Nassau, Bahamas — Judgment shall begin at the House of God scripture reminds us and if Randy ‘NASTY’ Fraser’s sentencing is a sign of anything, it proves the biblical reminder has already begun.
‘NASTY’ was convicted for fooling around an underage teen girl, who was placed into his care as a dependent. The court ruled the former Child Protection Board member abused his trust as he violated the young girl.
Bahamas Press has no pity ‘whatsooooooever’ for people who fool around with lil children! LEAVE THEM ALONE AND GO ADOPT A PET! [The Bahamas Humane Society has plenty need of care.]
For years in this country children have become the targets by such pedophiles, who cannot for the life of a child leave them in peace.
Today, Fraser’s application to the Court of Appeals was rejected as he returned to the slammer to continue his sentence. The Justices told the Wayne Munroe and Associates lawyer that due to the nature of the case bail was denied and that a date to hear the appeal would be set.
Fraser’s attorney said his client was devastated upon hearing the news, after he argued how his client was a family man.
Perhaps Fraser should have thought about that when he was begging for sex from a teen girl. Additionally, his conscience should have pricked him to tell the truth, particularly after his wife told the court how she and Fraser played hopscotch, jumping jacks, ring play and ballerina around the holy altar of the Pilgram Baptist Church; DESECRATING a Consecrated place of worship.
Even the most criminally-minded amongst us refuses to stir such wicked thoughts when passing througha church corner. But in this case NASTY Fraser decided to turn the Temple of GOD into a brothel having NO DAMN SHAME!
We at Bahamas Press wonder when in heaven’s name a written confession from Bishop Nasty will come? Men and women who dress in the “cloth” and climb into these lil boys pants and under these lil girls dresses should take heed to this test case! Confession is good for the soul! REPENT OR GET THE HELL OFF THE HOLY PLACE!
REPENT and do ya first work over Baptist Bishop Nasty! You still can be used by HIM after doing so!
It’s hard to drive pass Pilgrim Baptist Church without having flash back about what that Reverend was doing in there. I wonder what affect this is having on those members who has to attend there on the regular and to see sister Frazier walking about especially after that testimony her and her husband gave the court. Anyhow, the damage have been done, I guess the members will have to gradually come to terms with what was going on in there and try to put it behind them. I know Rev. Frazier was looking forward to being home in time for Christmas to have dinner with his family and to open his gifts his members would have more than likely shower him with had he been released. Don’t be surprised if those members were not planning on throwing him a big coming home party . Well, that’s too bad they will just have to put those plans on hold for now and head up to Fox Hill Prison this year, if they want to wish him a Merry Christmas. I respect the judge’s decision not to grant him bail, Beside the fact he just reached in there; this is a very serious matter and should not be taken lightly. This will help to send a strong message to persons who are abusing their position of trust to take advantage of children and think they are above the law.
“Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap, for he that soweth to the flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption, and he that soweth to the spirit, shall of the spirit reap life everlasting”
Who is the Anglican man of the cloth you are talking about
There must be some form of punishment from the high-ups to ex-communicate these pastor, minister of music, choir leaders who prey on our babies.It will help us to heal if only their leaders would speak on their behalf. The Anglican man of the cloth is always in papers, who is conselling him, yet he continues on. People of The Bahamas don’t ask persons to pray for you, pray for yourselves as evil is all around and you cannot trust anyone. Everyone knew this man was fooling around with children, well before this trial. Mums the Word in The Bahamas!
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