Posted By: Cat Island Boy On: 9/24/2011
Title: Reluctantly, I agree
I never thought the day would come when I would ever find common ground with Tal Russel on these pages. Reluctantly, I must join the growing chorus and ask Mr. Ingraham to sack his sorry Minister of National Security. Obviously Mr. Turnquest does not have what it takes to shoulder the responsibility of this most important ministry. Instead of seeking solutions to the rising crime wave, he is too busy running around placing the blame on everyone else. While not personally responsible for crimes committed, Mr. Turnquest is responsible for the security of this country against crime. In this regards he has failed miserably and needs to go.
Posted By: LEEZA On: 9/24/2011
Posted By: Fed Up On: 9/24/2011
Title: Time to Dump TT
OK Hubert. You have tried to push this sickly excuse for a man and politician down the throats of Bahamians for far too long. Tell Tiny he is not material to be prime minister. Tell Tiny his son does not have the respect of the people. Tell Tiny his son equates the same as Tiger’s son Mark and one short man at a company who recently suffered a fire – offspring pushed into positions they cannot handle nor have the capacity to grow into it. Hubert – stop wasting our time.
Posted By: citizen On: 9/24/2011
Title: judges
a few weeks back it was posted that onlookers in Bank Lane verbally attacked a man being escort to court by police. further it was stated that police threatened the attackers with arrest, “threatened with arrest”. my point being if from a simply crime police execute the law to the fullest criminals would think twice of committing them. the judge can only follow rules and regulations so if a crime is committed and there is not enough evidence to keep an individual, bail could be an option for the ‘suspect’ because instead of the police gathering solid evidence before turning suspects over to the court system they perfer to ‘randomly arrest a bad boy off of hear say’ and hope for a conviction
Posted By: Think Bahamas On: 9/24/2011
Title: Poor Case Preparation
Poor Minister, nothing he says will shock me anymore.
Some have claimed that the Commissioner and his team are the most educated and qualified. If so, I ask you:
Are you impressed? They seem to be the least educated if we use what they have been doing as the measuring stick.
The fact that when these murder suspects finally make it to trial, poor police work (bad English in statement taking, improper procedures during interviews, beatings, etc) result in the suspects being found not guilty.
We need more judges and courts, we need quality police work.
The good news is that there are bright minds in the force in the middle ranks who can do a better job if given the chance.
Posted By: Positive Thinker On: 9/24/2011
Title: judges
it may be true that repeat offenders are getting bail but isn’t it also true ‘innocent until proven guilty’. that being said those making the arrest is all good but maybe the evidence gathered against the offenders need to be more strong ensuring the ruling for no bail and a quicker conviction.
Posted By: Lawerence On: 9/24/2011
Title: A concerned and dissapointed citizen
I am utterly shock by such statements by a sitting Member of Parliament. It is even more shocking that it came from the mouth of the Minister responsible for our National Security!!! Hmmmmmm …I say no more…
To cast blame on the judges is just incredible…. No wonder the criminals take the courts for a joke and take matters into their own hands at the risk of harm to innocent people….
Judges act in accordance the laws. Both the accused and the victim are entitled to equal protection of the law. On other hand the defence lawyers act on behalf of their client. The burden rest with the prosecution (i.e AG) to prove its case….. the case can only be proven based on the evidence obtained from the Police so where does this ball land….. back to the COP and the good Minister.
Furthermore, the ball really rest with the Legislature to make the appropriate laws to give effect to the desired result WITHOUT COMPROMISING THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE JUDICIARY.
So who can we blame next…Of course, society as a whole has its role to play.
A concerned citizen.
Posted By: Taz On: 9/24/2011
Title: Freak
A real freak Tommy T is
Posted By: Beyond shocked On: 9/23/2011
Title: Really
I think its past ridiculous that Tommy is now playing the blame game. A separation from the judiciary is awesome, but why now? Why after over 100 of Bahamians have lost their lives to the gun is he so concerned? I’d respect him more if he’d admit to the Bahamian people that he didn’t have an answer and asked EVERYONE to join in one accord to take our country back. But this coward foolishness is ridiculous. He should resign asap.
