The Press deserves a proper Press Briefing Room before Cabinet Meetings


The Churchill Building

Christie Government should move quickly to get reporters out of the rain at Churchill building and establish early morning press briefings…

Nassau, Bahamas — When in the Bahamas are we going to begin doing things right? Every time the Cabinet meets, there on the steps of the Churchill Building, a gang of press gather to get an update on matters facing the country.

Every week the media ‘gatta’ stand in the rain sometimes begging for a story.

What is this?

Bahamas Press
is calling on the Christie Government to change that. Let’s go first class! Let’s be world class. The time has come for the country to open a Press Briefing Room where Ministers meet members of the press or indeed the Cabinet before or after the weekly session on Tuesdays.

Almost everywhere in the around world there is a Press Briefing Room. Every modern society in the world has a well managed, plush pressroom where the country can be updated on matters and decisions carried out by the government!

And they do this to show that they are transparent and accountable!

They do this to prove that they are professional and open.

And for goodness sakes, Mr. Christie, get them damn wutless reporters out the rain and show them you could deliver faster and quicker than the FNM or Papa Clown; who by the way called for open and transparent governance to the Bahamians people since 1992. Except for the talkshows where the people live ‘cussin’, we still away TRANSPARENCY FROM THE GOVERNMENT!

Boy I tell ya! “If ya don’t laugh you will cry!”

BP fighting for the WUTLESS media dem!

We report yinner decide!