Another Bright spot in the Cabinet Room…Branville McCartney


mccartneybranville<<< Branville McCartney MP.

Nassau, Bahamas — The last of the bright spots in that bunch of “Rotten Eggs” called the Cabinet is Bran McCartney, The Min of State for Immigration and MP for Bamboo Town.

Bran is known to be able to full big shoes. He took out Wells. The Minisiter has been active in his Ministry, retiring those crooked Officers and picking up illegals. In fact, the Minister is now taking heat from his colleagues in particular Tommy Turnquest, after McCartney said he would hang the murderers on Death Row. Tommy then convened the Perogotive on Mercy and called up a Haitian, Maxwell Tito in response to McCartney.

The Minister is active in his branch and appears to be well liked in the community of Bamboo Town. McCartney’s overall grade came in at a C-. This can be upgraded once you start to raid these Chinese places that are known to your Officers. Justice must be seen to be done. Do not just pick up the poor Haitians, get those Chinese.

We will provide McCartney with a little bit of Political advice, watch your back, you gat Maynard, Neymour , Turnquest, Laing and Bethel plotting against you. Why, you think the story about the detention center appeared in the wutless Tribune this week?. You have potential, sit low, do your job and you will be promoted in due course.

We hope you notice that Brent Symonette is now popping up at Functions at Immigration, he too is afraid of you. Know your Friends is all we say.


  1. 6.8 million dollars on the look at me show(miss universe) and no money for nurses,accusations at teachers but no money no support why would one become a teacher,,hundreds of young people graduate with no prospects no plan and we wonder why so much crime……police force has been politicised….so now has customs and immigration

  2. Answer dis as well why all the sudden rush to extradite people dont we have justice in the bahamas are we stupid is our jail closed last i look on the map bahamas is before the usa heading north from south america why dont we make the usa pay for prosecution in the bahamas since they have all the evidence afterall a bahamian criminal in a us jail gets even further corrupted by the vast library of criminality available why does this government have no national integrity….how can one support bran lectureing at illegals at the airport what message does it send to the world pushin he finger up a dead man backside when there are so many illegals to talk bout success and its not his fault as he has not the resources but he is shameless trying to capitalize on the publicity you been chemical road lately…people immigration problems can be placed at the feet of both parties straight truth but this watch me fella aint the ticket and youll will eventually see…one ting bout us bahamians we smart people stubborn but smart fnm and plp

  3. nurses were told by HAI that there is no money fact. The man who is pm now promised a certain amount of time and he would go. why is he still around like bad stench. youll have selective memory syndrome sms. and as for the list of transgressions there are many on both sides. what amazes me is that people accuse others of all sorts of sexual deviance. question is where you there? where you asked for any sexual favours? if not its rumours. part of being a good politician is being a people person not an ivy school elitist throwing they family money about with a view to gain more prestige and riches.

  4. Amn sp happy that all of you have now revealed your true colors and are now shaking in your draws.All of this talk about change in the PLp to suit the purpose of the FNM is causing lots of lost sleep.It is ironic that as diehard FNM supporters you want change in the PLP to make it easier for yourselves.Well the convention is over and the PLP is intact and great cause of concern to you diehards.I wish you well truthhurts in your quest to be Leader of the FNM as you must at least try to get 8 seats.Go take your pills because am steadfast and will gang you three and any others who dare come on this site with jaundiced minds.There are two cases b4 the Courts and have yet to be decided so leave them alone for another discussion after completion.Bring more of your kind here and tell them the cooler is here.By the way see you at your convention lolo.

  5. NO NO They are not BORRING THEY ARE NOT LOST…. THE PLP’s are FINISHED! Thats something you cant say about the plp dey enn borring…. THEY WORSE THAN LIFETIME TV. Dis one hand in d cookie jar d next one hand between…….They had a chance to kick the FNM out by putting new faces but NOOOOOOO they want the same weak LEADER who cant even control his HOUSEHOLD to RUN THIS COUNTRY…………

    In 2002 HE WON cause Tommy was inexperienced and weak…..
    2007 he got shipped out cause he was INCOMPETENT AND WEAK….. How can you sell BAHA MAR for a few Million dollars. Thats like 5,000 an acre and ga say he ga bring in New jobs. BUNCH OF FOOLISHNESS!

    RUSSEL and Atles or whateva yal name is… GO FIX YOUR PARTY BEFORE YOU WANT TRY COMMENT ON THE FREE-NATIONAL-MOVEMENT!…. Try get Perry a backbone and Class.

  6. @russell johnson

    i don’t normally do this but you kinda bore me, so let me just say: you. are. so. lost.

