Judiciary turn 'Jungaless'! Magistrates Fight Over $1millon Drug Money



<<< Cheque Bouncer, Magistrate Linda Virgill.

Nassau, Bahamas – When justice isn’t blind in a country the result is a corrupt broken society. We begin to see a society losing it bearings turning into a community which thrives on criminal activity, corruption and mayhem. The ‘VIGZY’ head people will have it no other way. Bahamas Press is becoming weary of the place called the judiciary in The Bahamas, a place we see flooded with lawyers crammed in a society drowning in misdeeds.

On yesterday we saw this sin raise its ugly head once again as two magistrates battle in the public over whether money allegedly attained by criminal activity should be returned back to the manufacturers of crime.

Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethell ruled that the money should remain in the care of the State, as it is the proceeds of crime. Magistrate Linda Virgill on the other hand ruled that the money be returned to the party, even after they were found guilty in the US and extradited out of The Bahamas. Virgill went further and accused Bethell of being in “collusion” with the prosecution. And so if Bethell is on the side of the State, whose side is Virgill? This is incredible!

Once again we see the knees of Justice buckling in this town. Once again we see Justice selling out and getting down right nasty collecting payments on the side.

Bahamas Press has explored this Magistrate Virgill character and we ask the question, HOW IN THE HELL SHE GOT BACK ON THE BENCH? And a more serious question should be, who returned her to the Bench? Virgill has become a BIGHT to the system of justice of this country and we can prove it.

Bahamas Press has documents, which confirms that the said magistrate in question has committed FRAUD among other things and should not be practicing as an administrator justice in this town. Virgill we know walked into Quality Business Center and wrote a cheque for the purchase of a computer. The cheque bunced, and the Magistrate never corrected the matter. When we saw papers to this we thought this was a mistake but when we check the files left on Sir Burton’s desk we uncovered not one, not two, not three but a folder of bad cheques written by the magistrate in question. Scores of cheques bounced, stacked and tucked away into a file. HOW COULD THIS BE?annanicolesmithrex_468x564

Court personnel tell us prior to her removal off the bench after the inquest into the death of Anna Nicole son Daniel, the ‘Cheque Bouncing’ magistrate could be found sleeping in her courtroom, almost living in the quarters of the courts, and to this day, no one knows why.

“Everyone and their ‘mah’ has been given judgment for money owed to them by Virgill and yet to this day she is still on the bench? Writs have been filed against this woman. How did she get ruling on such a high profile case and is now creating such a stir with a fellow magistrate?” one angry creditor asked BP. “She has committed fraud and should not be serving on the bench.”

But once again what do you expect when you have a ‘Sexual Predator’ heading the judiciary. All we expect are THIEVES, ROBBERS and RAPIST! to be loaded up on the bench. We expect better from members whose character should never be questioned. But this is The Bahamas. A country where justice is never blind. Here is a country where Justice is Corrupt and Cripple!


  1. media :

    futurevoice :It may not be now or anytime soon but the day WILL come when bloggers and these site owners will be held accountabLe for printed materials on the web. Libel, slander and defamation of character reigns supreme around here! There is responsible public discussions, plain ole gossip and character assasinations.One thing is certain, use of the internet leaves an electronic trail.A word to the wise is sufficient!!EditModerateSpamDelete[Reply]

    And guess what FUTUREVOICE, WE scared! LOL! Your friend will be the 100th person who has threatened to take us to court but has FAILED to do so. “We wonder why?”
    One thing is certain, if ‘ya tink vee gat time to create stories ya better tink again!’ This writer has that QBC return to sender cheque now in the file.
    Keep believing we does play.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    BP, I believe future voice has left an electronic trail himself.

  2. futurevoice :
    It may not be now or anytime soon but the day WILL come when bloggers and these site owners will be held accountabLe for printed materials on the web. Libel, slander and defamation of character reigns supreme around here! There is responsible public discussions, plain ole gossip and character assasinations.
    One thing is certain, use of the internet leaves an electronic trail.
    A word to the wise is sufficient!!

