Former DPM and Minister of National Security’s Community Centre ransacked by thieves


Thousands of dollars in equipment stolen from Community Centre – Children have no computers!

Former Deputy Prime Minister Cynthia 'Mother' Pratt - photo by

Nassau, Bahamas — Police and Urban Renewal officials have a tough time on their hands following a serious attack at the center operated by a popular former PLP politician.

Thieves have removed thousands of dollars worth of equipment from a community centre operated by Dr. Cynthia ‘Mother’ Pratt.

We can confirm the incident occurred last week Thursday and has yet to be covered by members of the GUTLESS WUTLESS MEDIA!

The crime was recorded sometime around 8:30 pm.

Officers were called to #225 Market Street south of Andros Ave. and discovered that the facility had been broken into and a number of computers and equipment stolen.

We are told a manager at the centre made the discovery and reported that some unknown person(s) had forced entry through the main front door to the upstairs area of the center, taking a total of eleven (11) computer systems valued around $12,000.00.

No arrests have been made on the matter nor did anyone in the area see anything.


Mother Pratt has been appointed Co-Chairperson for the Urban Renewal Programme and is charged with building similar community centers around the country.

We report yinner decide!