President Obama / Osama Bin Laden.

by Cleopatra Murphy/NG reporter

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama – Nineteen illegal immigrants were rounded up by immigration and police officers early Sunday morning.

Accroding to police, the group of Columbian immigrants was staying at an address on Chignal Road, Fortune Bay.

Around 1am, the team of immigration and police officers went to Fortune Bay address and conducted  round up, based on information they had received.

The group of illegal Columbians included 13 males and 6 females.  Among the group was a 36 year old Bahamian male.

Police are continuing their investigations.

A BP Editor’s note: The slack wutless immigration of the FNM should come under fire by the US. Americans should find concern with a new direct flight into The Bahamas from South America region. BP believes much of the smuggled Colombians were en-route to the United States through via the Bahamas. Readers would remember one of the terror suspects travelled through Grand Bahama into the US before the Sept. 11th incident…


  1. Dear BP, I agree with the above comment. If you are truly interested in building this nation, such comments that you make will not accomplish that. Respondible journalism must require that you have regard to your position nationally. Try to take the high road and stop being os obviously partisan.

  2. This problem will continue to exist in our Bahamas because there is NO law that can be used against Bahamian traffickers or those who harbour illegals as they await smuggling into the USA. If there is a law please tell me what it is, where it is..what section it is….and if there is one when was it last used against Bahamians involved in this stuff.. It seems only the US has tough laws on this. Now, a 36 yr old Bahamian was found with this set of people…will he be charged with anything…BP keep checkin on that and the apt owner/renter where these folks found will that person be charged with anything. I think not.

  3. Dear BP editor as a long time reader of your website I am worried about the xenophobic and fear mongering. WWW stands for “World Wide Web” key word being world this is a self harming and unproductive and is very dangerous at “what cost is anyone willing to pay to win the election?” you have general done a great job with your website so I am only giving a word of caution.

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