Garrison's daughter is that suspect now wanted by Bahamian Police


mom-daughter<<< The murdered West Palm Beach woman, Anna Michelle Garrison [Left] and daughter Madison Pugh having lunch together.

Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press’ deep throat on the Royal Bahamas Police Force now tell us that Anna Michelle Garrison’s daughter is the second suspect police wish to question in this murder investigation.

Bahamas Press today has begun to collect evidence, which points us into another direction into this death investigation. On Thursday around noon police formally charged 22 year-old Zyndall Mckinney in the Magistrate Court in connection with Garrison’s death. The young man we know is the boyfriend of Madison Pugh, the 16 year-old daughter of Garrison.

garrisons-bodyThe decomposing body of Garrison, 33, was found in Nassau alongside Fox Hill Road. Police said the victim’s feet were found wrapped in plastic and her body in a sheet when she was discovered around 6pm on Saturday.

We also now know Garrison’s daughter was living with Mckinney when her mother disappeared the third week of December of 2008. And this is just the beginning of this new developing story. Friends close to the family tell us Garrison actually disappeared at the end of the December and not January as police suggests.

zyndall-mckinneyThe family friend asked, “Who saw Anna in January of this year? I saw her everyday, but she disappeared towards the end of December, if someone told police she went missing in January, they must have seen her then, and they certainly must also know what happened to her?”

The West Palm Beach woman lived with relatives here in The Bahamas and was reported missing by the United States Embassy on February 25th. We now know she worked at the Coco Mo’s sporting lounge on Collins Ave. However, friends of Garrison told Bahamas Press she disappeared in the third week of December and was not seen since.

Pugh [Garrison’s Daughter] we now know moved out of the home with her mother to live with her boyfriend, 22 year-old Mckinney, sometime before Anna went missing. For Some time we now know she lived with her father Chris Pugh. Friends tell BP Garrison and her daughter constantly quarreled over her puppy love affair with McKinney, and confirmed the mother-daughter relationship never got better.

A friend of Garrison also tell us the 16 year-old has since disappeared and is indeed the suspect now being inquired by authorities. Police on the island are asking the FBI to assist in searching for Pugh to discover her whereabouts in the US. Police believe Sweeting left the country and in now somewhere in the US. According to a friend, “NO ONE KNOWS WHERE SHE IS.”n1051153850_6396

Friends close to the family say, Pugh told them her mother had to leave for an emergency outside the country in late December, as they began asking her whereabouts.

“When Anna went missing in December, her daughter said to us her mother had an emergency, and had to leave Nassau, and said when she got back she would call us.  We never heard from Anna,” the family friend told Bahamas Press.

Where is young Madison Sweeting, the 16 year-old daughter of a West Palm Beach woman who turned up dead, dumped alongside a lonely road in the Fox Hill community? We at Bahamas Press, the residents of this country and the citizens of West Palm Beach Florida all want to know.


  1. I am a family member, Shelly was my aunt and when I was growng up I spent alot of time with both her and Madison. She was a good fuloving person and you ahe may have made some mistakes along the way but who doesnt. If your really interested in more information on who Anna, or as her family knows her Shelly, send me an email. Madison played the sweet and innocent card which her whole family now knows was an act. Shelly never did anything to deserve what happened to her.

  2. @Dreamer
    Dreamer, I am not sure who you are, i dont see your name anywhere else, but yeah i already knew that i was told not to say anything because of the investagation. but the fbi has known where she is for about three or four weeks now

