Oswald Brown has some advice for Ingraham’s bed soldier and columnist


Turner told to get over the fact that her Lord and Master Hubert Ingraham was rejected by the Bahamian people!

Country's Most Senior Editor Oswald Brown

SOME ADVICE FOR SHARON TURNER: How many of you have been following Sharon Turner’s “columns” in The Tribune on Fridays? Clearly, what she has written as “columns” so far appear to be nothing more than “propaganda” information probably dictated to her by former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, for whom she worked as personal photographer and PR person, among other duties, during his most recent term as Prime Minister.

I’ve been following what The Tribune has published as “columns” she has written since they first announced that she would be writing a weekly column. What has been published so far by no stretch of the imagination can be considered sensible commentary on a current issue; rather, her “columns” have been nothing more than expressions of her bitterness over the fact that the Bahamian people decided to send her “lord and master” Hubert “THE DICTATOR” Ingraham into retirement.

What’s more, she really needs to explain herself more clearly when she is trying to make what she considers to be an important point. Consider this excerpt from her most recent column: “One of the biggest threats to the growth of the consciousnesses of the Bahamian people are the media houses in our country. Day after day, year after year, media houses get on television, radio and in print and push erroneous INFORMATION, ‘stories’ void of balance, research and investigation, and in more untenable instances they push propaganda, lies and reports driven by personal interests and/or relationships, be it financial or otherwise, with power players and persons of influence in our country.”

Sharon Turner - who is also the face of Aaron KIKI Knowles

What the hell is she talking about? “Day after day, year after year, media houses get on television, radio and in print…? Television, radio and print are the “media houses,” so how can they get on themselves and “push erroneous INFORMATION, ‘stories’ void of balance, research and investigation, etc?” Clearly, when she wrote that and read it over, it sounded good, but as a novice “columnist” she did not realize that what she had written made absolutely no sense at all.

Nonetheless, as someone who has written a column for many years, here’s some advice for Ms. Turner: Please stop allowing your anger over the fact that your lord and master Hubert Ingraham was rejected by the Bahamian people to influence every “column” you write. There are a lot of issues that are deserving of intelligent discourse that could generate good columns.