Bradley Roberts Responds to Candia Dames [Hubert Ingraham’s pen]


Letter to Editor Nassau Guardian

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts
PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts

Dear Editor,

Candia Dames
Candia Dames

When I saw Ms. Candia Dames’ baseless attacks on my character and attempt to impugn my motives in Monday’s National Review for widely sharing an internationally published article, Carly Simon’s 1970s- “You are so vain. I bet you think this song is about you” came to mind.

Or was it Ms. Dames’ guilty conscience that drove her to pen such untruths, unhinged speculations and pretend victimhood?

Ordinarily I would not respond to the Ludacris pretentiousness and conceit of individuals who wish to place themselves above their organizations, above common sense and above good practices. It is rather humorous that Ms. Candia Dames, Editor of the National Review in the Nassau Guardian, has sought to impugn to me a malicious intent based on an international article she received from me as part of an e-blast I shared with numerous persons in this country – persons with whom I routinely share matters of public interest.

I wish to assure the Bahamian people that the subject article which was also put on a cycle to me from a friend is quite compelling and shares some interesting facts on media practices in the region and the wider world. That Ms. Dames would allow her own sense of self-importance to drive her to pen the criticisms contained in the National Review as to my intent, borders on the ridiculous.

Suffice it to say that the article of which she takes such a personal affront should have elucidated her on why her subsequent attack on my motives are exactly the reasons why the general public are estranged from jaundiced journalism and can detect for themselves hidden or bold personal agendas.

I thought it prudent to confront Ms. Dames with that lie and libelous assertion contained in Monday’s National Review by her hand and I shall continue where I find it important, crucial and illuminating to share information with others on the World Wide Web.

And further, to Ms. Dames, the song is very much not about you.

Bradley B Roberts
National Chairman
Progressive Liberal Party




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