  3. I no where this girl is she is in Kennett Sq – The State of Pennsylvania with her father Chris Pugh

  4. When I think about how long ZNS been around and how they continue to operate as if they are just starting out in the business it makes me sick. What is wrong with them? Are they curse or something? Why can’t they get to the next level? I just don’t understand them!! Those puppets at ZNS are always giving you some halfway news what their puppet master allowed them to say and then they don’t even bother to follow it up and update the public on the new developments. If they are not going to follow it through I don’t see what sense it makes for them to report it. The other news channel in the country came on broad after ZNS and I feel they do a better job than them. Even Wendall Jones who hates paying his bills should be commented, because his reporters are doing a far better job than the ones at ZNS. The only reason people still tuning into ZNS is because it is the oldest broadcasting station in the Bahamas and we grew up listening to halfway reporting. There are people who don’t want to give up on them and they believe that one day ZNS will improve in their ways of doing things. For a long time ZNS was all we had and people are still attached to them even though they have failed to move to the next level. Before we give up on them, we would rather make excuses for them, we would just keep telling ourselves, “well that’s just ZNS, what more can you expect? They don’t know any better.” Whenever, I go to visit my 89 yrs old grandmother and the clock reaches 7:00 pm she automatically switches on the TV to watch ZNS news and she is always asking me to explain to her what they just said and sometimes I feel bad, because I don’t know what the hell they just said, because they didn’t even take the time to read the news with any clarity and I can’t even get her to watch news on another channel with her knowing. When last have any of you heard any update on the Birbal matter?

  5. @Missy
    Missy i am family of anna and we are trying to get more information. the police in the bahamas as well as some other agencies are not giving us information only the run around 🙁

  6. I was wondering if there is any lead on this story. I was a friend of hers and tried to follow the story but it seems as if she was never killed this incident has just been washed ashore. Can someone please update this story.

  7. @media
    If you want to know that information maybe you just need to ask the right people. United states reporters did and they got the info they were looking for.

  8. media :@Kim SandsAnd Kim wouldn’t it be a good story if we had a media worth its name to tell us more. Alot more that what police tell them? Like who was Anna garrison. Where did she born. Who was her mother. Who was her father. How did she end up in the Bahamas. What did she do here. Where she worked. And her being the innocent victim, let hear of this innocence from her friends. Would that be a real deep investigative feature?
    But you cannot expect that from these WUTLESS BUNCH! They waiting on Raymond Gibson to say something before they speak.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    These journalist and reporters in the Bahamas are an insult to people in that profession around the world. They continues to operate as inferior and they are not interested in moving to the next level. That is the reason they earned the title the wutless media. You see then now, the only thing on their minds right now is the Ms. Universe Pageant.

  9. @Kim Sands
    And Kim wouldn’t it be a good story if we had a media worth its name to tell us more. Alot more that what police tell them? Like who was Anna garrison. Where did she born. Who was her mother. Who was her father. How did she end up in the Bahamas. What did she do here. Where she worked. And her being the innocent victim, let hear of this innocence from her friends. Would that be a real deep investigative feature?

    But you cannot expect that from these WUTLESS BUNCH! They waiting on Raymond Gibson to say something before they speak.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  10. sadeyes :You all should be ashamed of yourselves! this is someones family and you comment like you lived it! Give the family some peace and stop gossiping!

    media Reply:July 13th, 2009 at 3:53 pm
    Well you know Sadeyes it is family and friends who share this concern to us. Where is Madison?
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Yes, I am living it, because whatever happens in this country affects all of us. If people around the world view us as a bunch of blood thirsty people it makes all of us looks bad. You can’t expect for people to be killing up one another in this country and people would ignore it as if nothing happened. I hate watching the murder count goes up and I find it to be natural when something so horrendous like this occurs for people to try and figure out why and what could have caused it. You know what I really wish? I wish Anna Michelle Garrison was still alive today, and then we would not be discussing her death at all. I also realize that all of the people involved in this murder be it the victim or perpetrator(s) belonged to somebody’s family. There are no doubts all their families has to be affected by what has taken place and I pray that one day they would be able to cope with it and move on.

  11. You all should be ashamed of yourselves! this is someones family and you comment like you lived it! Give the family some peace and stop gossiping!

    • Well you know Sadeyes it is family and friends who share this concern to us. Where is Madison?

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  12. jay :The girl had been living with him for at least a year, so of course they were having relations. His (the accused)best friend was dating the mother the end of last year, so its interesting that he was not brought in yet. Many of their co-workers knew about the two of them dating the mom and daughter as they brought them to do the slides at atlantis many times. They did everything together – ride to and from work,go out, and even take vacation together – theres no telling whether the best friend helped the accused.