Posted By: bahamian abroad On: 9/23/2011
Tommy Turnquest cannot be serious. His comments are reckless, irresponsible and stupid. I wonder if he realizes that he is the minister of national security. Instead of “throwing blame” it would be nice to hear some solutions, plans, ideas about how we can make the crime situation better!
Posted By: It will soon be Brent’s turn to self-destruct On: 9/23/2011
Title: Tommy T is finished
PM made it a point to keep Tommy T close to him knowing that he would eventually hang himself……Tommy T’s political career is now all but over……he’s a tattered man left to grovelling in order to stay in the good graces of the PM…how sad !
Posted By: weneedathirdparty On: 9/23/2011
Title: haha..i.d.i.o.t.
I know it was a setup from 07 when they made him Min of Nat Security. They write the laws why not prevent bail from repeat offendors by law. Why not build more prison room so you dont crowd the prison even more?
This guy must take us for idiots.
First He says thanks to them we dont have more murders.
Then greenslade comes talking more fool.
Then Sands says murders would be 3x as high if not for systems in place by them.
Now he blasts the Judiciary for acting on the laws in the books. Granted judges can be less lienent, but why attack a judge who is suppsoed to be indepenant. I’m sure defense attorneys will love such comments.
Haha.about independance of the judiciary when your Chief Justice was not to long ago a senator and the government’s top lawyer.
Posted By: Politricks On: 9/23/2011
Title: When will it end
The House of Parliament is filled with lawyers, yet no significant laws have been passed during this term or the one before (both sides) in relation to bail or sentencing.
Posted By: Jimbo On: 9/23/2011
Title: @ Foolishness and Leeza
I agree with what you guys said big time.
Posted By: Sick&Tired On: 9/23/2011
Title: You got to be kidding me right?
The judges can only make decisions based on the law that are on the books! They can’t pull rabbits out of hats if it’s not THE LAW! Please Mr. Turnquest, understand that as a sitting Member of Parliament, you and your other House Members (Both sides) are responsible for the implementation of legislation and amendment of existing laws to govern the land. Want murderers be denied bail? AMEND THE BAIL ACT. Judges must PASS down rulings based on the laws of the land. It may not be socially correct, but those out dated laws remain until changed. This is why LAWYERS find loop holes in the out dated laws to have their clients released. Once again, Mr. Turnquest like every other Bahamian is passing the buck!
Posted By: Eugene D Gibson On: 9/23/2011
Title: Why
Why is a Minister constantly trying to place the blame somewhere.Grant crime is a multifaceted problem but who will get blame next, Obama.Why not offer us some solutions.This Minister is clueless.Everytime he opens his mouth he hangs himself. Hey at least some form of corporal punishment is being administered.There should have been a way to harness his ineptness and unleash it on the criminal element. They would all be hung high.I call it like I see it.
Posted By: Foolishness On: 9/23/2011
Title: how soon we forget
How soon we forget. I remember a time when alleged murderers were never granted bail until the FNM came into power in 92 and between then and 94 the Bail Act was changed.If the murderers and bailed murderers and the majority of victims are alleged murderers as well…why not revoke bail and let them kill up themselves in jail on remand together??
Posted By: Tal Russell On: 9/23/2011
Title: Forget Tommy try reading the House Hansard?
If I was a paid political consultant to Bran and his DNA I would advise them to take the House of Assembly’s Hansard Records, going back to since this “outgoing” FNM cabinet was returned to power back in 2007 – and publish the communications of the House made by this PM, his cabinet colleagues – and fight the 2012 General Elections on their own words spoken in the House – more so what they refused to answer would be more like it.
