The Boys Brigade Council presents a Christmas Tree to Governor General


Nassau, Bahamas – The Boys Brigade Council on December 6 presents a Christmas Tree to Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes in the Drawing Room at Government House. Sir Arthur (centre) shakes hands with Council president Capt. Fernley Palmer. Looking on at left is Laban Brown, past chaplain and instructor of the Boys Brigade.

About The Boys’ Brigade:

The Boys’ Brigade is the oldest Uniformed Christian Youth Organization for Boys in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, having been started at Saint Andrews Presbyterian (Kirk) Church in 1909. We continue to Advance Christ’s Kingdom Amongst Boys here in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

The Vision statement shall be Church, Community and The Boys’ Brigade working together toward the common Good for God and Country.

The Boys’ Brigade in the Bahamas consists of Companies across the length and breath of the Bahamas from Grand Bahama to Inagua. The organization is built on the twin pillars of “Religion and Discipline”.

Discipline is effective through drill and the wearing of uniform. This improved the boys self-respect through tidiness and cleanliness as they were watched by their peers.

The Boys’ Brigade is essentially a religious movement, and a local unit or company could only be enrolled in a church or Christian body. The movement as a whole is interdenominational and any training without religion is incomplete, lopsided and inadequate.

The Boys’ Brigade provides an avenue for Churches in their outreach to boys. It not only provides useful training and healthy interest for boys who are already within the family of the church, but also gives the means to carry out the church’s missionary task of recruiting the boy “from outside.” It brings him and quite often his family too in contact with the church and all it stands for. Therefore the church must play its part in the Christian development of the company.

Programs are formulated for the development of the boy from an early age to adult hood. Our companies are sub divided in sections, the Anchor Boys, Junior Section, Company Section and Senior Section.

Companies are headed by a captain, who is responsible to the church and pastor who is the Chaplin. Volunteer workers assist the companies as active officers, while others participate on an ad hoc nature. Support and assistance is welcome and encouraged where appropriate and needed.