Tough Times…WUTLESS LEADERSHIP…Thanks to Ingraham and the FNM


peop-2Nassau, Bahamas — We keep hearing like a scorched record the FNM saying, it’s the recession, it’s hard, it’s bad, it’s terrible and that things will get worse before it gets better. All we keep hearing it that this is global and that the US is broke. Well FNMs would remember when they came to office they met in place the largest reserve in the history of the country. They met a booming economy. They met unemployment under 7.5%. They met the national debt more than $1 billion dollars blow its current mark. They met developments on the drawing board on almost every island in the country. So what has the FNM’s ‘Tested Leadership’ done with all that wealth under the PLP? Yes, they Stopped, Cancelled and Reviewed every project started by the PLP and fast-tracked the pain now being inflicted upon people in the country. And all they have done is rewarded Bay Street with every conceivable contract under the sun.

Ingraham’s ‘Tested LeadershipSTOPPED and CANCELLED more than $90 Million in capital work contracts for the country in 2007, which deepened the current economic situation for The Bahamas.people-3

Ingraham’s ‘Tested Leadership’ fired more than 1,200 temporary government workers including a single cripple mother with two babies in 2007. The firing, of which we said then, will ignite a trend throughout the country with private companies firing more workers. And as we said then, so did Baha Mar, Atlantis, then ColinaImperial, Breezes, Isle of Capri, The Royal Oasis, Ginn, Sandals, The I-Group, Four Seasons, Windermere, The Club Med, The Abaco Club at Winding Bay, City Markets, The Tribune, First Caribbean Bank, Royal Bank Trust Company and many more purged their stockpiles of talented workers throughout this country. They all followed Ingraham’s ‘Tested Leadership’.

people-4Ingraham’s ‘Tested Leadership’ caused to happen with his review policy the cancellation of over $20 billion in anchor projects throughout the country to be STOPPED. The FNM stopped Baha Mar and they stopped Ginn. Ingraham stopped the I-Group. Yes they stopped, and stopped and just stopped everything racing away INVESTOR AFTER INVESTOR long before the global economy took a downturn. Readers would remember when we were loosing tourist in 2007/8 countries like Jamaica were gaining. And the government refuses to this day a report the Tourism figures to the people!

As a result of Ingraham ‘Tested Leadership’ he made it hard for carpenters, painters, masons, tile layers, electricians, plumbers and many contractors to find work after construction died in the country, all except for Brent Symonette’s Hot Mix. YES INGRAHAM’S ‘Tested Leadership’ has done that to Bahamians in 2008.

people-5And so they are right when they say ‘TOUGH TIMES’! Yes, but the real question should be who created these TOUGH TIMES when Bahamians cannot find a dollar in their wallets and more than 3,000 students were forced to leave private schools. Yes it bad, in fact in Grand Bahama it’s worse than any place else. We on this blog know it better as FNM COUNTRY!

But after all the backstabbing yesterday at the FNM Convention one thing is certain, no one has the gall to stop the ‘Madman’ we liken to MUGABE! No one would stop the DEVIL in his tracks, no one will tell Hubert Alexander Ingraham it is time to pack his bags and carry his you-know-what home!

We need Change Bahamas!


  1. media :
    We’re predicting that if the People of the Bahamas continue on the Path with this bunch of CLUELESS JECKLES, BY 2012, the debt of the country would’ve exploded soo high and person who work in banks today will be out of a job and onto the streets selling phone cards!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    BP, the IMF has already warned HAI about the level of debt his government is racking up! When the IMF is hovering over your country thats not good. Ask Jamaica.

    But we have seen this borrowing madness before. Go back to HAI first two terms in the 90’s. In the midst of economic prosperity of the 90’s HAI racked up almost 2 billion dollars in national debt. The excuse he gave was that his government was improving the country’s infrastructure.

    Lies, lies and more lies. To this day, they have nothing to show for all the billions of debt they have racked on the backs of future Bahamians.

  2. @truthhurts
    Thats what you folks do. You cant have a discussion on the merits because you know you will loose that discussion so you call me names to distract from the real issue.

    Do me a favor, defend HAI policies. You cant because you know they suck and have done more harm than good. Who is the sheep, its not me bro, go and look in the mirror. its not me defending HAI bad policies, its you.

  3. We’re predicting that if the People of the Bahamas continue on the Path with this bunch of CLUELESS JECKLES, BY 2012, the debt of the country would’ve exploded soo high and person who work in banks today will be out of a job and onto the streets selling phone cards!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. @altec

    or perhaps I should have said BAAAAAAAAAAA!

    that is the language you speak yes?

  5. @altec

    butt out buddy buddy. BP and I are having sheep tongue souse for lunch and you’re so not invited.

  6. media :
    Well Truth that gave me my meal today, Sheep Tongue. I think I’ll have that with Jonney Cake.

    Media, TruthHurt is a hardcore FNM. Your post was a reality check to him and his crew. They know they cant defend the HAI policies. All they want to talk about is PC this, PC that.

    The FNM was given the keys to an economy that had they handled it right, this recession wouldnt have been this tough. That stop, review, cancel policy of the FNM has come back to bite them in the butt big time. They would die for some of those projects they canceled or put on hold right now!

  7. Bahamas Press: Well FNMs would remember when they came to office they met in place the largest reserve in the history of the country. They met a booming economy. They met unemployment under 7.5%. They met the national debt more than $1 billion dollars blow its current mark. They met developments on the drawing board on almost every island in the country. So what has the FNM’s ‘Tested Leadership’ done with all that wealth under the PLP?

    BP you are finally admitting that PLP’s policies were good for this country and I agree with you.

    I also agree with you on HAI lack of an economic plan in these times. He has totally mismanaged this economy. He is lost and Laing is lost. Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb dont have a clue.

    Think about this, we went from James Smith as Min of State for Finance to Mr Laing. JOKES!!!!!!!!!!

    Now its obvious that HAI has put all his eggs in one basket: the US economy turning around in late 2010 or early 2011. Thats HAI economic strategy.

    Whats so funny to me is that all these FNM’s on this site only want to talk about anything that is PLP and anything superficial, but i dont see any of them posting anything defending this FNM administrations policies. They are totally ignoring their own parties bad policies.

    What affects Bahamians isnt party affiliation, but party policies and if they are being honest none of them can say that the FNM’s policies are a benefit to this country right now.

    Just an observation!

  8. @media

    you know BP, even though you is act a little schizo at times. I respect your hustle in trying to get rid of Ingraham and Christie.

    I think that’s why I keep reading. Cause you just so refreshing in this Bahamas full a freakin sheep.

  9. The people mind has turned away from the Wutless FNM and HAI.This is why the low turn out to there convention.

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