Ode To Raymond Kongwa…We work deep inside Guardian too you know


the-guardian-copy.jpgWell, well, well…….it wasn’t even 15 minutes after Raymond Kongwa came “out of the closet” and revealed his true identity that Bahamas Press was bombarded with emails about this young man. OBVIOUSLY, not well liked, the “facts” that were presented, WITH PROOF, about this young man does NOT add up to most of the things he “reported” in his post which was so weirdly put to our recent Royal Bank expose.

First of all PROOF was shown that Raymond Kongwa DID NOT accomplish his Masters Degree as he had set out to do. Apparently his trouble with the Guardian this last go round was due to the fact that Guardian owners INSISTED that he pay back the monies they spent on him while at the University of Illinois because he DID NOT accomplish what he set out to do – his MASTERS DEGREE. So the first fact we established is that Raymond Kongwa HAS NO MASTERS DEGREE. At this point Kongwa decided to part company with the Guardian AGAIN but not before writing an EPIC to the Guardian owners telling them that the news editors (who are females) were giving sexual favours in exchange for stories amongst other perverted nonsense and they should investigate it.

Secondly, Raymond Kongwa is NOT qualified to make suggestions on how to run a newsroom and we were assured that the publisher of the Guardian, no matter how terlet paper it is, DID NOT ask Kongwa for recommendations or entertain him in that regard.

Thirdly, we established that Raymond Kongwa was IN FACT NOT WELL LIKED, but not for being anti-social, as he described, but for being COCKY, ARROGANT, DEMANDING, a suspected POOFTAH, UNDER-TALENTED and ultimately making a JACK ASS of himself on many occasions. PLUS it would appear that Kongwa has a chip on his shoulder as he feels he has been rejected by society as his father, who is from the Motherland, abandoned him and his mom and he was left to bear the very uncommon name, KONGWA.

An eyewitness to the fateful FNM convention fiasco told Bahamas Press that Kongwa WAS NOT sent to replace the editor at the convention that night but rather to spy on the editor. The eyewitness also said from the time Kongwa arrived at the convention it was more than OBVIOUS that he was sent there for a reason based on the immature comments he made and his cocky behaviour. The editor asked him about the loud, foolish comments he made and Kongwa flew into a rage, began drinking an alcoholic beverage, cursed at the editor and made obscene gestures to the editor – grabbing his genitals with his hands etc.

The eyewitness also said that the editor, whom Kongwa is referring to, recently suffered a debilitating illness that has the editor in a position whereas the editor can no longer work in the editor’s craft.

Kongwa was sent to spy on the editor as the publisher at the time seemed to think the editor was too “friendly” with Hubert Ingraham who was, at the time, trying to get back the reigns of FNM leadership. The Publisher, a former PLP Cabinet Minister, was running the Guardian like a PLP ship and was threatening staff about having political affiliations. Kongwa was being coached by the Publisher and some white, British ghetto man, gotten out of the BOWELS of London, who was given the position of news editor.

Kongwa was VERY immature (and still is BP is told) and could not handle the “attention” from these high ranking, sexually questionable, PLP gentlemen so he acted out like a child “KNOWING” that there would be NO recourse for his actions. After the FNM convention fiasco, Kongwa disappeared for a while. A caricature emerged of him “mating” which seemed to have ended up in the email inbox of EVERY citizen of this country.

The PLP Publisher got rid of the editor, giving the editor NO real reason as she was on a 3 month probation having just been employed by the Guardian, but BP is informed that it was a move to settle an old PLP beef with Hubert Ingraham. The eyewitness said that it was a conspiracy of the Publisher to get rid of the editor so that the Guardian could revert to being the PLP mouth piece as in days of old. The Publisher fired the editor and then miraculously Kongwa was brought back to work at the Guardian and then quickly sent to study for his Masters Degree which he was not successful in achieving. End of story…..

Kongwa….a little advice from BP.… before you come on this blog with TEN STONES COCKED TO THROW, make sure your glass windows are battened up or shatter proof.

May the games begin……………………….


  1. @Big L
    Big L ,like you I to know Kwonga and I do not know him to be a sissy.I have known him from he was a child. I believe he either hit somebody’s gal and now they are out to get him, or something of that nature.

  2. Big L :Care to elaborate?

    Good morning to you “Big L” in life you don’t put your head on the block for NO ONE,I say NO ONE,be careful a Head is not thas easy to get as a leg or a hand so think twice.Time will tell and you will see.

  3. To be honest i’ve known Kong my entire life, an he is not a pooftah, i would put my head on the block for that, and as far as the other business is concerned, yall know how it is in nassau, so whose to say ‘who ain “hittin” who?’ As for the degree, plenty ppl gat these backyard degrees so it ain that serious, it sound like we gat a lot of kongwa haters roun here, so all i’m sayin Get at em’ Kong.