  7. @Bahamasyouth
    They better get use to it. like the saying goes those who want all gets none. $25 million that man would have to make all kind of calls to generate that money. What the hell they was thinking. Then she burn up the evidence. She should go to jail if only for doing that. She is an officer of the court she should report crime not indulge in them. STOP BEING CROOKED. TO BAD TO SAD LET THE CHIPS FA;L WHERE THEY MAY. SEND BIG MOUTH PICEWELL WITH THEM.

  8. @Russell Johnson

    So hows Picewell Forbe’s case coming along?…. I notice he has plenty of legal advisors. Will he be prepared this week for his case this time?

    Hows Cambridge and Pleasant doing?…. Are they getting prepared for a new life journey in the jail house?

  9. red blooded :@Russell Johnson42 years old, born and raised

    You are old enough to join but lack the intelligence.Read the story as BP is mashing up your party which you should defend rather than Bahamasyouth aka Moose aka confused.Sleep well tonight and then change your name to avoid conflict with me.Better still apologise and I will not criticise too harshly in the future.

  10. @Bahamasyouth
    You missed the topic of this discussion totally as the BP is pulling out persons from ,according to him parts of some good,

    ” The last of the bright spots in that bunch of “Rotten Eggs” called the Cabinet is Bran McCartney”.
    Less than a handful were selected by BP.Do you have any issues with him/her?Your brain is so shallow that you have missed the whole story lolo.The man is agreeing with me that things are not right in of all places the CABINET.You still want to be FNM?Stop being a moose,just hope you recognise what am calling you lolo.

  11. @Bahamasyouth
    Thanks for giving me all the many reasons for why the FNM has got to go.I will however only answer one and that is number 8.The same man who the FNM appoint COP is responsible and the PLP Govt did not even know about it.Rather than embarass him Christie only had him transferred which proved to be a big mistake as the man should have been fired.Now you take that and stop trying to speak about matters that you know nothing about.NHow I know you are really red now but save your energy and go and fill out the application form to join the PLP.Branville McCartney was a young Liberal along with many others on your front bench.Do you know that parts of the FNM are the bastard child of the PLP?

  12. Thomas Finley :
    Fox Hill, Mical, South Eleuthera, North Andros, South Andros, Bain Town,Exuma, Englerston ( Moss will split the vote ) St. Thomas Moore….

    Thomas Finely, you cant be serious with this list. BOL! So i am not even going to go there. BOL!!!!!!!!!

  13. @red blooded
    DONT GET ME STARTED RUSSELL….YOU WANTED ME TO CHOOSE A SIDE…. WELL I CHOOSE FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT RIGHT NOW OVER PLP. I rather Hubert Alexander Ingraham any-day than over P. Cat called Perry Christie. In 2002 PERRY CHRISTIE deserved to win and in 2007 Perry DESERVED TO GET OUT and TO STAYYYYYYY OUT!

    He just like dem Pest roaches. Well Hubert Alexander Ingraham is the Pest control and will make sure he STAYS O-U-T! Under his administration the only thing he did was BRING SHAME TO THIS COUNTRY INTERNATIONALLY. Making Bahamians look bad! He admitted his mistakes I gat respect for him now but PEOPLE LIKE YOU just TURN me OFF from THE PLP.

    I talked briefly about the scandals INTERNATIONALLY now lets talk NATIONALLY.

    1. People Fighting in Parliament
    2. People having X amount of money in they closets
    3. people being charged for RAPE
    4. People molesting lil boys
    5. People foolin round with CELEBs.
    6. People spending MILLION Dollars on Bleachers
    7. Broken Down overpriced low-cost Government Housing
    8. Airport baggage Handlers
    9. Sea Hauler victims victimization
    10. Rushing Anna Nicole’s residency
    11. LIEING TO THE PUBLIC About 20 billion +
    12. Defense FORCE UPSET!
    13. Police UPSET and still upset!
    14. Nurse Union upset and still upset!
    15. Prison officers UPSET!
    16. Nurses upset and still upset!
    17. Teachers Upset!
    18. Bahamian Workers upset!
    19. People getting CAUGHT in CHURCH YARD (not with their wife)
    20. People foolin round with lil boys in CUBA

    DO NOT GET ME STARTED….. You want put me on the spot and These are the same reasons WHY I will currently vote FNM. And The whole world is in a economic crisis and THE FNM GOVERNMENT HAS STILL managed to do MORE THINGS compared to the PLP. NONE OF CHRISTIE’s plans was EFFECTIVE!


  14. red blooded :@Russell Johnsonyou think the people are dumb, you really think after all the damage Perry and his crew did people are going to give those losers another chance?Never under estimate peoples intelligence

    Did you just arrive in the Bahamas?The present Govt has brought hatred in this copuntry to a new level.Imagine that in a non election year thousands of Bahamians were not intimidated and turned up at the PLP convention.Forget those stupid stories about only old people being there as hundreds of yopung perons were on the outside and quite comfortable to be among a party that cherishes their presence and support.All right thinking Bahamians are ready to reelect PC and crew.Just look around the Govts days are numbered.I just hope they are able to attract 500 persons to their convention.You to can go online at and fill out a form to join the PLP, a party of inclusion.

