Youth will serve the PLP a DEATH SENTENCE if Christie remains leader


sean-mcweeney<<< Sean McWeeney, former AG and top PLP advisor.

Nassau, Bahamas — “As long as Perry Christie is leader of the PLP I will vote FNM in the next general elections!” Those were the words of a discouraged member of the Progressive Liberal Party who has been unemployed for the last 12 months. The 23 year-old PLP supporter told Bahamas Press there is no other way the Party will gain his support in the upcoming general election than removing Christie as leader and he added, “The organization appears to reject the idea of change.

“What we see happening to the PLP is not democracy at all. There appears to be a move afoot by Christie to block the chances of the PLP winning the next election. He’s failed to attract new faces to the party, and he’s failing miserably to deliver The Bahamas from the rot of the FNM.

“I have searched for a job for 12 months now, but nothing is happening in this bad economy. And yet still, Perry Christie appears to have turned himself into the ‘invisible man’ inside the opposition. We need Change!” the Young Turk said.

Bahamas Press has warned members of the PLP countless times, that if it fails to deliver a change to the country’s youth, young people from across The Bahamas will read a death sentence to the oldest political party in Bahamian politics come next election.

adderley_paul-honWith the PLP dug deep in a $3 million debt and financial stew, and with a number of branches closed failing to attract new membership, Perry Christie has not only lead the PLP into opposition on May 2, 2007, but has also delivered the PLP to its weakest state ever in its political history.

“Christie has done nothing to reorganize the party. We have branches now closed down. Could you imagine that in the midst of all this chaos in the country? The debt of the party appears to be growing, with fewer supporters contributing funds to the struggling organization. Christie has delivered this party to a state of ruin. Like those ailing cows that collapsed in Andros when he was minister responsible. And those cows we [PLP] lay weak, with weak leadership on a dry bed of grass with thinning bones waiting for fire to be set on us. This is the state of the PLP today!” an angry stalwart councilor told BP.laura-williams-copy-2

Opposition voices appear to be getting louder in their call for Christie to step down from the PLP leadership. One tabloid noted even PLP diehard fruit vendor, Laura William, telling Christie he has had his time at the party’s last council meeting.

BP now confirms that the second senior advisor attending a meeting of the ‘High Command’ has also joined his voice in advising Christie to make his exit sooner rather than later. Sean McWeeney, the former senator and head of Christie’s 2002 government transition team we now know is that second advisor.

In that meeting Paul Adderley led the position to Christie asking him to quickly hand over the leadership to a successor before the 2012 general elections, but Christie has refused to do so. And in an effort to continue his bid for the leadership this October at the party’s convention, Christie has gone another mile in desperation to cling to the leadership.

BP now confirms that a DESPERATE CHRISTIE has appointed, secretly, some 250 additional stalwart councilors to the party’s circle of power. The council, now almost fully handpicked by Christie, will decide the next leader of the PLP.

Paul Moss and a “Dark Horse” will challenge Christie for the leadership of the Party’s at the upcoming convention. BP advises that Christie must be prepared to move for he will face the toughest political fight in his entire life against these contenders. Young people from across the country are calling for Christie to ROLLOUT! This is a fact and here’s an example why.

paul-d-mossA young party supporter by the name of Chris Pinder was technical videographer for the PLP in its 2002 election campaign. Pinder developed scores of video tapings, commercials for TV and radio during that campaign. The young member of the PLP designed logos for T-Shirts, hats and pins.

Pinder, along with his young wife, opened their audio facility and practically worked around the clock to deliver the victory for the party. EVERYTHING FREE OF CHARGE! The young man sacrificed his all his time and burned much of his own resources to usher the PLP to victory, but guess what happened?

When Christie and his party ‘SNITCH’, Obie Wilchcombe were delivered the keys to the country, they forgot about people like Pinder and his young wife. The couple presented a proposal to the Ministry of Tourism to produce commercials and audio for the ministry. Remember now the Pinders committed thousands of their own money to secure Christie’s win, but he [Christie] and the snitch rejected Pinder’s proposal.

And to confirm how ‘VICKED’, ‘WUTLESS’ and DEVIOUS Christie and his sidekick Wilchcombe are, they accepted and hired Hubert Ingraham’s Canadian born son-in-law contract to produce the videography for Tourism. Obie then also turned around and hired all his gal pals into the ministry. But the Pinders were turned down. WHAT A DUTTY SHAME!christie-aa-1

Yes, that’s what Christie did to one of his young loyal dedicated supporters. Another proposal was submitted to do work at Bahamas Information Service. But again before Pinder could even be considered, they hired Hubert Ingraham’s buckteeth son into a position at the news agency.

Now what does this example tell us? Like a work of art it tells us that a return of Perry Gladstone Christie to the leadership of the PLP will deliver more hardship and suffering to PLP supporters. It will mean more brutal neglect by Christie against PLPs as he did after 2002!

Since that dose of BAD TREATMENT by Christie, the Pinder family has sold their Rolling Hills home and was forced to move to the United States to seek opportunity. That’s what Christie did to one of his own PLP supporters who made sacrifices to secure his 2002 win.