  4. @tp

    TP we are not berating and destroying Ray Ray ya know. He did a good job of that all on his own. We are simpling giving him a verbal “spanking”…..lol…….

    I cant say that Ray Ray’s actions are “youthful mistakes” TP. I dont think they are.

  5. @Drama King
    Drama do you have to be so mean.First you call me gay and then you say I am p…… you of.
    Yes I know Raymond, but I am not defending him,it is about not destroying him because he made some youthful mistakes.If we would check ourselves we would see that we are no worse than Kwonga.By insulting and berateing him we are now taking on the status of being better than him.
    The same thing we accused him of doing.Peter aint better than Paul

  6. Raymond if you were not you are now famous,thanks to BP.So far Raymond you have been getting the most hitts on thi blog.

  7. tp :Kwonga where ever you ,according to what is being said about you on this blog you have a lot to learn.We all say and do follish things, but they wouldn’t be so foolish if we learn from them.Take everything that has been said as constructive critcism and move on with your life.As the saying goes this to shall past.Say hi to BEV FOR ME.No guys I am not gay

    I knew it!! The minute I saw the total defence of Kongwa by TP, I realized that TP must have known this Kongwa person. I even thought it was his mom. TP this is not the place to get all personal and defensive of the subject matter at hand.

  8. Drama King :@Kim Sands Thank you, Kim!! Hope its a girl this time. Can’t risk having another boy. He might turn out like Kongwa!!….full of himself….lol…

    Drama I see you already come up with a name(hint, hint)…lol… Just remember before you give these children these names, you should look it up to see what it means….lol…

  9. Kwonga where ever you ,according to what is being said about you on this blog you have a lot to learn.We all say and do follish things, but they wouldn’t be so foolish if we learn from them.
    Take everything that has been said as constructive critcism and move on with your life.As the saying goes this to shall past.
    Say hi to BEV FOR ME.
    No guys I am not gay

  10. @Kim Sands
    Thank you, Kim!! Hope its a girl this time. Can’t risk having another boy. He might turn out like Kongwa!!….full of himself….lol…

  11. Drama King :@Kim Sands
    Kim, the only person that seemed to take the attack on Kongwa to heart is TP. Maybe TP is Ray Ray’s mother?…who knows. Kim, you are the nicest person on this blog and you can see that Ray Ray caused this on himself so why TP cant see that? Man I tell you something is definitely wrong with Kongwa. My sources told me that they saw Kongwa at the airport yesterday with a one way ticket to the Motherland in his hand….tee hee

    Oh Drama that is just wonderful news, CONGRATULATION. Now we know just why you were missing in action from BP all of them days. Like the old people does say, “you were busy making foot for socks”…lol…. Thank you for sharing this exciting news with your BP family.

  12. TP you have issues and my day going too good for you to mess it up. Maybe you are one of Kongwa’s pooftah friends determined to defend him. Who knows?

    My wife just found out she is pregnant again and my hairline receded a few inches immediately. I have to tell my two sons the good news so I have much more on my mind than you and the infamous Kongwa, King of the Motherland.

  13. No drama I am not kwonga’s mom, buut what if I was ? Would that make me more or less inclined to speak out about this whole scenario.
    The kid made some mistakes.Which one of us is not guilty of doing the same.At least he tried to clear up the mess he made.We all know who he is.Thats more than we can say for the majority of us. We continue to use names such as drama king and TP.But who are we ? why do we not use our real names ? Is it because we have more skeletons than Kwonga.
    As far as p…. you off, go ahead, that is your right.

  14. @Kim Sands

    Kim, the only person that seemed to take the attack on Kongwa to heart is TP. Maybe TP is Ray Ray’s mother?…who knows. Kim, you are the nicest person on this blog and you can see that Ray Ray caused this on himself so why TP cant see that? Man I tell you something is definitely wrong with Kongwa. My sources told me that they saw Kongwa at the airport yesterday with a one way ticket to the Motherland in his hand….tee hee

  15. Drama King :@tp Well you know what TP, I dont think this Blog is for Social Workers or those wanting to MENTOR or COUNSEL people. That boys is BAD NEWS obviously!!!Nothing gets him despondent so I think you need to take your sympathy elsewhere. How about those male students from Eight Mile Rock School whose parents sent them there to learn and some teacher decided to make them his sex slaves instead. Now THEY need serious sympathy as they have been traumatized by some nasty Anti-Man. Get real TP. You beginning to piss me off!!!

    Drama King :@JR
    JR you are something else. I will bring the Kalik, Sands and Strong Back. We set!! BP announce the date and we ready. Lets not invite Raymond! He really quiet.