  15. Bahamasyouth :@Russell JohnsonLoL ok I guess but tell your leader learn how to get a backbone. I prefer FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT currently Any day compared to PLP which are filled with liars, crooks, adulterers, rapists, pedophiles, fighters and extortioners. People like you makes people like me turn RED n Neva scared.

    Thanks for your admission of being an FNM operative now I c an deal with you as such.Your previous and continued denial of your politics has gotten me pissed off.Your list of charges against the PLp can be answered thus;allowing persons at Land and surveys to give Govt land to family members,having a minister having to resign because he tried to prevent Bahamians from voting at Local Govt Elections,stupidly firing Policemen because of politics and now inheriting the worst crime wave ever,having a Minister called 10/45 getting in a conflict of interest in regards mona vie,giving away money from the Treasury to develop Saunders Beach to benefit party supporters,giving away govt contracts to unqualified persons in order to win a Leader elect election,giving $135,000 allegedly to an unknown person,allowing Bahamian children in GB to be assaulted by teachers and then trying to hide it.I rest my case because as I type I am remembering lots of other stuff.Now go and hide in shame before I let all of those Govt workers fired by these nincompoops who you support know about you.

  16. @Russell Johnson
    you think the people are dumb, you really think after all the damage Perry and his crew did people are going to give those losers another chance?
    Never under estimate peoples intelligence

  17. @Russell Johnson
    LoL ok I guess but tell your leader learn how to get a backbone. I prefer FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT currently Any day compared to PLP which are filled with liars, crooks, adulterers, rapists, pedophiles, fighters and extortioners. People like you makes people like me turn RED n Neva scared.

  18. Bahamasyouth :And with Perry Christie as leader Im sure the PLP might loose FOX HILL, Elizabeth, South Eleuthera and many more

    You are so jokey and pretend to be impartial that am at a club and you are the subject of our discussion.Again I borrow a quote from you.”I really dont like FNM and I sure as hell dont like PLP”.You should use the pen name confused youth.Learn how to write impartially and then I might take you seriously.Are you ready to apologise so that I can move onto other prey?

  19. @altec

    It ain’t IF you smoking, it’s WHAT you smoking. Don’t be stingy is all i’m saying.
    seriously though, do you live in the same country as i do or what? ya’ll PLP’s what talking that same garbage b4 the last election and look how many of your “unbeatables” got wiped out.

    repeat after me: “I am completely out of touch.”

  20. Bahamasyouth :
    Altec has a point though but forgot a MAJOR AREA AND THATS KENEDY!
    1. Fox Hill- Toss up
    2. Golden Isles- Toss up AREA but Maynard is a respected!
    3. Marathon- Toss up not a popular active MP
    4. Marco City- TOSS UP and not a popular MP
    5. Pinewood- VERY VERY HOT SEAT… TOSS UP
    7. Sea Breeze: Hope Strachan correction but its a FNM AREA so its a Toss up!
    8. Blue Hills: Leslie Miller MIGHT win!
    9. Marathon: TOSS UP!

    Correction ahamasyouth:
    You is a PLP or Mr. Grimes,
    You mentioned “Marathon” twice.

  21. Fox Hill, Mical, South Eleuthera, North Andros, South Andros, Bain Town,Exuma, Englerston ( Moss will split the vote ) St. Thomas Moore….

  22. And with Perry Christie as leader Im sure the PLP might loose FOX HILL, Elizabeth, South Eleuthera and many more

  23. Altec has a point though but forgot a MAJOR AREA AND THATS KENEDY!

    1. Fox Hill- Toss up
    2. Golden Isles- Toss up AREA but Maynard is a respected!
    3. Marathon- Toss up not a popular active MP
    4. Marco City- TOSS UP and not a popular MP
    5. Pinewood- VERY VERY HOT SEAT… TOSS UP
    7. Sea Breeze: Hope Strachan correction but its a FNM AREA so its a Toss up!
    8. Blue Hills: Leslie Miller MIGHT win!
    9. Marathon: TOSS UP!

  24. @Altec
    Why are you talking such broad hypothticals? What gives you the slightest indication that this is what will unfold

  25. @red blooded
    Hey Red, dont let Branville make the same mistakes Paul Moss and BJ made of listening to the talk shows and assuming that those folks who call clamoring for them are representative of how the voters feel.

    HAI owe Tommy for letting him come back and avoiding a leadership challenge in 2006. Tommy didnt step down for nothing! You dont think deals were made? Sooo, let Branville run and see what he will get.

    His best bet is to run for deputy leader and when Tommy screw up, offer himself as an alternative!

  26. mashup :
    whatever that is you smoking. I want some. I think.