Bahamas Press warns members of the PLP, whose voices are growing by the day in calling for their leader to step down, if Christie is returned as leader of the PLP THOUSANDS of its young vibrant supporters will read a DEATH SENTENCE to the Bahamas oldest political party. They will suffer the same fate that was delivered to the UBP in its own failure to CHANGE.


  1. Kiara You represented the Bahamas well. Thank you girl. We love you and continue to do well in everything you do.

  2. @Dibbles

    Hi Dibbles, after I see our girl didn’t make it, I thought for sure Miss Jamaica would have at least make the top 15, but I guess the judges saw things differently. Then to put the icing on the cake I thought they would have at least given our girl Miss Congeniality. What it is to be friendly? I believe she got mess up though when she didn’t go to some of the events and the airport to greet some of the contestants. They must be feel like she should have been there to greet them, but I understand it wasn’t her fault. Anyway, it is over now and I just want to say Kiara we love you and thank you for being a positive role model. Don’t let nobody talk foolishness in you head, because plenty of them did not have the courage to do what you did. You represented us as well; you have made your country proud.

  3. @Kim Sands
    Hi Kim Sands, you wanted to turn off your tv,I did didn’t watch it any more.After not hearing Miss Bahamas in top 15 I started topull for Miss Jamaica but nothing happen for the Carribean.One of these day in the 365.

  4. Everyone should know when it is time to go, but that seems not to be the truth, ie. “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, the same goes for Mr. Christie and Mr Ingraham, their people tell them what they want to hear, but if they don’t wanna go, then the people will move them.

    As far as Ms. Universe, we have wasted our taxpayer dollars once again, we showed off our beautiful beaches, but where were our beautiful people, are we not proud of us?.

  5. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;
    courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

  6. @Dibbles

    Well I was saying the same thing. After they announced the top 15, I wanted to cut off my TV, but I had to be realistic. The competition was really stiff this year. Those girls were just so pretty and it wouldn’t be fair just to place her in top 15, because we hosted the event. I am still proud of our Miss Bahamas no matter what. At least she had the courage to compete. Hold your head up Kiara; you did your country proud.

  7. Well after ALL this noise in the market place, we need to see what Christie is going to do. He cant be up in his palace on Cable Beach and not know that the people of his party want him to leave. He must go in the best interest of that party.

    On a side bar: I am laughing my head off. My wife just showed me Hubert Ingraham in the audience at Ms. Universe looking greasy and dead mad. FINALLY he remembered that his country was hosting Ms. Universe.

    BREAKING NEWS!!! Ms. Venezuela just won Ms. Universe. Seems like this is the second year in a row……

  8. Drama King :Johnny Tucker, I think Perry Christie has surrounded himself by people who are very delusional and they are giving him wrong counsel. He obviously is very influenced by whomever they are and is going with whatever garbage they are telling him. It is really pathetic though because if this Laura lady, who I know to be BEYOND DIE HARD, is telling him its time to pack up and go that should be confirmation to him right there.

    And topping that list of bad advisors is Mr. Valentine Grimes. Young PLP’S were fuming after the 07 elections because Christie surrounded himself with day dreamers…

  9. Johnny Tucker, I think Perry Christie has surrounded himself by people who are very delusional and they are giving him wrong counsel. He obviously is very influenced by whomever they are and is going with whatever garbage they are telling him. It is really pathetic though because if this Laura lady, who I know to be BEYOND DIE HARD, is telling him its time to pack up and go that should be confirmation to him right there.

  10. I don’t know why, but it seems Mr Christie isn’t getting it. He is presenting the same kind of leadership tactics that has led to his defeat at the polls in 07. The man took months before reporting to the nation after he became PM and as opposition leader he has went intp hibernation. The complex issues that faces the Bahamas today does not called for a slow thinker. We need a leader who is well equipped ready to stand up and with his people.

    This man has done nothing to lead or give supporters in the PLP hope. He has transitioned from a “DIE HARD PLP” to a “DEAD HEAD PLP”. Why is he waiting until everyone leaves the camp before he pulls out. I keep on wanting to give him a second chance but I just can’t support him because he is leader of the PLP….

    This party has done so much for thousands of Bahamians but with a young and innovative leader by the name of Lynden Oscar Pindling. Maybe Mr. Christie and his shrewd business deals prohibits him from being the voice a true leader should have. If his business arrangements are this important, he should just resign as leader and allow democracy to flow as it should. He’ll just join the line of PM’S sent into retirement by HAI…

  11. this young turk has been out of a job for 12months, but the fnm has been in power for more than that and he blaming the plp,sounds like the fnm didnt help either.he needs to stop looking for a hand out from either side and try find a job for himself

  12. Dibbles :If not Mr Christie then who? Please tell me he’s the best man for Mr.Ingraham at this time.

    Dibbles you know its long time since you and I had a falling out. Dont let today be that day, ma boy. Let me give you a perfect example…..when the NFL teams cant win a championship and cant make it to playoffs, dont the owners FIRE the coachs as they obviously are incapable of bringing the team to victory? Well such is the case of Christie. His time is up! He needs to go! Someone else needs to be given a chance!! Got it now, Dibbles?

  13. BREAKING NEWS>>> Unconfirmed reports now coming into BP suggests six athletes locked up in Berlin…..BP is awaiting updates to this story.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  14. If not Mr Christie then who? Please tell me he’s the best man for Mr.Ingraham at this time.

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