    Drama yall aint too nice ya know, you guys cause that boy to go into hiding. I really hope his mama don’t log on to BP, because no parent would like to hear their child being talked about in this fashion. Anyway, he caused this on himself coming on BP doing foolishness and then turning around and revealing himself. I don’t know why he would have done such a thing; I guess he was not aware of what people actually thought of him, now he knows and it aint to pretty.

  16. @JT

    JT I would run for the hills if I were Kongwa. But he caused it on himself. He and whomever were having their private war and NO ONE knew who their identities were or what they were talking about. But nooooo, he had to come on here and REVEAL himself…….BP said, “let the games begin” ….. two days and 62 comments later the game still hot and running…..lol…..He left himself “wide open” for verbal assault and I have no pity on the brother.

  17. @JR

    JR you are something else. I will bring the Kalik, Sands and Strong Back. We set!! BP announce the date and we ready. Lets not invite Raymond! He really quiet.

  18. Boy Drama, that was a good one too. It was in my office fridge for weeks just chilling. LOL. Don’t worry man, whenever BP has a social for its bloggers, count me in for a couple of cases. I’ll bring the Presidente, the Stella and if I’m lucky, some Boddington’s. You can handle the Bahamian stuff like Kalik and Sands and someone else can finish the world beer map with some Heineken and Red Stripe! Yum! LOL.

    But seriously, if that boy had come here openly without playing games or acting like he invented journalism, then it may have ended different. Oh well. BP, get the social together. We promise we won’t tell and most of us will be too buzzed to even remember. LOL.

  19. See Media, now thats what I’m talking about. You can’t assume people will connect the dots all the time. Now if you said that as directly and frankly up front in the article, then I wouldn’t have had to ask you about why you were beating that man down like that. Kongwa came on pretending to be someone else and then when he couldn’t take the chaffing, tried to lecture the BP Nation on journalism. I still want BP to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this guy doesn’t have a Masters Degree like he claimed. Until then, thank you for laying out what your beef was with this guy and the hypocrisy of him calling for you to do an investigation.

  20. @JT
    If this Kongwa fella was reading Bahamas Press, he would know we know how the WUTLESS MEDIA operates. https://www.bahamaspress.com/?p=1413

    We dislike his ‘dishonest ways’ coming on here, deceiving our bloggers and in the process asking us to investigate a Guardian editorial corruption investigation? Has he ever heard the saying, “Who’s policing the police?”

    The Guardian cannot call no investigation on itself, except the owners of ColinaImperial are prepared to go to jail! We know of corruption in media, that’s no secret!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  21. Hey hey, take it easy now guys. We’re just blogging. No need to get your undies in a bunch. Obviously there will be situations in which some people are more sensitive than others, but let’s try to keep it civil. I believe that networking is the way to keep abreast of current events, but we don’t have to tear at each other to have a strong opinion about something. Besides all of that, there are worse things right? There are many things going on in the Bahamas that actually sicken me. This whole conversation about Raymond is starting to do just that. TP and Drama King, let’s just end it there. But maybe it will keep future bloggers from revealing themselves, and hence becoming easy targets for our opinions and quick rushes to judgement. Although, I will say again that the cap fits Raymond, so let him wear it!

  22. @tp
    Well you know what TP, I dont think this Blog is for Social Workers or those wanting to MENTOR or COUNSEL people. That boys is BAD NEWS obviously!!!Nothing gets him despondent so I think you need to take your sympathy elsewhere. How about those male students from Eight Mile Rock School whose parents sent them there to learn and some teacher decided to make them his sex slaves instead. Now THEY need serious sympathy as they have been traumatized by some nasty Anti-Man. Get real TP. You beginning to piss me off!!!

  23. @Drama

    That is what I am saying.Apparently he said somethings and so apparently he deserves to be scourged and then crucified.Lets do it.
    The kid is just in his mid 20’s.he has a lot to learn,let us discipline and not abuse him
    Yes this serious to me because I have seen what despondency can do to a person, especially a young person.

  24. @tp

    Taking it waaaay too serious, my friend. Lighten up. Think about all the people Kongwa messed with. This is light action compared to all his apparent devilish ways.

  25. media :@JRIf the truth be told JR, you’ll not be on here! You know that! But Bahamas Press has became a NERVE to some people you support and so like Finley, you stick around to stir the pot. Keep reading my friend, we will soon have another article on your boy Christie and his side kick, “Da Snitch”!
    We say no more on thiss.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Excuse me for getting in yall little tete a tete but is the Christie expose going to be a real good one this time? I am waiting with baited breath on this one.

  26. TP, you dont read these comments eh? Didnt JT explain to you how this Kongwa man got to be the topic of a post? He came out and REVEALED who he was and made accusatory remarks, lied about his qualifications etc. HE STARTED ALL OF THIS!! BP merely put him in his place, thats all.

