PM: "I don't do groundbreaking.". BP: "Except when foreigners are involved".


pmgroundPrime Minister, the Rt Hon Hubert A Ingraham took part in the official groundbreaking ceremony for Lynden Pindling International Airport Expansion Project, July 9. Pictured from left spading the earth are NAD Chairman Frank Watson, Prime Minister Ingraham, Tourism & Aviation Minster Senator Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace, and NAD President & CEO Craig Richmond. Also in the ceremony are Opposition Leader Perry G Christie and Cabinet Ministers.

Nassau, Bahamas – Bahamian firms are already benefiting from the airport redevelopment project, Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Hubert A Ingraham, confirmed during groundbreaking ceremony, July 9, at the Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA)

More than $10 million has been spent locally on various aspects of the design, engineering and consultation for the project, he said. And, more than $14.8 million in construction contracts have been awarded to Bahamian firms.

They include Alexiou & Associates, George V. Cox & Company, Graphite Engineering, Engineering Solutions & Consulting, Caribbean Civil Group, Engineering & Technical Services, Construction Cost Engineering, DHP Associates, Certified Testing Laboratories International, SEV Group, and Pinder’s Customs Brokerage.

Mr Ingraham said the terminal’s general contractor, Ledco, a Canadian firm, is planning for 73% of its labor requirements to be filled through local contractors.

Bahamian firms awarded major contracts for the first stage of the project include Reliable Fencing, Bahamas Hot Mix, Basden Elevators, Woslee Construction, Sentinel Drilling and Water Works, TMC Engineering Ltd.

“I am advised that a significant amount of the work awarded to international firms will be completed by Bahamian sub-contractors and labor,” he said.

Approximately 40 contracts are scheduled to be tendered in coming months, including sub-contracts to the terminal’s general contractor and direct contracts with NAD.

“Plans call for this first phase of the redevelopment project to open for passengers bound for US ports, beginning in the first quarter of 2011,”  Mr Ingraham said.

Immediately thereafter, work is expected to begin on converting the existing US departure terminal into the new international terminal.

“Construction of the redevelopment of (LPIA) is expected to last for four years,” he said. “At the height of construction, approximately 400 persons will be engaged on the job site.

“Upon completion (LPIA) will provide the infrastructure our nation needs to prosper.”

Mr Ingraham said he is satisfied that when the new US terminal opens, it will be “one of the best and most modern airport facilities in this part of the world.


  1. marky mark :@R.P.
    Because the idiots in charge of this country think we are too stupid.

    Obviously and ironically, the foreigners do not think Bahamians are stupid, since they are subcontracting us to do all of their work. It’s really and insult, becasue they will get the credit and stupid people will say “foreigners did that” when it was Bahamian sub contractors behind the scenes that did the work.

  2. THe thing is, if most of the work is being sub-contracted to Bahamians, why not just give Bahamians the general contract?

  3. boy i tell you, this is sad. All those foriegnors that will now be coming in to get paid the big money, so that bahamians can make the small change. Its sickening but i blame the Bahamian government. Basically us smart Bahamians are being told to screw ourselfs, so you know what I say back to the Bahamas government, well they can eat crap because they are just stupid idiots anyway. We will simply leave the Bahamas and go take these dumb foreignors jobs right behind their backs while they are here stealing our jobs. See how the Bahamas government likes it when there are only dummies left here.

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