Police caught in naked romp with 15-year-old…An illegal national has contracted Cholera – the woman lived in a Shanty Town in the southwest


Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press has learnt a police officer has been arrested after being caught bald naked with a 15-year-old schoolgirl at his home.

The incident occurred this week in a quaint community in Southern New Providence community.

Sources confirming the incident tell us the young girl is believed to be held against her will in the officer’s home and may have been sexually molested by the lawman.

Senior command on the force tell us the officer will be interdicted and discharged for his actions which is clearly not in standing with codes that govern the force and is contrary to law in the country.

“We want to make it unequivocally clear that there is no room on the RBPF for rogue officers who seek to discredit the organization. We have no room for such ill –willed individual and those who seek to go against the oaths they swore to; to uphold law and justice in the country. Anyone who breaches such shall feel the full weight of the law against them,” a senior officer said today.

The officer was stationed at a New Providence precinct.

Health Authorities confirm pregnant illegal national has contracted Cholera – the woman lived in a Shanty Town in the southwest

The Ministry of Health wishes to report that a patient was evaluated at the Princess Margaret Hospital on the 18th of October 2012 due to symptoms of vomiting and large volume diarrhea.  The patient appeared unwell on arrival, was treated for suspected Cholera, and has since recovered.  Laboratory tests were able to confirm Cholera, today, the 29th October, 2012.

The Ministry of Health can confirm that it continues to investigate this matter and that there are no other reported cases of Cholera in The Bahamas.

There are increased rates of Cholera in countries around the world. The Ministry of Health continues its heightened surveillance activities and other necessary precautions to identify cases and prevent the transmission of Cholera in The Bahamas.  The public is reminded to use clean water, wash hands regularly and otherwise maintain good hygienic practices to prevent Cholera from developing and spreading.

As usual, we shall continue to keep the public informed of all matters affecting public health.

For further information, please contact the Surveillance Unit, Ministry of Health at telephone: 242-502-4790 or 242-502-4776

Date of Release: 29th October, 2012

Judge on the bench accused in court for failing to support child with secret lover…

Melissa Deal

BREAKING NEWS HAPPENING NOW! A woman, Melissa Deal, is at this hour in Court #3 before Magistrate Ellen Serville, charging that a newly appointed judge of the Supreme Court has failed to pay child support.

The revelations now underway suggests that the Judge has abandoned a child he allegedly fathered outside of his marriage.

Bahamas Press teams now in the courtroom report the entire courtroom was left in shock and the Magistrate stunned by the revelations; with here eyes left wide open.

The young woman said while she was represented the lawyer at the time, she paid him with sex when she found herself on the wrong side of the law. The judge was also caught up in an alleged scandal with his former law partner.



  1. The accusation towards the police officer is so totally incorrect. He is not like that. He holds no one against their will. It would be foolish for me to swear for him because I wasn’t there but I have known him for 11 years. He is the father of my two kids (and legally my husband). I know him better than anyone and it is difficult for me to believe such a thing. From the time I was living with him, the child and her relatives would come to use things belonging to us. I met her there on July 10th,2012 and she was sitting by the dinning table using the house phone. I pop-up at times and never met her in any of the rooms. That day, I was told that she ran there in my daughter’s room, trying to hide from her father. I strongly believe that people should be cautious of what they publish because it destroys the lives of the individuals that are involved (especially the kids).

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