  27. Drama, You know, in all walks of life we run into people that irks us, when we allow ourselves to get caught up in their nets we bccome just like them.YOU Can’t keep anyone in the mud without being their yourself.
    In this world their are so many beautiful and good people why are we concentrating on Kwonga.

  28. JT: Kongwa is a fake and a fraud and a learnED pooftah according to the people on this blog who know him. Quite frankly I hope I never meet him. Sounds like someone who can really piss off a brother.

  29. I don’t like the way that BP talks about people either, but Raymond brought himself into the conversation and posted his name for everyone to see. He made statements that can be falsified and I suppose BP hung him out to dry. All the same, he’s a non-issue, so let’s keep it moving.

  30. @tp
    TP OBVIOUSLY you are using emotions over good judgement. This started with the Royal Bank story…do your history of these comments please. This young man has obviously judged and juried women, making them out to be sluts and his peers who he feels have no worth etc. As far as I am concerned, he is just getting what he deserves. Do you see ANYONE on this blog saying ANYTHING good about this young man? That should tell you something.

  31. @tp
    TP have you ever heard of the phrase, “ATTEMPTING TO MISLEAD”? The axed reporter came on here telling us to investigate something. Then he further decided to mislead us by suggesting that he had obtain a master degree at the University of Illinois, that is untrue. The reporter cannot produce to us on here any such certificate and we should know.


  32. I am new to this blog and it scares me to see the way we are trying to destroy This young man. Yes he may be all we are saying he is. But what give us the right to be judge and jury ? What gives us the right to tesr him down in such a vile and despicable way ? Are we listening to what we are saying, how we sound ?
    It is people like us that destroys lives.Kwonga is a young man that has made mistakes just like all of us.I am sure all of us have our faults and has had moments that we wish never happened.How would we feel if we were treated the way we are treating Raymond?

  33. @JR
    JR, I cant believe you done drink that beer. i was looking forward to it too….lol…..JT, you right you know….some freaks, like how this Kongwa is described, might like the attention no matter how negative it is. But on a serious note, he would be sick to really like what BP said…….that is a blow that would send the strongest man hurling.

  34. Drama, I’m cool.My bad for not pointing that out cause you know that ain’t my flavor whatsoever! LOL. Boy, I ger have to owe you that Presidente. It was good too. LOL.

  35. I know Raymond as well, and as bad as these comments are for the most part, knowing him, he is loving the attention being given to him. This guy really believe he’s God’s greatest gift, to men, women or beast. I really don’t know what his flavour is.

  36. JR I read over your first post and I know what you getting at. lol…behave yourself. This is about Kongwa not that other person….lol

  37. @JR

    lol …JR…you can still give me the Presidente beer, man. I thirsty, especially after reading bout this dip sh** Kongwa. I know you dont go that way JR which is why I was confused that you seemed like you were defending this MISFIT. He revealed himself on BP, but I wonder where he is now and how come he aint in here defending himself.
    He is a piece of work. Seems like when the FNM convention “event” happened he was a budding Pootah but now he is fully blossomed…..lol….

  38. @JR

    JR….thank God you redeemed yourself. I was kinda scared there for a quick second…serious ting. What is a doo doo head?…lol

    I cant speak for BP but I thought BP exposed The Kongwa cause he was a part of the wutless media and trying to act all self righteous.

  39. Drama King :

    mashup :You’re not the only one who knows Raymond there Dibbles. He is a widely considered a pompous, talentless, bootlicking a** throughout the journalism community.The thought of that windbag giving anyone lessons about journalism is a joke.He can hardly write a proper greeting card.If you doubt me, then please check the grammar in his post.It’s also widely known in the journalism community that he did not complete his master’s degree course.Sour grapes is all he is about. Don’t let him come on here and fool you. My question is that now that Bahamaspress clearly isn’t feeling his hyperbole and he can’t get a job in government or any media house in the country, what does he do now?Hope his MP buddy can help him out. Either that or he can learn some humility. But it’s doubtful that would ever happen. He seems to be too busy attempting to teach those of us that are so far beneath his superior intellect.

    Mashup!! Man I am in my office LMAO……..Sounds like this Kongwa bey has a serious problem that only Dibbles and JR dont know about. He was a bootlicker too?? Sounds like he dont know who he really is….
    Kongwa!! Sounds like you confused, ma boy!! You bring down the whole Motherland by being an Anti-man PLUS a bootlicker!! True True African man dont act like that……lol……you all killing me…..lol

    Noooooo Drama. LOL. Not you too. No man, I don’t know Kongwa like that. I had one run in with him and thought he was a dipsh*t but I wanted to know what he do to get a spanking like that from Media when the only crime I see him commit in his post was acting like he was talking to two year olds. No Drama, don’t do that to your boy. I don’t go that way. LOL. And to think I was about to give you one of my cheap Presidente beer (no can). LOL.