This would give Bahamians a much better understanding that what is most talked about on the floor of the House for the few hours they have actually sat in session since 2007 “has nothing to do with their daily struggles to keep a job, find a job to look after their families and go about their daily lives under the fear of being robbed or even murdered”.
Believe me it would make a most interesting campaign read – better than any stupid DNA Party Manifesto.
Just you wait until you actually read some of the stupidest things said by members of this “outgoing” FNM government.
Posted By: leeza On: 9/23/2011
Title: SMT
This is now sickening man errybody passing the blame you know who is at fault. Us, We , You, Me I am sure all of us know about homes where little boys are being raised without fathers in the home. Thats where it started, when you talking about changes lets go back there the family. God established the family in Gensis and the Church in The New New Testament so dont try to put it in the church, politics, whatever. We have failed to bring up those cute little boy(especially) in the fear of God. The dont respect authority have no regard for their own lives judge another and Guess what its still happening the cycle is continuing, so we will have another generation very soon uprising worse than this one. As we continue to get them the finer things in live so we work those extra hours and the other things that we do for money everything is growing up our childrenand the word of God has been pushed outside. We too sophisticated to beat when last you heard a child crying out from licks…. oh thats abuse thats what we call it today so that follishness that proverbs talk about is still bound up in the hearts of young men especially because the rod that was suppose to drive it away never did. Stop joking and get back to the Bible.
Posted By: Knowing the PM is real problem here On: 9/23/2011
Title: Tommy T is just the PM’s fall guy on crime
PM has kept the purse strings for himself as Minister of Finance and assigned Tommy T the most difficult cabinet portfolio there is, namely National Security. Our PM as Minister of Finance approves the Government’s borrowing of millions and millions of dollars for all sorts of mega projects that often benefit his crony supporters and the FNM in a big financial way, all the while being very stingy in coming up with the financial resources desperately needed by National Security, Judiciary, etc. to properly tackle the crime problem that is destroying so many Bahamian families. Tommy T is just the punching bag that the PM leaves twisting and flailing in the winds of public anger to deflect attention from his own very significant failure to deal with this problem as our country’s elected leader.
Posted By: Tal Russell On: 9/23/2011
Title: What an honorable man would do – today!
Really Comrades has this failed minister of the people’s security now lost all of his marbles – as it appears with each new “justifying the good job I am doing for Bahamians” statement this minister displays complete incompetence and if Tommy was seriously interested in protecting Bahamians, the first thing he would do after reading what Bahamians really think about his performance he would call his secretary in and dictate and sign his letter of resignation to the PM.
This is what honorable men and women do to take full responsibility under our Westminster Ministerial form of government when they screw the hell up on the job.
If not then I call upon the Prime Minister to waste no further time in doing away with the minister.
It’s essential for any minister do their job. This minister has not since 2007 and reflects poorly on not only his government but on the already heavy burdened shoulders of Police Commissioner Greenslade and his offices.
This is what honorable men and women do to take full responsibility under our Westminster Ministerial form of government when they screw the hell up on the job.
If not then I call upon the Prime Minister to waste no further time in doing away with the minister.
It’s essential for any minister do their job. This minister has not since 2007 and reflects poorly on not only his government but on the already heavy burdened shoulders of Police Commissioner Greenslade and his offices.
” />
Posted By: Michael J. Brown On: 9/23/2011
Title: Attack on Judiciary
Let a drowning man the Minister is using every tactic to save himself.One day it was bad boys killing bad boys causing crime.Then the Minister blamed crime on criminals deportees now, the Minister is blaming the Judiciary. He should know that unlike police, Judges cannot assume that a person is guilty of a crime; they need proof. The Judiciary cannot be expected to “warehouse” criminals in prison until police decide what to charge them with.Having persons on remand for years is not only bad law but, unconstitutional. As regards persons previously charged with murders, they have had their day in court and in some cases been found not guilty. If police fail to bring proper cases to court and the accused is freed they are not guilty as far as the courts are concerned.Mentioning that so and so was on bail when he committed another crime is alarming and unsettling but not the fault of the judiciary. In law, it’s not what you think happened its what you can prove happened beyond reasonable doubt.
