After almost three weeks of silence a domestic dispute ends in murder last night.


Man beheads his girlfriend last night – 10th murder for July

Police investigate death of female – Police are questioning a 27 year old man of Charles Vincent Street in connection with a recent Homicide.

Police walking the beat - File Photo.

According to police reports the suspect was at his residence when he got into an altercation with a female known to him, which resulted in the female being killed.

Police reportedly received information of the incident around 7:30 pm on Friday 27th July, 2012. Active police investigations continue.

Meanwhile police confiscate large amounts of jewelry – An operation conducted by officers of the South-central Division,(Grove Police Station), resulted in a large quantity of jewelry (gold chains, rings and bracelets) being confiscated.

According to police reports, between the hours of 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm on Thursday 26th July, 2012 officers of the South-central Division executed search warrants on a number of business establishments which resulted in the items being confiscated.

Police are questioning several persons in connection with this incident. Active police investigations continue.According to police reports the suspect was at his residence when he got into an altercation with a female known to him, which resulted in the female being killed.

Police reportedly received information of the incident around 7:30 pm on Friday 27th July, 2012. Active police investigations continue.

Police investigates shop breaking – Police are requesting the public’s assistance in locating the person(s) responsible for breaking into an establishment and stealing a number of computers.

According to police reports around 8:30 pm on Friday 27th July, 2012 police received information that establishment, located Market Street south of Andros Avenue was broken into and the items stolen.