  40. media :
    Ahhh my we must have hit ya boy hard. GET OVER IT JR…LOL! Life goes on.
    Today where are monitoring Parliament and seeing how all them lil boy got molested at the EIGHT MILE ROCK HIGH School. We note your silence of that matter, but your vengeance to touch on this matter [Axed Guardian Reporter]. How sad! We guess you’re thinking that the matter at the EMR High School is like how Brent Symonette once said, “That’s small things!”
    May the good Lord help you both!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Media, you wrong for that one man. I just caught what you trying to say. LOL. Hold on partner I got no horse in that Kongwa race. i just wanted to connect the dot as far as why you bring the smack down on him like that. You need to explain that.

    if you say you had it in for him for being a doo doo head, then fine, say that but don’t leave it open to question like that. Now here’s the part where you going wrong. I am not more concerned about that boy than I am about the EMR thing. you hitting under the belt there with that one but I guess it does look like I’m defending him a bit. My bad and I apologize but I had to ask. Off with his head, just tell us why you chopping it off, thats all I’m saying.

    See? And not a bad word about Glenis the PLP Killer.

  41. Does anyone have the caricature? I want to see it. Please send it to BP if any of you have it and BP please, please post it. I want to see what the great Kongwa is so scared of.

  42. truthhurts :Oh Raymond, you silly goose. You should have listened when you had the chance.Now BP done went and destroyed you. Oh well, pride cometh before the fall.

    Truth Hurts, Ray Ray had the option of bowing out anonymously but nooooooooooooooooo he just had to go and REVEAL himself and write an “epic”. He obviously forgot that BP can go and dig up dirt.

  43. @Dibbles

    ….dont recall being “aboard” from the get go, Dibbles. And, if that bey Kongwa is a part of them, I dont want to be no part of that organization……lol

  44. Ha Ha Drama King at least we agree with one thing PLP all the way.Raymond is not as bad as thy are making him out to be. Val leyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy in yor belly.

  45. mashup :You’re not the only one who knows Raymond there Dibbles. He is a widely considered a pompous, talentless, bootlicking a** throughout the journalism community.The thought of that windbag giving anyone lessons about journalism is a joke.He can hardly write a proper greeting card.If you doubt me, then please check the grammar in his post.It’s also widely known in the journalism community that he did not complete his master’s degree course.Sour grapes is all he is about. Don’t let him come on here and fool you. My question is that now that Bahamaspress clearly isn’t feeling his hyperbole and he can’t get a job in government or any media house in the country, what does he do now?Hope his MP buddy can help him out. Either that or he can learn some humility. But it’s doubtful that would ever happen. He seems to be too busy attempting to teach those of us that are so far beneath his superior intellect.

    Mashup!! Man I am in my office LMAO……..Sounds like this Kongwa bey has a serious problem that only Dibbles and JR dont know about. He was a bootlicker too?? Sounds like he dont know who he really is….
    Kongwa!! Sounds like you confused, ma boy!! You bring down the whole Motherland by being an Anti-man PLUS a bootlicker!! True True African man dont act like that……lol……you all killing me…..lol

  46. Dibbles :I know RAYMOND he’s not as bad as BP making him out to be.Give him a break I remember him when he use to work at the PUNCH. He might have made some bad choices but he’s a good fellow.

    Dibbles!! You again!!?? I think you are just as wrong as you were when you said the Valley Boys were the best Junkanoo Group! As much as the folks on this blog talk bad about this Kongwa fella, he MUST BE BAD. He did The Punch too?? Mudda sick!! He was errywhere eh? He like a newspaper whore – throwing his sentences, letters and verbs all around…..lol……if you cant keep a job….then the handwriting is on the wall. I say ALL MEDIA need to keep this ANTI-MAN out!!!….lol…..

    PS: Saxons is still the country’s #1 Junkanoo Group

  47. @JR
    Ahhh my we must have hit ya boy hard. GET OVER IT JR…LOL! Life goes on.

    Today where are monitoring Parliament and seeing how all them lil boy got molested at the EIGHT MILE ROCK HIGH School. We note your silence of that matter, but your vengeance to touch on this matter [Axed Guardian Reporter]. How sad! We guess you’re thinking that the matter at the EMR High School is like how Brent Symonette once said, “That’s small things!”

