Will the Shadow Minister for Labour in the FNM PLEASE STAND!!! – FNM appointed no Shadow Minister for Labour!


DNA makes a far better opposition than the FNM

Newly elected FNM Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis.

Nassau, Bahamas – Though they have fallen off the map like king kong off the tall tower in New York, the DNA is by far emerging as a better organized opposition party than the FNM.

Evidence of this fact comes after the published headline in today’s Guardian revealed, yes, there is fire not smoke inside the FNM. You know my mah use to say when you dream about fires, “that’s confusion, and when you see fire that’s death.” Well, can we predict there is ‘political death’ headed for the FNM?

The Party is up and down yelling and screaming how members of its party are being victimized by the new PLP government. It claimed Johnlee Ferguson the former Chairman was victimized.

It claimed its Chairman candidate who worked at BTVI, Ivoine ‘Crybaby’ Ingraham was victimized. It screamed victimization after contracts at Urban Renewal were up. And like a baby getting its bottle pulled away before it could swallow milk, they claimed the FNM was victimized after getting fired by the Bahamian people.

In today’s Guardian however, everyone saw a tip of what is soon to come in the party as Dion Foulkes and Party Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis stood fighting on the front page over the word “victimization”.

The leader of the FNM, who inherited the textbook on victimization from Hubert Ingraham, told the morning daily that The PLP has taken victimization to a new level. But he didn’t explain what level was worse. “Victimization” in Webster when we last checked meant the same thing.

Papa Clown now in Labadee, Haiti seeking spiritual advice. The man who didn't believe in Bahamians failed to advised his successors to appoint a Shadow Minister for Labour. Ingraham left unemployment at its highest levels ever recorded. With unemployment among young Bahamians at 34% before leaving office.

Hubert Minnis told the Guardian that yes the FNM victimized Bahamians in its last administration, and offered no apology to its victims. But in the same morning newspaper in a statement also published in Bahamas Press over the weekend the former Minister for Labour wrote: “The assertion that the FNM engaged in victimization while in office is not true and such an allegation cannot be substantiated by the record.” That was the opening line by a former Cabinet Minister.

So we Joe Public or as in like Sideburns characters ‘Potcake and Granny’, who are we to believe?

The leader designate says it happened, and the former minister says it never happened. Like the woman in the Superwash commercial says: “This spin cycle does make me dizzy nah!”

The FNM is in trouble!

Its hologram leader has left them in the same bitch and potcake dogfight he met them in in 1992. In fact, while Foulkes claims victimization never happened under the FNM perhaps we could jolt his memory for a bit and open the eyes of Joe Public.

Who remembers who read the Speech from the Throne following the 1992 election victory of the FNM? Was it Sir Clifford or Sir Kendal?

Real historians would remember Acting Governor General or the Deputy to the Governor General, Sir Kendal Isaacs did and how did that happened?

Well the Queen’s representative in the territory then Sir Clifford Darling was asked to leave the country on the Opening of Parliament and choose the destination of his choice.

That’s what Hubert Ingraham did to Queen Elizabeth’s Representative here in the Bahamas.

Dame Ivy Dumont who served as Cabinet minister of the FNM swore in all PLP Ministers and read the speech from the throne in 2002, when Christie’s PLP came to office. Sir Arthur did the same on May 7th. So who took victimization to a new level?

The FNM showed no damn respect to the man who has now since departed the earth, hurt over the incident.

That was victimization in its purest form!

Hubert Ingraham and the FNM victimized the Governor General – therefore we ain’t going to tell the story about the ‘subjects’, some of whom died after being banished from the job by the FNM.

But this is a new day and we have something even more important to discuss.

Former Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes now in headed row with Dr. Minnis over victimization claims. Foulkes also wants to lead the FNM, but cannot raise money for the party and Sir Durward knows why...

While the FNM play ballerina on the word “Victimization” and is not getting a medal for its bad performance in opposition, could someone in the public please ask whoever is in charge of the party these days why if it so loved the Bahamian worker; that to this very day in the year of our Lord August 13th, 2012, no shadow Minister of Labour has been appointed as a spokesman for the party from the Parliament?

Not one MP or FNM for that matter has been named! It’s Unbelievable!

What is worse is the fact that the wutless media would engage the FNM night and day on the claims of ‘VICTIMIZATION’ but not one damn reporter in the Bahamas would inquire of the FNM how is it failed to appoint a voice among its Parliamentary team for Labour in the country.


They take us for fools ya know! If they so cared about workers and believed in Bahamians, why was there no voice to speak up for labour appointed and announced by the FNM on June 18th?

The people who say they are concerned about workers and unions didn’t see the need to appoint a shadow Cabinet spokesman for Labour in the Parliament!


Could you imagine what the Tribune would have wrote if Mr. Perry Christie didn’t appoint a Minister for Labour in his Cabinet?

Boy I tell ya, if you don’t laugh you will Cry!

The next time the FNM raises the cry of victimization, ask them who was appointed spokesman or woman to this issue on June 18th when its Shadow Cabinet was appointed?

Yinner see why we said the DNA would make the Bahamas a far better Opposition? They [DNA] appointed a Shadow Minister for Labour … At least they care about workers and unions!

We ga report and yinner decide!