    See when you play with puppy, puppy is turn around and lick your mouth. The dead woman sounds like she was more focus on being her daughter’s friend rather than trying to be a parent. At the tender age of sixteen, you would think this child would need a mother to be there to talk some sense in her head whenever she goes off track and not a gal pal to go on double dates with her. I could be wrong about this, but it’s just my opinion.

  13. The girl had been living with him for at least a year, so of course they were having relations. His (the accused)best friend was dating the mother the end of last year, so its interesting that he was not brought in yet. Many of their co-workers knew about the two of them dating the mom and daughter as they brought them to do the slides at atlantis many times. They did everything together – ride to and from work,go out, and even take vacation together – theres no telling whether the best friend helped the accused.

  14. @media

    Media you mean you are not playing, I see you dealing with both of them one time, this should be really interesting….lol… I going to bed right now, so up around that time.

  15. Since we decided to publish this article on late Friday and not Sunday at 3PM as planned, Bahamas Press will deliver a special Independence commentary this Sunday. The article will be posted before 5AM Sunday.

    We have plenty to say about Ingraham and Christie, so stay tuned!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  16. Yeah, this have all the main ingredients for a lifetime movie, I could see them making a movie out of this one with ease. I think they would pick the daughter to be the main character. Looking at how she has her leg wrapped around this young man in the photo, I believe she already give him some and swing his head. Anyway, that is the only thing I could think of that would make somebody be mixed up in some foolishness like this. If they killed the mother to be together, the hurtful part the mother die in vain, because they still are not together, she pulled a disappearing act and he sits in fox hell awaiting trial. I just hope our police or the FBI finds her soon, so she could straighten this whole mess out if that is indeed possible. This is some deep ****. I don’t know how in the world he got involved with this little girl, he suppose to tell her check with him in about two years. She must have told him she was older and looking at her appearance, I could see why he would have believed her.

  17. notice the Madison-Mckinney page is gone now.
    its very simple for facebook users to disable their accounts.
    but some info still stays on facebooks servers so they could be reactivated.

  18. media :
    @marky mark
    BOI MARK THIS A STORY ECH? We getting close. VERY CLOSE. I think the police should be talking with every one on that facebook friends list, to see where this girl is. What you think?
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    yeah what they need to do is sign up under a fake persona with a real hunk as a profile picture .. then send her a message .. she fat so she will probably reply .. once replied to they can access her albums and all. Ofcourse the FBI can just get full access anyway.

  19. Whats even worse is that whoever gets convicted will probably get less than 15yrs in jail courtesy of the Bahamas legal system because they dont put people away for too long!

  20. Very good point BP,hopefully someone in law enforcement will read this post and start their work.I saw her list of friends and without any other information a picture of her lifestyle has emerged.She seems like a very troubled child.The boyfriend must also be nuts trying to coverup a crime with her then removing the body from where it was hidden.His conscience must have been killing him and it would be interesting to talk with his friends to find out how he behaved since the disappearance.Since he is young he has a facebook and from that much information can be gathered.

  21. @marky mark

    BOI MARK THIS A STORY ECH? We getting close. VERY CLOSE. I think the police should be talking with every one on that facebook friends list, to see where this girl is. What you think?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  22. This story is quickly developing into something similar to a lifetime movie. I must admit the daughter disappearing act and for her to tell people her mom left the country on an emergency and now the mother’s dead body turned up wrapped in a sheet on the side of the road same very questionable. For the love of God I hope that child did not play a role in having her mother’s life taken away, that would be a heavy burden to carry. I know what it means to have your head all mixed up and hormones racing through your body to the point where you can’t think and see things clearly. My last year in school I fell deeply in love with a boy in my class and this was at a time I should have been concentrating on passing my BGCSE exams. Anyway, when I told my mom I had fallen in love with this boy in my class and I wanted her to met him. That woman did not understand and she was not even attempting to understand. All I remember her saying, “I have plenty time to fall in love, but not when she is paying her monies for me to pass them BGCSE.” Even though I was very upset with my mom because she failed to understand my feelings, I never even thought about killing or having her killed, I just loved her too much for that. Now, I am older and much wiser and I thank God the thought never even crossed my mind, looking back now I don’t know what I ever saw in him to begin with. Love could make you do some dangerous things, especially if you have a few missing screws in your head.

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