Hubert Minnis – The most Popular FNM MP and Minister


Dr. Hubert Minnis, MP and Minister of Health


Nassau, BahamasBP conducted a poll two weeks prior to the Christmas Holidays. We have partnered with a new firm, BBB Analytics. The firm will be providing weekly polling for BP leading up to the General Elections.

The polling data shows that the FNM is set to lose badly. In fact, it will be worse than the results of the recent elections in Jamaica, which saw the Opposition Party, PNP, winning by a margin of two to one.

One bright light in the rather dull and lethargic performance of the FNM Government is the Minister of Health and MP for Killarney, Dr. Hubert Minnis. The Minister has a personal rating of 70% and, based on his performance as a Minister, a rating of 62%. The Minister’s numbers have been brought down by the overall performance of the FNM Government, which had a rating of 23%.

A sample size of 1800 was used, and persons were polled from Sweetings Cay to Great Inagua.

Dr. Minnis is highly popular in the Country, and persons view him as a sure bet to be the Leader of the FNM once Hubert Ingraham demits office after the projected loss during the upcoming elections.

Just to show how popular Dr. Minnis is, we provide here some of the approval ratings of some of his collegues. O A T ( Tommy) Turnquest had an approval rating of 18% for the conduct of his Ministry. This is due to the lackluster way he has dealt with crime.


Desmond Bannister had a rating of 17% at Education, Cry Baby Sour Laing, the Junior Minister of State for Finance, whose dealings with the Mona Vie situation have his rating down in single digits to 8%.

Pulling up the rear was Dion Foulkes and Loretta Butler-Turner at 4% and 2% respectively. Most respondents to our poll did not know which Ministries they were responsible for. This is a shame since they are responsible for Social Services and the COUNTRY IS IN A TOTAL MESS WITH PEOPLE JOBLESS AND HOMELESS and sleeping in the dark; even in cars behind the FNM headquarters on Mackey Street.

Neko Grant, the man most responsible for the roadworks, fared better than these two hapless Minsiters. He had a rating of 11%.

Dr. Minnis has a compelling story. He was brought up by a single parent in the heart of the blackbelt area with numerous siblings. He has made his way up the old fashioned way. It took hard work and determination for him to reach the status in life he now enjoys. Many of the respondents in the poll say, “We can identify with him. He is one of us”.

Kenneth Russell was the second most popular FNM. Mr. Russell was selected as BP’S Person of the Year after standing up to Papa. Mr. Russell had a personal rating of 54%.

We will be providing results of our polling on a regular basis to keep our readers informed.

We report, Yinner Decide.


  1. Laing got 8%???

    This polling must be flawed!

    Did someone actually respond that he is doing a good job, fair job, any job at all?

    And Tommy T in double digits???

    That’s INSANE!

  2. They don’t know what ministries these ministers are responsible for, because they are not performing to their fullest potential. One man want do everything and that‘s the problem. The only reason people know Tommy is in charge of National Security is because of the high crime rate. People are always complaining about him and wondering why he’s so laid back. They just can’t believe his approach when it comes to crime.

  3. They don’t know what ministries these ministers are responsible for, because they are not performing to their fullest potential. One man want do everything and that‘s the problem. The only reason people know Tommy is in charge of National Security is because of the high crime rate. People are always complaining about him and wondering why he’s so laid back. They just can’t believe his approach when it comes to crime.

  4. They don’t know what ministries these ministers are responsible for, because they are not performing to their fullest potential. One man want do everything and that‘s the problem. The only reason people know Tommy is in charge of National Security is because of the high crime rate. People are always complaining about him and wondering why he’s so laid back. They just can’t believe his approach when it comes to crime.

  5. That may be true but I will not vote for him. He went against the nurses, he told bold lies about the average employee makes about 80,000 dollars at Btc. And now wants to have a job fair when thousands are people are not working. A Vote for Minnis is a vote for HAI.
    He had his chance to lead, he chose to follow ..

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