    May the good Lord help you both!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  48. You’re not the only one who knows Raymond there Dibbles. He is a widely considered a pompous, talentless, bootlicking a** throughout the journalism community.
    The thought of that windbag giving anyone lessons about journalism is a joke.
    He can hardly write a proper greeting card.
    If you doubt me, then please check the grammar in his post.
    It’s also widely known in the journalism community that he did not complete his master’s degree course.
    Sour grapes is all he is about. Don’t let him come on here and fool you. My question is that now that Bahamaspress clearly isn’t feeling his hyperbole and he can’t get a job in government or any media house in the country, what does he do now?
    Hope his MP buddy can help him out. Either that or he can learn some humility. But it’s doubtful that would ever happen. He seems to be too busy attempting to teach those of us that are so far beneath his superior intellect.

  49. More threats from Media and not a single word addressing the point and questions being put to him. Whatever man, its your world, we’re just the squirrels trying to get a nut, right? Life was good before BP and it will be good after so just remember that. I thought you said that BP doesn’t deal in deflections. Seems like you’re deflecting now big boy.

  50. I know RAYMOND he’s not as bad as BP making him out to be.Give him a break I remember him when he use to work at the PUNCH. He might have made some bad choices but he’s a good fellow.

  51. @JR
    If the truth be told JR, you’ll not be on here! You know that! But Bahamas Press has became a NERVE to some people you support and so like Finley, you stick around to stir the pot. Keep reading my friend, we will soon have another article on your boy Christie and his side kick, “Da Snitch”!

    We say no more on thiss.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  52. JR :As this is likely to be my last post for telling Media (them) the time, I just want to big up the fellow bloggers who make BP worth reading. Props to Drama King (you gotta stop giving Media a pass, and save me a Kalik), Joe Blow (you starting to come around), Thomas Finley (I still think you’re an idiot, but at least you’re original), Connie (smart gal), Kim Sands (other smart gal) Ronica 7 (yet another smart gal), WOW (BP benefactor and critic all at once and also a very smart guy), OT, the trouble maker, Altec (don’t be mad all the time) Omar Archer (keep taking your medicine), Canesfins (the coolest white dude in the country by far) and the rest of the gang, even the new comers and a few of you who come over from BI and use your fake names here. I know Media won’t give you all the credit so I will. Peace!

    Hi Jr, I just want you to know I am always looking forward to reading your post. You have always come across to me as a very sincere person. Not swallowing everything you hear, but always searching for the truth. You just have to respect that.

  53. I agree with you a helluva lot there JR. I think people read BP for the entertainment value and definitely not the attempt at investigative journalism. The fact that they engage in name calling and outright gossip kills the credibility in the actual content. I don’t think it matters either way to Media though. Clearly they all think they have the heads-up on everyone and everything that is newsworthy. Somehow though, the stories mostly border on being possible rather than factual. Thus, as I stated before, this site is purely for its entertainment value for me and interacting with other bloggers who obviously have more sense than the editors and writers on this site!

  54. As this is likely to be my last post for telling Media (them) the time, I just want to big up the fellow bloggers who make BP worth reading. Props to Drama King (you gotta stop giving Media a pass, and save me a Kalik), Joe Blow (you starting to come around), Thomas Finley (I still think you’re an idiot, but at least you’re original), Connie (smart gal), Kim Sands (other smart gal) Ronica 7 (yet another smart gal), WOW (BP benefactor and critic all at once and also a very smart guy), OT, the trouble maker, Altec (don’t be mad all the time) Omar Archer (keep taking your medicine), Canesfins (the coolest white dude in the country by far) and the rest of the gang, even the new comers and a few of you who come over from BI and use your fake names here. I know Media won’t give you all the credit so I will. Peace!

  55. media :
    Well we respond to you JR by saying do remember Bahamas Press is a web of writers who know our craft well. We are everywhere. Remember that also. Media is no one individual JR. Media is not PLP nor FNM. We think that also has been established here.
    However, if you feel any of us are like yourself or has the ways of a Kongwa, be assured if that was so, NONE OF US would be calling for Carl Bethel to resign! NOR would we be allowing you to post your comments on here. We allowed yours and this Kongwa fella. That in itself proves we are fair, but do remember we have opinions of our own.
    So for the RECORD, and for you JR, who seek to find association with your friends of a similar ilk, please remember our nature is VERY MUCH INTACT! And to make it clearer for you, THIS WRITER LOVES WOMEN, AND HAVE NO URGE FOR YOUR KIND!
    We have warned writers who practice in the WUTLESS MEDIA in this country to STAY OFF BAHAMAS PRESS or they will experience HEAT FROM THIS BLOG. WE ARE NOT PLAYING WITH THAT! YOU PLAYED THE GAME, DON’T COME ON HERE ASKING US TO INVESTIGATE NOTHING! And now the axed reporter clearly understands what we mean. He is only exposing what we ALWAYS KNEW!
    Who don’t know the WUTLESS media in this country is selling news? Shredding letters, undermining the public and failing to be objective? WE HAVE PREACHED THAT SINCE THE DAY WE BEGAN THIS BLOG! Just look at their VICKED PUBLISHERS and you can see that!
    Bahamas Press/Editor
    PS: Oh and if your remember Jr, the last warning we gave PLP ADMIN about coming on here, he has not returned. We hope you’ve notice, THAT THAT FILTY MOUTH BRAT HAS NEVER RETURNED! AND HE KNOWS WHY!