    You think i smoking? Let Branville run against Tommy or Laing after 2012 when HAI get beat and see what he will get! i bet he will get beat worse than BJ!

  27. Thomas Finley :
    There are no friends in politics, only allies: the Late Clement Maynard said it, and so did the late George Mackey… oh and Altec, the FNM will win 35 seats next time!

    Thomas, you need to tell me how you get to 35 seats.

    The FNM as it stands now has 24 seats in the house out of 41 if my memory serves me right. The FNM isnt going to pick up 10+ seats in the HOA, not in this political climate. You talking foolishiness my brother.

    But for information sake, tell me which 10+ PLP seats the FNM is going to pick up when the seats currently held by the PLP are all in PLP stronghold constituencies? Please inform me.

    There is only one seat the PLP has to defend and thats Fox Hill. it will be two seats if Malcolm Adderly decides to run again in Elizabeth.

    The FNM on the other hand, by my count has to defend:
    1)Blue Hills: Miller lost by 60 votes. Rematch!
    2)Marathon: Jerome Fitzgerald has a good shot to win this seat
    3)South Beach: Phenyton Neymour gone
    4)Pinewood: if Allyson runs again, this seat is hers
    5)Sea Breeze: Carl barely beat Pleasant! Rematch
    6)Marco City and Lucaya in Grand Bahama: one of these seats going PLP AGAIN!

    If the PLP holds on to Fox hill and win any 4 of the seats above, they have the magic 21 seats to form the government.

    Now show me your 10+ seats the FNM will pick up!

  28. Hey Bahamas Press, this aint the PLP no need to try political ploys to dirupt the FNM.. We are a grown people party…. If Bran is right for leadership he will be groomed to that fact and not thrown into Leadership, like that of our former Deputy PM. Everything in its time, Tommy had his time, Bran will have his, so will many others… The FNM have already answered the call for the youth… Its the other party whom deem the youth not worthy of trust.

  29. these chinese been doing this for a while nah… remember, there is a store one every corner and a restaurant as well. The fastest way to a black man is through his belly. yinna stay there.. all kind of chinese coo soup hit this nation and that’s why they don’t get deported.

  30. Altec :

    Take one step at a time, work hard, keep his nose clean, build relationships in the party and wait for the right time to offer for leader after 2017 when PC is starting his 3rd term and preparing the party for succession to Ryan Pinder, Alfred Sears or Ken Dorsett

    Interesting ……

  31. If not in 2012 or even 2017, I think it is clear that this man will be the PM one day. If the PLP was smart they would try to lure him to their side.If the FNM was smart, they would promote him to some type of leadership position in haste. In a climate where people seem to generally dislike politicians of both sides, Branville seems to have garnered an incredible amount of public support and even admiration.

  32. There are no friends in politics, only allies: the Late Clement Maynard said it, and so did the late George Mackey… oh and Altec, the FNM will win 35 seats next time!

  33. Media: The Minister is active in his branch and appears to be well liked in the community of Bamboo Town. McCartney’s overall grade came in at a C-. This can be upgraded once you start to raid these Chinese places that are known to your Officers. Justice must be seen to be done. Do not just pick up the poor Haitians, get those Chinese.

    BP, i done tell you several months ago that the illegal Chinese smuggling in the Bahamas is big business in this country. Its bigger than smuggling Haitians because the people who are involved in it are the very same people who own the Chinese shops and restaurants. They have the money and political connections to pay people to turn the other way.

    Shane Gibson raided the Chinese shops once and nobody has bothered to ask what happen to the Chinese he picked up. it was like they were never picked up.

    The Chinese are untouchable! Off limits! Branville will never raid them!


    Media: We will provide McCartney with a little bit of Political advice, watch your back, you gat Maynard, Neymour , Turnquest, Laing and Bethel plotting against you. Why, you think the story about the detention center appeared in the wutless Tribune this week?. You have potential, sit low, do your job and you will be promoted in due course.

    Branville is too green to run for leader of the party after 2012 when HAI gets beat. He still has less experience than Tommy when Tommy was leader. So his next move should be to run for deputy leader. Take one step at a time, work hard, keep his nose clean, build relationships in the party and wait for the right time to offer for leader after 2017 when PC is starting his 3rd term and preparing the party for succession to Ryan Pinder, Alfred Sears or Ken Dorsett

    Branville needs more seasoning politically and off all those names you listed who are plotting against him, only Laing and Tommy are a real threat to him. But Tommy is a retread and Laing is wishy washy but he has HAI support, Tommy dont. both these men will have the party elstalishments backing them thats why Branville cant move to quickly, he is a rising star, but carries no weight in the party.

    But know this, Brent not HAI will be king maker for the new leader of the FNM after HAI steps down because of his defeat in 2012. Mark my words! More on that later!

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