Posted By: freeportboy On: 9/23/2011
Title: “Judiciary used as scapegoat” should be the title of this piece.
This is the most irresponsible comment, in which a sitting Member of Parliament, and furthermore the Minister of National Security of ANY country could have made. It is YOUR responsibility Mr. Turnquest to advocate on behalf of the people, for the proper laws to be enacted in order for swift justice to take place. By just reading the latter comment made by Turnquest, ‘that the government intends to present a package of laws soon that he hopes will address the issue’ just shows that he knows full well where the problem lies. However, he still tries to mislead the people by using the judiciary as a scapegoat.
With utmost disgust.
Posted By: A Bahamian Mother On: 9/23/2011
Title: I don’t even know where to start with this
This man is clueless. Why would he want to critisize judges? In fact, he seems to be putting them in harm’s way! Why would he want to mention “judges” and “chased out of town” in the same sentence? If he is in charge in National Security we really in trouble. Like I said yesterday on another post and the Minister confirmed – he has protection. It is us who have this constant fear for our children and ourselves. The Minister has lots to say about blame but I have not heard him talk solution… at least not since the disastrous monitoring bracelets that were supposed to stop criminals. We see how well that worked.
I’m astounded, I must say. Genuinely rarely must i encounter a blog that’s both educative and entertaining, and also let me tell you, you could have hit your nail around the head. The idea is outstanding; the catch is something that insufficient people are talking intelligently pertaining to. I am happy that I found this at my search for a little something relating to this
The reason that there are so many suspects out on bail is because the system is too relaxed. Why is is that suretors are allowed to sign bail with only a job letter, or papers for a home or property that they may have a little equity in but still dont own outright? Do you think that maybe if these suertors were required to produce had cold cash that there would be as mant criminals loose on our streets. Lets face it, its a proven fact that the majority of serious offender come from financially challenged backgrounds. If instead of just a piece of paper and a signature, thier families were required to produce $50,000.00 – $1000,000.00 cash for bail, how many of them would be out on bail or on bail for multiple offences. Few if any. We need to do away with this antiquated bail system altogether.
Point blank, the Minister of National Security is an idiot. Worst ever at that! How many baseless and just plain retarded statements can one make in 5 years. It is obvious he is not functioning and knows nothing about his ministry OR Bahamian Law at that. He also knows nothing about court proceedings. If I were Minister of National Security facing a crime crisis, I would make every effort to familiarize myself with all of the avenues of criminal prosecution(i.e. police force, judges/courts, AG office, prison) so I can know exactly what is going on and know how to respond sensibly and factually. Clearly the minister is blind sided and continues to make a fool of himself, it is just despicable and disgraceful. I shake my head in shame at this minister.
NO MORE BAHAMAS! Why has neither Prime Ministers seriously dealt with illegal immigration and crime? Why doesn’t the US coast guard help. Why does immigration let thousands of illegals enter this country every month and why is our government throwing away our citizenship to illegals who do not qualify. Why do leaders who have no faith in Bahamians, Like PM Ingrahm and DPM Symonette, perpetuate their theme “Bahamians don’t wont to work” Instead of encouraging by policy the hard working humiliated and emasculated Bahamian man.
There is a strategically built plan to over populate the Bahamas with Haitians to destabilize its government and reduce its Bahamian population to a minority. This country is presently governed by a majority and that is the bases for the largest group governing. What happens when the largest group is Haitian? The same rules will apply and it will be backed by the United Nations and the US who are privately pushing this agenda. NO MORE BAHAMAS!
It’s not so much the Americans wanting to do away with Bahamians as much as the Bahamian economic masters wanting to increase their consumer base and increase their sales of imported goods and food, and (they think)deepen their pool of unskilled and minimum wage labor.
