PLP Chairman congratulates the government over Junkanoo Carnival success

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts

By Bradley B. Roberts, National Chairman, Progressive Liberal Party

Cultural tourism continues to dominate the resurgence of the Bahamian tourism product as it embellishes the international brand of The Bahamas as a preferred destination. For this the Progressive Liberal Party warmly congratulates Prime Minister Christie and his government for their vision, leadership and focus in making Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival 2015 a smashing success.

Obviously the world was literally watching as The Bahamas took to the world stage in a colouful display of our rich cultural heritage in a spirit of unity and national pride. The Bahamian people demonstrated that they are the greatest fans in the world and are to be commended and thanked for their continued support for and ownership of all things Bahamian.

I am advised that CARICOM Minister after CARICOM Minister saluted Prime Minister Christie in Martinique this past Saturday on the great success of Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival.

Special thanks to the organizing committee and the commissioners under the chairmanship of Paul Major for the many man hours of hard work and the many sleepless nights all in the name of public service.

I further commend the more than five hundred entertainers whose talents drove this entire celebratory event. They liberally and joyfully shared of their time and talents in the name of national development. The masters and legends are all winners in my book. I also commend all of the participants and salute all sponsors in particular the Bahamas Telecommunications Ltd who led with a contribution of one million dollars.

As for the doomsday prophets, preachers of gloom and doom, armchair critics, the know-it-all crew and the naysayers, I invite all of them to once again eat crow and to do so liberally because they all had selfish hidden agendas and their tirades had absolutely nothing to do with advancing Bahamian culture, empowering Bahamians or stimulating our local economy. They were all betting against the Bahamian people and they all lost

As for Dr. Minnis, that poor hapless fellow, he is again on the wrong side of history and on the wrong side of the national discussion on culture regarding its integration into the national economy. Minnis is on record as saying that at the first opportunity, the FNM “WILL DISCONTINUE CARNIVAL!” Minnis is hell bent on foisting the disastrous policy of “STOP, REVIEW AND CANCEL” on Junkanoo Carnival if given the opportunity by the Bahamian people. After three years as opposition leader, he remains a very risky proposition and a lost soul still unable to get out of his own way.

I look forward to a super and exciting Junkanoo Carnival 2016 which will again be embraced by thousands of Bahamians and Visitors.