Residents shot back at John Marquis following Pindling Articles


tribune-let-2-copy.jpg<<< A recent photo of John Marquis, Managing Editor of the daily Toilet Paper.

Nassau, Bahamas: Residents shot back at Toilet Paper’s Managing Editor John Marquis following his scathing attack on the Father of the Nation, Sir Lynden Pindling. On Monday a mass demonstration led by Paul Moss gathered outside the Tribune’s head office on Shirley Street. Reports were that Marquis was so afraid to venture outside, that he called his contacts in the Gestapo police force to send for backup.

Today since his reports on Pindling in the wutless morning daily, Marquis is now being followed with protection by members of the SIB. Bahamas Press’deep throat at the ‘Toilet Paper’ said, “Marquis was so afraid to venture outside the paper on Monday night; he stayed in the newsroom late into the night on Monday, and like a snake slid out of the backdoor of the of the press-room with his police protection following.”

Marquis fear continued as he denied Lincoln Bain , a host on the popular Controversy TV show, a camera shot of his face on television. Since the demonstration Marquis has also refused walking for lunch to his favourite VIP Chinese restaurant on Bay Street. That source said, “Even the Chinese (Lady Pindling friends of the past) are equally disgusted over the Pindling attacks.”

As one talk-show host noted, “Marquis has no one to blame in all this but himself. He started the fire as he called the name of Sir Lynden Pindling, and now that so many residents (WHITE, BLACK, RICH AND POOR) are now gathered around that fire, NO ONE CAN STOP THEM FROM CARRYING OUT THEIR DANCE AND CHANT IN DEFENSE OF THE FATHER OF THE NATION.”

Below are clipping of the Controversy TV show interview exclusive with John Marquis and the NOW ANGRY BAHAMIANS.


  1. This is really all about the Tribune helping the FNM out with another distraction while the FNM f*****g up the country. Everyone rowing about the Tynes story, meanwhile Atlantis forcing people to take unpaid “vacation”, CLICO looking more and more like some “inside trading” gone on, 90% of traffic lights not working, and the murder rate still climbing!

  2. Joe Blow :
    What mass demonstration? I would be exaggerating if I said 40 people were there, demonstrating. It was just another photo opp for Paul Moss in his quest to get some publicity for his run for office in the next election. Though they vowed to come back to the demonstration after the supper hour, no one returned. Too full and otherwise “sated” I guess!

    Joe Blow, you talking about “supper hour”? WTF, BP really was dead on about your identity cause ain’t no black Bahamian talking about “supper hour”!

  3. This piece just proved that Lincoln, Utah, and the so-called “Controversy TV” are just another part of the FNM propaganda machine. Did anyone notice have they kept playing that “puppet rap” between each segment? It was totally disrespectful of Sir Lynden. Also, on all of Lincoln’s shows that I have watched he is loud, boisterous, and slang talking when talking to fellow black Bahamians. Y’all see how prim and proper he was with Marquis? Well Muddos. All he leave out was yes sir, master sir. A true house nigger (look up the definition).

  4. This Marquis crap has now run its course and we need to get into the real issues which have been deliberately side tracked by some no good bitches. Clico scandal requires a commission of inquiry, Reggie Ferguson who is older than 55 yrs get confirmed for we do not know how long, Kerzner threatening Bahamians in the manner of the Govt saying take it or leave it.And the list goes on and on.There is much anger on the streets, and it is being fueled by *** like Marquis who do not know what they have awakened. Lincoln Bain appeared to be intimidated by the protesters and Marquis who I enjoyed seeing hidden under his desk.This is not good for the Govt as foreigners appear to be disadvantaging Bahamians and with the summer months approaching tempers could get out of hand.We must cool our heels as some comments from protesters should cause those in authority to practice fairness.

  5. @JR
    I agree, Lincoln Bain changed his whole demeanor when he got into Marquis’ office. While I do understand the office was not the proper setting for Lincoln Bain to be as loud as he usually is, some Bahamians need to get rid of the mentality of being second class.

  6. What mass demonstration? I would be exaggerating if I said 40 people were there, demonstrating. It was just another photo opp for Paul Moss in his quest to get some publicity for his run for office in the next election. Though they vowed to come back to the demonstration after the supper hour, no one returned. Too full and otherwise “sated” I guess!

  7. And what is it with VIP on Bay Street anyway? All the newspaper sissies is be in there. Marquis and Ivan, what a pair.

  8. Media, tell me I am not the only one who thinks Lincoln Bain is lily livered bloodsucking low life uncle Tom piece of doo doo. Did you see part 3 of this with this so called “interview”? Lincoln may as well have done the interview on his knees with his lips attached to John Marquis’ hairy ***. That’s how much that porch nigger was sucking up! I felt embarrassed to see that Tom basically kneeling and doing a jig for that Marquis with all the praises. Plus that punk change his talks up because when he was on the ground, he was trying to say he had no opinion on the matter and in other cases, was sucking up to the protesters too and then he gets upstairs with the master and changes his tone. What degenerate piece of crap. Media, you need to learn how to shoot camera buddy because these idiots need you to do for them what BP is doing for the papers.

  9. While the Tribune is obsessed about a dead man it is now highly likely that Bahamian policy holders in Clico will lose most if not all of their investment.A criminal investigation needs to be launched into the misdeeds at Clico and the lack of oversight by the Registrar Of Insurance,and the possible aiding and abetment by official/s in the Central Bank in Clico taking tens of millions of dollars in American currency without Central Bank approval for foreign investment purposes.Bahamians need to know when or if the past/present ministers of finance were made aware of Clico’s transactions and their response or lack of response to these illegal activities.It is my belief that some person/s need to go to jail for raping poor Bahamians of their hard earned funds.

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