    And guess what FUTUREVOICE, WE scared! LOL! Your friend will be the 100th person who has threatened to take us to court but has FAILED to do so. “We wonder why?”

    One thing is certain, if ‘ya tink vee gat time to create stories ya better tink again!’ This writer has that QBC return to sender cheque now in the file.

    Keep believing we does play.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  3. @Bahamasyouth

    I have had my fill so mmmppphhh but you twins who are joined by the hip seem worried and are now frothing so get lost now.Amazingly for someone who always has something bad to say about the PLP when facts are thrown your way you cry and complain.But enough of you as you bore me and I dont feel any educational challenge.Your quote,”Remember, dead man can’t VOTE!!!!!!!! is laughable as I cannot be threatened by punks like you so dont waste your time.I leave this with you,”Something stinks and it aint the toilet”.Check your mouth.

  4. @mashup

    Please people read read read read!!!!! This topic is about a Court matter, not politics. My initial post talked about defaming people characters and the internet but because Russell eats, sleeps and shi*ts politics he found a way to bring up Christie and politics.

    RUSSELL always have political diarrhea. While relying to my post he regurgitated some leftovers about politics while calling me and another poster the same person.

    No matter what is posted Russell makes it a political matter. HE HAS NOTHING ELSE TO DO. POOR THING!!

    Russell PLEASEEEEE KNOW, Perry Christie and the marked for death P.L.P party is the least of my worries. Sometimes I remember them when I read your vomit!!!! If you don’t stop THIS FOOLISHNESS, by the time they call the next ellection, you would have worried yourself to death or have a stroke trying to keep up with us young people.

    Remember, dead man can’t VOTE!!!!!!!!

  5. @Russell Johnson
    For the last time i enn chet im not future voice or who ever…. your a stupid old man who soooooo ignorant you cant see eye to eye with Any issue…. Go retire and save ya lil pension money for a PLOT in woodlawn gardens or better yet spikanard graveyard.

  6. Mashup you are right and besides I have had my fill of chet P aka bahamasyouth aka futurevoice.The subject matter of this story is very serious so I expect when the HOA meets next they will discuss and appoint a House Committee.We the public need to know and am certain PAPA is fuming bcos after all it is taking place on his watch.Can everyone hear the echo?An error of judgement was made in appointments to the High Courts now any action by you know who will be viewed with suspicion.It did not have to be like this.

  7. @futurevoice

    While I have had my problems with russell johnson and altec, it really is tiresome bickering all the time.
    Can’t we all just get along? Ortland Bodie says we need to be bringing the nation together and I agree. The entire world shouldn’t revolve around the plp and fnm.

  8. LOL! Boy when you throw rocks at a pack of dogs the ones who get hit always holler!!!!!!!

    tinkwefool, altec and russell, now I know fer sure you three are the village idiots. There you go again being illiterate, reading but not understanding what you read!! Wear your hats proudly, the village usually have one idiot at a time!

    Altec for your extreme dumbness you get to wear shoes with that hat and carry a dictionary.

    Russell because you believe everything is political, you get to wear a striped red and yellow t-shirt with your idiot hat!

    tinkwefool seeing that you missed the meaning of the entire first sentence of my post, as the village idiot, you get to wear glasses with that hat!


  9. @ future voice how will you get anyones I.P address???????? look at your I.T. law again as for defamation how do you know wether or not these stories are true???????????sound like sour grapes but if you want to get to court go ahead your writ will be as frivolous as your claim vexatious in nature incuring cost lol

  10. @futurevoice
    You all always defaming Christie now you getting vex bcos heat is now on your trail?Well Chet,aka bahamasyouth if you feel the heat carry your ….