    My brother, you don’t know me at all to talk about my “ilk”. LOL. You sounding a bit too defensive. Did I strike a nerve? All I am saying, and if any of these other bloggers had a spine they would tell you this too, that despite Kongwa being a world class a-hole, you have presented very little justification for your attack on him and it seems personal much in the same way it was with you and the, LOL, foul mouth brat PLP Admin. Where is the substance behind what you are throwing on this guy? It doesn’t make sense to my kind (that is thinking people) that you and he are basically saying the same thing. The only difference is that he was a part of the system and now he isn’t. Its unrealistic and rather foolish in my opinion for you to question why he didn’t say these things sooner or back up your claims sooner when you answered your own question by pointing out that he was a part of the system. Whistle blowers often are a part of the same system they revolt against so I’m at a loss as to why you would put such an angry post up there like that or worse, try and attack me and bait me into a row about sissyism. I’m not dumb Media and because you don’t know anything about me, I wouldn’t even get into that row with you. I’m just calling you out (Again) for your less than forthcoming approach to something you expect us to read and take seriously.

    There is a give and take to this that sometimes, I think you or yinna, don’t seem to fully appreciate. Yes, many of us read for the entertainment but some of us sincerely do not trust the media or the political parties to tell us what is what and we rely on this site among others to exercise some caution and restraint in telling us what is what. So I’m asking you again, can you please tell us what is even newsworthy about this Kongwa boy that would push you to write that note the way you did. Can you please tell us why whenever one of your millions of readers questions your motives or points raised in a story that you fly off the handle as if we’re your subjects and you are the king who should go unquestioned? Can you tell us what this site would be if the readers stopped reading or the bloggers stopped commenting and keeping things moving?

    I have told you before and I know I’m not the only one, the most interesting part of this site that keeps me and others coming back isn’t your writing. Your writing is just the doorway my brother. Its the other bloggers and their comments and the back and forth. When you intervene, you actually kill the vibe by being all imperial and fussy. That is my frank honest opinion. Crank out the stories and leave the comments up to the bloggers to say what they think or don’t think and only in extreme circumstances should you intervene or whenever someone is asking you a direct question. That is my view. On the topic of there being multiple Media, or personalities, you need to find a better way to fix that because like it or not, whenever you do intervene, you are participating in a relationship with your readers. I don’t need to know what your birth certificate says and I’m happy to have you remain anonymous but you have to do a better job of distinguishing between who is playing Media today. This particular one is not the one I would want to deal with because you seem to think little of your readers.

    You need to check yourself and come back with the answers and leave the insults and attempted insults out. Whats the deal with you and Kongwa? Why such a vicious attack when the fella basically confirmed much of what you had been saying for a long time? And if you have friends deep in the Guardian and Tribune and the other media as you say, are not your friends also WUTLESS? You have choice Mr. or Mrs or Ms Media (yinna). You can interact with more civility toward your loyal readers who want to know or you can be a prick about it and call people names. Your choice. I’ve already made mine.


  57. Ahhhh lord, you all give Ray a break… he lil freaky, but he eeen all bad. He should just stay away from alcohol.

  58. Kongwa you poor thing. It looks like you have opened a can of worms on here. I don’t know you, but I can only begin to imagine the shame you must feel. If you could only turn back the hands of time, I know you would have never revealed yourself on BP.

  59. @JR
    Well we respond to you JR by saying do remember Bahamas Press is a web of writers who know our craft well. We are everywhere. Remember that also. Media is no one individual JR. Media is not PLP nor FNM. We think that also has been established here.

    However, if you feel any of us are like yourself or has the ways of a Kongwa, be assured if that was so, NONE OF US would be calling for Carl Bethel to resign! NOR would we be allowing you to post your comments on here. We allowed yours and this Kongwa fella. That in itself proves we are fair, but do remember we have opinions of our own.

    So for the RECORD, and for you JR, who seek to find association with your friends of a similar ilk, please remember our nature is VERY MUCH INTACT! And to make it clearer for you, THIS WRITER LOVES WOMEN, AND HAVE NO URGE FOR YOUR KIND!

    We have warned writers who practice in the WUTLESS MEDIA in this country to STAY OFF BAHAMAS PRESS or they will experience HEAT FROM THIS BLOG. WE ARE NOT PLAYING WITH THAT! YOU PLAYED THE GAME, DON’T COME ON HERE ASKING US TO INVESTIGATE NOTHING! And now the axed reporter clearly understands what we mean. He is only exposing what we ALWAYS KNEW!

