Chinese Boat Scandal Develops off Andros…Who approved the Chinese license???

Chinese fishermen raiding the seas just off Andros. BP is asking who granted Chinese fishermen work permits to fish in the waters of the Bahamas? File Photo.

Andros, Bahamas – Credible and verifiable information confirms that Chinese fishermen are actively participating as working fishermen in the waters off the Big Yard, also called Andros.

The seriousness of this matter demands that the Government Authority and Politicians responsible for the authorization of Foreign Fishermen within the Territory of the Bahamas must now speak to this matter and account to the Bahamian people.

Agencies of the Ingraham administration must now:

Either admit that these persons from China are fishing illegally, or confirm to the Bahamian voters that the Chinese Fishermen were authorized by the FNM Government to fish within the waters of the Bahamas.

The FNM government must in detail advise the country as to exactly how  these Foreign Fishermen gained legal rights and privileges to fish and compete with Bahamians, extracting tons and tons of seafood from the Bahamian waters.

This threat to the livelihood of Bahamian fishermen in Andros and elsewhere with the Bahamas is all hushed up at the moment, but BP BREAKS THE STORY! The harvesting of fish by foreigners, perhaps approved by the Ingraham Government, is a slap in the face to the TRUST we expected from the FNM. Moreover, this latest scandal raises some thought-provoking questions for all Bahamians to ponder and demand answers for.

A) Did a Bahamian Officer of the Court, who we know has ties to the FNM, indeed set up a Bahamian Company that permits these Chinese Fishermen to operate legally in Bahamian waters?

B)Additionally, has a Bahamian law firm petitioned the Government to obtained work permits to allow scores of Chinese workers on a Bahamian Registered Fishing Boat?

C) Are there any Government Officials or Elected Members of Parliament tied to this new Fishing Entity as Owner/s, Business Associates, or close friends?

What is interesting here is that, although we have hundreds if not thousands of Bahamians who are part-time fishermen by trade and in desperate need of work now, why has someone in the Government so callously approved work permits for Chinese Fishermen? BP asks, were these unemployed Bahamians fishermen given the opportunity to apply for work on these Chinese Operated vessels?

Another question occurred to BP – What are these Chinese Fishermen fishing for? Is it fish or sea cucumber being harvested for domestic use (given the Chinese involvement it seems unlikely) or are they exporting it?

How does this operation affect the livelihood of Bahamian fishermen?

We believe that an industry such as fishing is should to be reserved for Bahamians! In spite of that belief, for the past year the Chinese manned vessels have been harvesting from the waters in Andros – what is happening to our country?

Who in the Government is protecting and allowing these Chinese to fish unfettered in our Bahamian Waters without the participation of Bahamians?

This is a crying shame! This FNM Government needs to resign!


  1. I come to the Bahamas for at least 50 days a year. When I’m there I spend any where between 10000 and 40000 dollars (some years even more) diving, fishing, hotel, food, transportation, and so on. I’m not coming back if this is true. I’ll go someplace with my money where conservation is a priority.

  2. It all started when the Chinese built the stadium in Nassau using Chinese labor. Add to that the debacle with Baha Mar and you have Bahamian politicians, lawyers and bunnies leaders who have lined their pockets with money as the cost of the Bahamian citizens. For me, I saw the writing on the wall – literally – when the menu board at McDonalds was written in English and Chinese. GovBahamas has opened a door that should have never been opened and now scurries into cracks in the walls when the lights are turned on. The good citizens of the Bahamas must rise up and expose these traitors to the Commonwealth.

  3. Stop it now. Election time you’ll is find any garbage to talk about. As a fisherman i’ve seen this under all governments. You can stop them, License or not. They have been longline fishing here under the PLP and FMN. You’ll just dont know thats all. They will come no matter what. The want the tuna and they will get it, Government or not. Find something real to talk about r do something bout it. Get a boat and go out there and stop them because two to one they dont have a license. Every story you’ll come across got to be about politics. Come on ppl wake up

  4. The picture may not be real (in regards to the story – but the rape of the seas off Andros is for certain real and being allowed by the present administration. We cannot let this story slip away – this is real and the government needs to deal with this situation now and those responsible ought to resign!