  11. Two persons given bail for attempting to Murder security guards at Paradise Island,now druggies getting money baCK.nOW i SEE WHY ONLY bp HAD THE STORY ABOUT pARADISE iSLAND.Something stinks and it aint the toilet.From reading the newspaper it seems as if word for bail came from the AG office.The AG also allegedly spoke with Virgil about this matter mmppphhh.I am checking out some things and will share it with you my friends as the cesspit has now been opened.

  12. It may not be now or anytime soon but the day WILL come when bloggers and these site owners will be held accountabLe for printed materials on the web. Libel, slander and defamation of character reigns supreme around here! There is responsible public discussions, plain ole gossip and character assasinations.

    One thing is certain, use of the internet leaves an electronic trail.
    A word to the wise is sufficient!!

  13. @ talk dat you on point why is she hearing all the drug cases why? we too corrupt or stupid why is she there ? dat vat ivaun kno haha cause we could handle our own affairs

  14. KEVIN MCKENZIE :BahamasPress i urge you to conduct a RESEARCH into the Tribune and Guardian’s archives and you will find an ALLEGATION MADE AGAINST A SITTING MAGISTRATE.This allegation was made by DWIGHT “PAPA”MAJOR alleging that a female magistrate sent her police sweet heart to him to obtain $50,000.00 and in return some THINGS WILL HAPPEN FOR HIM.”PAPA”CALLED THE NAME OF THAT FEMALE MAGISTRATE,AND IT WAS NOT LINDA VIRGILL.If you conduct a proper research you will have an APOLOGY for mrs.VIRGILL.

    People does forget Kevin! Why is this magistrate hearing all the drug cases, what makes that magistrate so special? Is it because some foreign entity with their so called war on drugs want her there and she is doing their bidding in our sovereign nation? Did she marry her sissy husband to stay in the country? If Virgil does bounce checks she needs get some financial counseling to work on her bad habits that does not include taking bribes while on the bench and learn to live far below her means. BP you owe Virgil an apology is correct!

  15. i agree with kevin….on magistate bethel part its a conflict of interest, she was accused by the majors before and maybe has an axe to grind. justice should always be see or atleast be percieve as being fair and balance. i dont blame linda v. for being hot at them.now the check bounceing is another story and is to my opinion irrevillant@KEVIN MCKENZIE

  16. “I think the Crown has placed the judiciary in a very compromising position.”

    Magistrate Virgill ordered that the money be returned to Keva Major after the prosecution entered a nolle prosequi (no prosecution) which was dated September 23.

    The prosecution, however, also presented an order issued by Magistrate Carolita Bethel dated September 22. This was the date the matter was last heard before Magistrate Virgill, and stated that the $850,000 be held when the matter was withdrawn. Magistrate Virgill, however, questioned how her fellow magistrate knew that the matter was going to be withdrawn and said she would disregard the order as they both have equal jurisdiction.
    Published On:Tuesday, November 10, 2009


  17. youll check dis story what she was sayin is that the magistrate back dated the order rendering it defective she is not corrupt as far as it relates that decision……and the fact that the majors plead guilty there was no trial the wife out and the husband ga be in the next 3 years nah why was the order backdated when the crown made no case it matters not what the street says no evidence give back the money or bring evidence..

    the bounce check is a different ting can defend dat if its true but then again they reported unspeakables on a lil baby couple months ago which was untrue

  18. Am so ashamed that I refuse to comment further on this matter.Justice for sale,Paradise lost.Did someone sell their soul and ours to the devil to attain power?

  19. It is also said that if you want bail, she is the person to see… hey thats the word on the street… Is she for sale… How and why is she a sitting Magistrate? She needs to be investigated… now.

  20. We understand hardhead gal this is why she was put down as a member of the bench by the former CJ. But this new VIGZY HEAD CJ somehow put her back on. AMAZING!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  21. Why didn’t the former CJ deal with the matter of the bouncing cheques? There is no system in place to deal with rouge magistrates and judges who are protected by the constitution so some of them run amock. Who is in control of that system and why aren’t some of them fired for their nonsense.

