How safe is Scotia Bank when it hires rogue robbers at its cash teller counters?


The rat is watching the cheese at the banks!

Nassau, Bahamas — It turns out Bahamas Press had to step into that investigation at Scotia Bank East Street and Soldier Road, and, from our internal review, we conclude Scotia Bank should be looking cockeyed at one of its tellers.

According to reports, a man walked into the bank and, according to the teller, told her he had a weapon and demanded cash.

But get this: an armed police officer was at the door, guarding with his gun on him. The bank also has a security team at the door during all banking hours.

And get this: the teller said not a damn word. She refused to signal the theft code to colleagues. Failed to signal to the police and did absolutely nothing until the robber was long gone – NOW DAS A THIEF!

We understand from records supplied to BP, Scotia Bank was suspicious of this worker for some time and had intended to fire her for breeches in their system a month before the inside robbery – WHAT IN THE HELL IS DIS?

Eyewitnesses reported to BP, there was no sign of a robbery. And from our observations, I don’t know if the young man even spoke. He walked up, he was handed the cash and that was it.

Bahamas Press is also advised the young female teller had breeched Scotia’s cash quota that same day and had loaded up her drawer with the stolen funds. When questioned why funds were beyond the quota amounts in her drawer, the now-BP-suspect replied, “I forgot to put it back.” Too late before a robbery could occur.


Police and detectives following this case should know this one is a no brainier. If you are looking for the thief, just look at the breeches by the teller that day and BAM! You have your suspect number one – who will certainly lead you to suspect number two who we believe could now be on some remote family island.

But das why it is hard to rob RBC – even the tellers have to get the money out of the machine – and that cannot be accessed without verification from a bank account.

We ask all right-thinking and decent Bahamians in search of a job to apply at Scotia Bank now – cause form the looks a things – Someone is about to get FIRED and Jailed!

We report yinner decide!