Breaking News HAPPENING NOW !!! Prime Minister Christie delivers his promise to North Abaco – Curry is Parliamentary Secretary

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie stands at the podium following the swearing-in of Renardo Curry.

Remarks by The Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie
Swearing in ceremony Of
the Hon. Renardo Curry MP

As Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister in Abaco

Government House
5th November 2012

Your Excellencies;
Cabinet colleagues;


Senior government officials, friends and well wishers, Mr. and Mrs. Renardo Curry, a very pleasant good afternoon.

I offer my congratulations to the newest Member of Parliament on this important appointment as Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister.

I have said this before, but it is worth repeating that Mr. Curry is good man, with a good message who joins a good team. He is a devoted father and husband; a church, youth and community leader as well as a local government official. He served his community well and articulated his vision for the future growth and development of North Abaco.

The people of North Abaco believed his forward looking and positive message and were moved by his courage and genuine commitment to their continued welfare and demonstrated that belief in a tangible way today.

This appointment gives Renardo a unique opportunity to work closely with the people of Abaco in addressing their needs with fully vested authorities from the government.

I shall like to point out at the risk of being overly redundant that Abaco has the third largest population center; it has the third largest economy that is diverse from tourism to agriculture and fisheries and this economy is buttressed by a progressive and thriving business class.

The brand new international airport, expanded power generation facilities, the new government complex and the new hospital underway all underscore the increasing importance of Abaco in the overall growth and development of The Bahamas.

I say all of this to make the point that this appointment today of Mr. Curry is not only necessary, but defensible and well reasoned; it is the right policy decision for the people of Abaco. Renardo’s presence in Abaco as my representative and that of the central government brings government closer to the people of Abaco just as the Ministry of Grand Bahama is performing that function for the people of Grand Bahama. The returns will far out way and will be incalculable when compared to the expenditure incurred to establish and support an office of the Prime Minister there.

As a Member of Parliament, be accessible to your constituents as much as is humanly possible and be forthright with them about the limitations of the government to meet all of their demands – and sometimes those demands could become fast, furious and heavy.

But in the face of all of it, remain forthright, firm, but fair with the people you signed on to and solemnly pledged to faithfully serve.

Thank all of you for coming and sharing this very special occasion with Renardo and may Almighty God continue to bless Abaco and The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

New MP and wife in Government House - A NEW DAY IN ABACO!
Hon. Renardo Curry takes the oath of Office at Government House today. A NEW DAY HAS COME!