  22. BahamasPress i urge you to conduct a RESEARCH into the Tribune and Guardian’s archives and you will find an ALLEGATION MADE AGAINST A SITTING MAGISTRATE.This allegation was made by DWIGHT “PAPA”MAJOR alleging that a female magistrate sent her police sweet heart to him to obtain $50,000.00 and in return some THINGS WILL HAPPEN FOR HIM.”PAPA”CALLED THE NAME OF THAT FEMALE MAGISTRATE,AND IT WAS NOT LINDA VIRGILL.If you conduct a proper research you will have an APOLOGY for mrs.VIRGILL.

  23. Nassau, Bahamas – Magistrate Linda Virgill ordered almost $1 million in suspected drug money returned to Keva Major as she accused Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethell of being in “collusion” with prosecuting officials to have the money held by police.

    The money laundering case was still pending when Major, 40, was extradited to Miami with her husband, Dwight, to face drug trafficking charges in April 2008. When the case continued on October 16, prosecutor Sandra Dee Gardiner presented an order from the attorney general dated September 23 that directed that the proceedings be discontinued.

    When Major’s lawyer Michael Kemp asked that the funds be returned to his client’s parents in accordance with her instructions, Gardiner presented an order from Magistrate Bethell dated September 22 – the date the matter was last before Magistrate Virgill – that stated that the $850,000 was to be held when the matter was withdrawn.

    But Magistrate Virgill shot back that Magistrate Bethell could not give her an order because they are both magistrates and have equal jurisdiction. She slammed Bethell’s actions as “contemptuous” and said she would “disregard” the order of her fellow magistrate, according to transcripts of the explosive exchange that have been obtained exclusively by The Nassau Guardian.

    At this point, Gardiner said, “Your worship, we…” but Magistrate Virgill cut her off saying, “You are appealing the decision. I am not done talking. I am not even finished talking. You are appealing, you said.”

    Gardiner said she would wait for the court’s official ruling.

    In her ruling, Magistrate Virgill said the matter was completed in her court, based on the attorney general’s order and she ordered the money to be returned to Major with interest.

    Magistrate Virgill continued, “The reason for my disregarding the order is that the matter was set to continue the 14th, 15th and 16th of October and it is an order from the magistrate signed on the 22nd of September that is to take effect when the matters are withdrawn. How did she know the matter was going to be withdrawn? It is collusion. It is wrong. It is wrong that persons are sitting down and dealing with people’s lives and futures before a matter before the court is at an end. It is highly wrong. It is an abuse of the process. It is not why we are here. It is not justice.”

    She added, “You all are not practicing justice. Justice must prevail. Justice must not only be done, it must manifestly seen to be done. It is all about justice. You cannot be bringing something dated 22nd September and telling me this order shall take effect from the date the charges contained in charge sheet number 3677 of 2002 are withdrawn against Keva Major and the attorney general is signing the next date. It is collusion.

    “I almost want to say, get the hell out here, but I would not. I would not say that because you are an officer of the court. You all have to practice justice. Judgment comes against these courts, man. Stop, it is wrong. Carolita had this matter before her court simultaneously. It is wrong. You are not practicing justice….God needs to strike you all down for that. It is wrong.”

    Once again, Gardiner informed the court of her intention to appeal the decision. Magistrate Virgill replied, “You all need to stop this foolishness. It is wrong. This needs to go to the press. It is wrong. What you all are doing, the international press needs to know what is happening, I am sitting on the case and you make a decision before it comes back to me. What’s going on? This is no kangaroo court. I don’t play games. This is a game.”

    Gardiner asked for a copy of the transcript and Magistrate Virgill said, “You bet you will have a copy of the transcript. You better take it right back to them. Let them see what I said because it is wrong, very wrong. It is not justice.”

    In July 2007, Senior Justice Jon Isaacs ordered that $450,000 of the Majors’ seized assets be released to cover their legal expenses and care for their four children.

    source ARTESIA DAVIS, The Nassau Guardian

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