Police Officers Promoted in less than 100 days
Nassau, Bahamas – In accordance with Article 119(5) of the Constitution and after consultation with the Police Promotion Board, the Commissioner of Police announced that a total of two hundred, sixty-nine (269) Reserves contracted officers were promoted. Eighty-one (81) Corporals were promoted to the rank of Sergeant and one hundred, eighty-eight (188) Constables were promoted to the rank of Corporal.
Additionally, in accordance with Article 119(3) of the Constitution and on the advice of the Police Service Commission, His Excellency The Governor General announced that a total of ninety-eight (98) Reserve Senior Officers were promoted.
Twenty (20) Assistant Superintendent were promoted to the rank of Superintendent, twenty-six (26) Inspectors to Assistant Superintendent and fifty-two (52) Sergeants to Inspectors.
Police wish to inform that the effective date of the promotion is from 1st July, 2012.
Homicide Victim Identified in Grand Bahama
The sixth homicide victim for Grand Bahama this year, 2012, was officially identified as Kirklyn Swendel Lightbourne DOB 19th April, 1979 of Spinney Road.
It was on Saturday afternoon, when the police were notified and responded to the report of gunshots being heard in the Yeoman Wood area. Upon their arrival to East Indianman Road West near Spoonbill Loop, the body of 33 year old Lightbourne was found lying on the northern side of the East Indianman Road with multiple gunshot wounds to the body.
At this time, the motive or circumstances surrounding this latest homicide in Grand Bahama is not known, hence, the police are appealing to residents in the area or other persons who were in the area and noted anyone running away from the area or any vehicle being driven away from the scene at a high rate of speed, to call 3503107/9, 352-9774/5 or 911 with information that would assist the detectives in their investigations.