PLP South Abaco Candidate delivers holiday cheer to residents


Plenty love lock support to PLP South Abaco Candidate Gary Sawyer.

South Abaco Goes GOLD!!!

Moore’s Island, Abaco — Scores of Moore’s Island residents poured onto the community park for a day of holiday fun with PLP Deputy Leader Philip Brave Davis and South Abaco candidate, Gary Sawyer.

The Island residents were hosted to plenty of food and fun as Team PLP moved through the community, knocking on doors to introduce the candidate, receiving a warm welcome from the people.

Davis and Sawyer brought residents encouragement that brighter days are ahead. Both men also joined in some basketball fun with the youth of the Island.

PLP Depty Leader and Candidate Gray Sawyer meet the people of South Abaco door to door.
Plenty Hugs and Kisses for Gray Sawyer in Moore's Island South Abaco.
Brave Davis connects with the young people of South Abaco in a fun game of basketball.
Gary Sawyer gets down with the young people and plays ball.
Come with me and the PLP Gray Sawyer tells South Abaco Residents.