These lighter skinned, less caring movers and shakers don’t really see the difference between Bahamians of a darker hue, and their Creole speaking counterparts.
What they look at when they see blacks is an unending, self perpetuating resource for moneymaking.
When the Haitian population has attained critical mass, and we’re busy pushing and shoving for dwindling economic resources and living space, it’ll all be the same to them…..
do u realize the courts are following the law set by the government?? the bail act has been changed. maybe if the government revised the bail act then the judges wouldnt grant them bail. the fnm changed the bail act when they came into power in the 90s. how soon we forget. murderers were never granted bail
Do yoy realize that the “Bail Act” has nothing to do with this? These people who are charged with serious offenses are generally granted bail on the stregnth of the CONSTITUTION. There is no law that the Parliament can pass that would trump the constitution. Nothing will change until we take another look at our constitution…we need REFERENDUM…
do u realize the courts are following the law set by the government?? the bail act has been changed. maybe if the government revised the bail act then the judges wouldnt grant them bail. the fnm changed the bail act when they came into power in the 90s. how soon we forget. murderers were never granted bail
I’m tired of this blame game and “i am not responsible for crime” comments from our leaders. These are some brain dead leaders we have. Get on with the social programs, the national service program, the teen pregnancy issues, the moral standards of our people. These really are some educated fools we have as leaders…no creativity, or character of leadership.
So let’s examine this now. The man is arrested for murder, he is released on bail, given an anklet bracelet and is then released back into the society “MONITORED BY THE NATIONAL SECURITY DEPARTMENT!” He murders another, and we blame the Chief Justice?
By law, our Legislature (House of Assembly and Parliament) has authority and the right to define crimes, bail and punishments within the limits of the constitution.
When judges try to figure out what a law means, they look first at the actual words in the law. If the words are clear, they conclude that the Legislature intended the law to be implemented according to the plain meaning of the words.
The Judiciary (magistrates and justices) are not the villains. They are umpires. They neither pitch nor bat.
The Legislature is responsible for making our laws relating to crime, bail and punishment.
Next year, all members of the House of Assembly are up for election. If people like what they are doing about crime, keep them in office. If not, vote them all out. But please, don’t blame the judges.
But wait!
Blame is squarely on our shoulders, cause when we were warned about this Foreign National Mess Govt we voted them back in power. So blame yerself!
In fact come May 2012 or whenever the bell ring vote em back in again cause we didn’t want a deliberate Govt with all its faults to govern.
We wanted and got just what we deserved I say give us more, more, more
Yall aint see nothing yet stay tuned!!!!
mr. ingraham, this is the straw that broke the camel’s back. i wish to speak for sir michael and dame joan and all of us bahamiana. “tommy you can kiss where the sun never will shine”. now, hubert you have tried your best to push tommy. he just took his last breath of air, and it was stink. good riddance tommy, you are finished.
I never understood the rationale used by the PM in appointing a former bank account manager to such a substantive and highly sensitive position as Minister of National Security. The person having no professional background in this field, somewhat clueless of the law apparently lacking the acumen and depth to handle this Ministry. I wonder what he was thinking and the vetting process he personally followed to make that decision.
The same on the other hand can be said about other persons in Cabinet holding positions that have serious social and financial implications for the stability and viability of our country. It’s frightening to think about Bahamians.
Which is why I KNOW none of these political entities are serious or just blind about the state of the economy and these ludicris appointments. PLP appoints and ordained REV to head National Security (No pun to Motha’ Pratt, after looking back then compared to now she did a fantastic job and hats down to her!). It’s just the mindset that boggled me. Now today, you hire an ex-bank manager to head National Security.
I’m guessing if the DNA wins the election, they may appoint Sammy Star Poitier (the singer) to head National Security!
Nassau Gone Funky Eh! Well by-dam!
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