cannot see the walls of prison. Something GATS TO BE WRONG WITH THAT!

There is no punishment for criminal behaviour in this country, NONE! He is being brought before the courts on CRIMINAL charges, so where is the punishment? THERE IS NONE!

We better conclude our commentary today, cause as Fred Mitchell said the other night, Journalist all over the UK and even here in Nassau are getting lockup.

To the ‘VIGZY’ HEAD PEOPLE DEM, Get it together man, GET IT TOGETHER!


  1. BP,this comment is not to be posted, but there was another murder last night under the bridge, a man was shot in the head.

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