The Dr. of the Environment and a Nursery Manager didn't know better?


foto-2-983g0243-largeLast year November the Minister of the Environment the Hon. Earl Deveaux received a donation of 100 seagrape trees from Rock Farms Nursery for the beautification of Zone #1 of the Department of Environmental Health’s Beautification Programme.

The trees were planted on Yamacraw Beach Road. Pictured from left are Minister Deveaux and Rock Farms Nursery Manager, Bruce Pinder.

Bahamas Press, however, was in the area over the weekend and having a photographic memory we asked ourselves, how is it the Dr. of the Environment and an experienced nursery manager did not know the trees would have died so quickly?

Take a look at the before and now after picture and ask yourselves this, why was not the right trees planted here? And what do you think was given in return for these plants? Nine months later and everything planted like a kiss of death has died.


Each and every one of the seagrape trees planted by Earl Deveaux nine months ago on the waterfront in the east have withered and died. What does that tell you about the hands of the environment doctor?


  1. Tones :Kim where in Joe Blow’s statement die he encouraged others to stay at home to visit attractions. All he stated was his observation.@Kim Sands

    Tones I had a good time laughing at Joe Blow response to my comment, I just knew his response would be similar to the one I had imagine he would say and it was pretty close. Except I did not realize he normally tries to promote the country on his trip. To be honest with you I meant typing that.

  2. Joe Blow anyway I am glad you were not over there in Canada squandering the money that you worked so hard for all of your life, when you could have been spending it in our country and it is also great to know your trips are not only for pleasure and you would use the opportunity to promote the country. Do you think you were very effective with the persons you spoke with? Did a lot of them seem to be interested in traveling here? That would be good for the country if they do decide to come. Did you remember to tell them about the Miss Universe pageant in August? Are the tickets for Canada very expensive? I imagine it is very costly to shop over there too, am I right? So you recommend a trip to the family island to clear your head aye? that sound like a plan. Joe, your warnings and suggestions were very helpful and constructive as usual and I am sure many persons including myself appreciate them. I am very happy that you were able to go on your trip.

  3. Kim: Spending time in Canada is a necessity for me as well as a pleasure.
    Everywhere I visit there I encourage Canadians to come here and enjoy our beautiful country. As well I entertain many guests during the year.And yes you are correct: having worked hard all my life, investing wisely and not spending foolishly, I am able to travel abroad at will. However, I do not go to Florida to shop, as I believe in buying Bahamian. My way of supporting my country. My warnings and suggestions are meant to help not hinder. One can clear one’s head and have a stress-free visit in almost any one of our Family Islands and help our economy by doing so.

  4. Joe Blow :Media: All politicians make the most of photo opportunities. It is the nature of the beast. This was a way of publically thanking the donor also. Keep pointing these things out and eventually some will see the “light”. But try to be fair and balanced in your editorializations. The plane I came home on was 80% full. Most of the empty seats were in Executive Class, which appears to mean the higher end tourists are watching their “pennies”. With more cassinos coming on line in Florida, we will see another decrease in the “high-rollers”. A lot of Canadians and U.S. tourists are staying at home this year and being encouraged to visit tourist attractions in their own country. Not good for us! I predicted the recession would last for another 18 months but am now revising that to 36 months. We will make an even slower recovery because we have so little diversification going on. Wake up Bahamas! Vacation at home! Pull your belts even tighter! We’re in for a very rocky five years!

    Joe Blow, that is well and good for you to be encouraging people to vacation at home, when you just came back from Canada. Are you saying, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander? Well Joe, I might not have the money you have and I really don’t care. All I know is, I have three more trips planned for this year and I am going on them if life last. You go and come as you please, Ingraham them goes and comes as they please, why we can’t go? If you all were so concerned about the condition of the country, you would have stayed at home and spend your money trying to boost our economy, instead of spending your money aboard enhancing other countries economy. From what I see, all the rich want do as they please and it is the poor people who are always making all the sacrifices. That is why things would never be any better in this country, until people learn how to pull together and help each other. Why you don’t sponsor someone less fortunate than you a trip? So they could go away and clear their head just like you did and come back ready to deal with all the stress in this country. Don’t lie; those days away from here did wonders for you hey?

  5. Welcome back i do agree it maybe longer, but where are the leaders..they should be advising the bahamian people

  6. Media: All politicians make the most of photo opportunities. It is the nature of the beast. This was a way of publically thanking the donor also. Keep pointing these things out and eventually some will see the “light”. But try to be fair and balanced in your editorializations. The plane I came home on was 80% full. Most of the empty seats were in Executive Class, which appears to mean the higher end tourists are watching their “pennies”. With more cassinos coming on line in Florida, we will see another decrease in the “high-rollers”. A lot of Canadians and U.S. tourists are staying at home this year and being encouraged to visit tourist attractions in their own country. Not good for us! I predicted the recession would last for another 18 months but am now revising that to 36 months. We will make an even slower recovery because we have so little diversification going on. Wake up Bahamas! Vacation at home! Pull your belts even tighter! We’re in for a very rocky five years!

  7. @Joe Blow
    Well Joe if he is to set policy, what in the hell is he doing out planting trees? A show indeed! Well the trees them dead, now what they ga do?
    We’ve just come across some information and we’re asking the question, “When will the puppets of this country stop talking, talking and talking and start doing? MOT and WUTLESS MEDIA…We coming for you!

    Bahamas Press/editor

  8. Dr. Deveaux can hardly be held responsible for the trees that died. Most likely the soil did not get ammended properly before the planting and then the trees were not watered properly for the necessary period after.
    Ministers of the Government make policies and laws. They should not always be held responsible for the shortcomings of others. It is good, however that bahamas Press has pointed this failure out so that the Nursery manager can have a learning experience. What a waste!

  9. Seagrape trees grow just about anywhere. I agree, their hands must be really bad for ALL the trees to die. They are definitely in the wrong profession.

  10. Great story BP. The pictures alone nailed them on how ineffective they are. You didn’t even have to say anything. Again, great story with the pictures to match.

  11. Good morning my friends,The only thing I have to say on this is just how the plants die in nine monthsm,the entire FNM party would be gone in nine months or earlier.

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