Dr. Myles Munroe enters the House of Assembly this morning and Mitchell vanishes like the Malaysian 777 aircraft.. What in the hell is dis?


Mitchell didn’t return to the House until Christie was wrapping up his debate late in the night

Where are the people who we pay to sit in Parliament?

Church leader says FRED GATS TA GO! Minister tells Church he could show dem the way!

Nassau, Bahamas — It appears that the row between Dr. Myles Munroe and Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell is not ending anytime soon, as the international preacher showed up in the Parliament this morning.

Dr. Myles Munroe shows up in Parliament today to face Mitchell!

Dr. Myles this morning, along with a contingent of people, entered the morning session of Parliament, once again renewing his call for the removal of the Foreign Affair Minister from office. Dr. Munroe walked around the precincts giving out copies of his book “THE POWER OF CHARACTER IN LEADERSHIP – How values, morals and principals affect leaders”.

Meanwhile, outside the House scores of protesters were in the square screaming injustice by the collapsing Christie Regime which looks like it will be thrown out of power like the government of Ukraine.

As Munroe came in the House, Mitchell made a Houdini move and vanished from the Parliament like that missing Malaysian plane. BP is still in search of them both.

The Church leader is in a nasty bitter row with the Foreign Minister over ‘sissyin’ and Gay rights and liberties! Mitchell in a statement referring to Dr. Munroe said, “It is, therefore, incredible that this absolute stupidity and wilful deceit is parading around in the pulpit disguised as theology. It is disgraceful and I will not kow-tow to foolishness,…”

Dr. Myles still could be heard telling Christian leaders and members a loud echo: Fred Gats to GO!

So far only Dr. Simeon Hall has come to Dr. Myles’ defense. The rest in the Christian Council ran back into the closet, especially the President.

BP is watching how this one ga play out.

We report yinner decide!