    • The picture was never made to be real, however, it is also not a painting. If some a yinner could read you would note Bahamas Press under the caption did write: “FILE PHOTO” if ya know what that mean Conian….


    • So if a Bahamian do it, it’s called Rape. So why are we letting these other people rape our waters an take away from the little bit we have???? Who is authorizing it an WHY?? WTF Anybody no anything email back….

  5. this story is a fabrication,it soo amazing how Bahamains gobble up so much crap ,i guess Bahamas press soon tell u guys the world is ending in 2012……dummies

  6. Since when does Andros have mountains, and what type of fish are those to be found in Bahamian waters? PLP PROPAGANDA MACHINE TURNIN AGAIN!

  7. “…Is it fish or sea cucumber being harvested for domestic use (given the Chinese involvement it seems unlikely) or are they exporting it?..”
    Sea cucumbers dredging, shark finning, and any other wasteful and ecologically damaging marine activity, is my guess.
    The Chinese consider us to be a third class society, and being as dumbass and corrupt as we are from top to bottom, we’re easy to turn into an open country for them with an economic free for all.
    Guess what’s coming next?
    The wholesale transfer of the west side and interior of Andros(with the complicity of the odd to Chinese groups for fish farming, which will devastate our ecology and ruin our fish stocks forever.

  8. So when two bahamains want fish its a problem because they will harm the reef. But when the chinese want fish its ok but they are foreign and will have no regard for our environment. Too much house niggers in power. Oh yeah and when they koreans wanted to fish that was a problem but its ok for a chinaman.

  9. So when two bahamians decide to go fishing they are told no because they will harm the reefs. But when the chinese want fish its ok and they are foreign so they will not have NO regard for our environment. Too much house niggers in powers. Oh yeah and when the koreans wanted to fish it was big problem but its ok for chinese. Be careful who you take money from you will end up bending down alot when its time to pay.

  10. So its ok for the chinese to fish but when two bahamians decide to go into fishing they are told no because they will harm the reefs. The chinese are foreign so they will have no regard for our environment. Too much house niggers in powers.

  11. BP, the Bahamian people should have known that Chinese people don’t do anything for free. This is not surprising. Why do you think the government granted them permission to build a mini hotel, disguised as the living quarters on the largest Bahamian island. Not only is it the largest island, BP, it has the second largest barrier reef just off its shores! Where is our water supply, BP? What is needed to grow the staple in their diet – water! We have to do better than we are doing. We have to demand that this nonsense stops. Our government – past and present, will sell their souls for a dollar. This is disgusting. There is no excuse for this. What are we getting in return? A loan that we will never be able to repay; more little dirty Chinese restaurants; more dirty Chinese food-stores? Man we have to do better.

  12. No no no no no, I have to go back to the newspapers because I am absolutely SURE I saw several articles where the Chinese and other foreign companies would not be allowed to fish in our waters because they are known to overfish and exhaust fishing habitats of species.

    Pleaseeeee tell me this is not another scandal where some under the carpet deal was struck allowing the Chinese to fish here. Thank God that was a file photo and not actual fishes here in the Bahamas. They will take the reef from beneath our seas back to China if they can.

    I say to ANY, and I mean ANY responsible government, this isn’t about kickbacks, this isn’t about petty frontline politics, this is about the Bahamian people and the generations that are gonna be left here long after we are gone.

    Do not allow the Chinese or any foreign nationals to setup shop here in the Bahamas to export our fish or marine life!


  14. Sea cucumbers, shark fins, and any other wasteful and ecologically damaging marine activity, is my guess.
    The Chinese consider us to be a third class society, and being as dumbass and corrupt as we are from top to bottom, we’re easy to turn into an open country with economic free for all for them.
    Guess what’s coming next?
    The wholesale transfer of the west side and interior of Andros to Chinese and other groups for fish farming, which will devastate our ecology and ruin our fish stocks forever.

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