    Who don’t know the WUTLESS media in this country is selling news? Shredding letters, undermining the public and failing to be objective? WE HAVE PREACHED THAT SINCE THE DAY WE BEGAN THIS BLOG! Just look at their VICKED PUBLISHERS and you can see that!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

    PS: Oh and if your remember Jr, the last warning we gave PLP ADMIN about coming on here, he has not returned. We hope you’ve notice, THAT THAT FILTY MOUTH BRAT HAS NEVER RETURNED! AND HE KNOWS WHY!

  60. Media, i read this post again and then I read Kongwa’s essay post and I have to say that your attack on him seems to be a hatchet job based on nothing but the obvious arrogance of this guy and nothing else. Even your initial response to him, reminding him to post in the appropriate heading was nothing indicating this kind of post. Is this one of those times when the “other” Media is taking over and writing?

    Seriously Media, I try to give you right when you’re right and I’ve had to deal with this guy once before and found him extremely unpleasant but I’m still scratching my head to figure out why you took him on like that. He says he has a Masters, you say he doesn’t, okay. So the burden of proving it rests on you Media, not him. You say he was fired and was spying on another reporter, okay, prove it. Otherwise, you’re going to start coming across like the same wutless media that you and Kongwa both agree are ruling our newsrooms. Something ain’t right about this one Media. I know how touchy you get when other writers openly come here (remember PLP Admin?) so you have to straighten this one up for people like me who rap on you when you off course and give you your props when you behave. I’m really curious about what this is really REALLy about. Fess up Media. Did Kongwa roach you? Wait, you say he likes man. LOL. Thats his rights, more women for the rest of us….I leave that one there but Media, you leaving a lot out of the story now that i’ve read the story and his letter and Truth hurts letter too. Seems Truth works at the Guardian too. Hmmmm.

  61. G rated, LOL. Boy Media you are a special one. LOL. So why stop at dragging Kongwa out the closet? Why not drag the PLP MP out too or are you afraid of that one? Didn’t Kongwa spend some time working in government when he left the guardian? Don’t go half way BP when you go. There is always more to the story and I hope BP heeds his own advice to the likes of Kongwa and don’t think yourself so high and mighty that you too can’t be brought down. Everybody has his cooler and you my friend, are Kongwa’s North pole. That was nuclear what you dropped on him and his uppity do nothing backside.

  62. We never do this — SCOLD OUR WRITERS AND BLOGGERS AT THE SAME TIME. But please PLEASE remember this website is rated G!

  63. Oh Raymond, you silly goose. You should have listened when you had the chance.
    Now BP done went and destroyed you. Oh well, pride cometh before the fall.

  64. @phoenix

    Phoenix, even if the Guardian is corrupt as the Pooftah says, who is he to straighten them out? What makes him the God of Journalism and honesty? I know he laying low in shame somewhere. I am also suspicious about him picking on girls……first the former editor, who is obviously a girl if he was grabbing his nuts at her (lets hope he wouldnt be “out the closet” enough to do this to a man) and secondly practically calling the two present female editors sluts by saying they exchanging sex for stories. He twisted bad!!

  65. Altec, i agree with drama king. If this Kongwa fellow is the kind of lying homo BP says he is, then he deserves to be crucified like he was today. But I still wonder if the wutless Guardian is as corrupt as the “pooftah” Kongwa claimed.

  66. LOL, you don’t know how funny this is. Mr “Self Righteous” Raymond Kongwa. He always had something like this coming. For as long as I have known this guy, no one ever gave a damn about him. Arrogant, narcissistic, obnoxious, idiotic, egotistic are some of the ‘nicer’ words I would use to describe him. He had it coming, as always!!! Always puts both his feet in his mouth, always speaks before spoken to, never thinks before he speaks…..these perfectly characterize Raymond. Although I never agree with BP, I think this one is on the money.

  67. @Altec
    Altec, evidently this Kongwa person needed to be “bothered” with. He brazenly revealed who he was on this blog and according to BP half of what he said was not true and he has all these skeletons.
    Furthermore, I could be wrong, but I thought BP didnt encourage the Wutless Media on this blog……lol…..this is so entertaining.

  68. BP is getting better and better. This is what old folks would refer to as a serious “stoke”!!….lol…..whoever this Raymond fella is, I am sure he is hiding his head in a conch shell from shame. Or seeing that he is from the Motherland maybe he is hiding his head in a lion’s ASStronomical mouth……lol….go figure.

    This blog gets more and more exciting as the days march on.

  69. Holy $***! Kawabonga your flaming a** is toast. The $*** has definitely hit the fan. I can’t say I feel sorry for that arrogant fool. Can’t wait for round two. Keep up coming, BP.

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