Dr. Hubert Minnis leads in Strength, Trust and Likeability BBB Analytics Polls confirm…


Political winds are set behind Dr. Hubert Minnis and the FNM!

Dr. Hon. Hubert A. Minnis - Leader of the FNM
Dr. Hon. Hubert A. Minnis – Leader of the FNM

PM Christie begins to trail in polls with the electorate and could lead his party into a second general elections defeat!
PM Christie begins to trail in polls with the electorate and could lead his party into a second general elections defeat!
Nassau, Bahamas — Political winds are behind the Free National Movement under the new direction of Dr. Hubert Minnis, and if you don’t believe us just take a look at the latest BBB Analytics polls which edges the Leader of the FNM ahead in Strength, Likeability and Trust .

Bahamas Press for months and years now have warned the PLP insiders that something is turning dangerously hard against them on the ground and latest numbers now place the FNM Leader even further ahead!

Following the defeat in 2007 The Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research confirmed what an Aunt Jean Nursery School three year-old child could have told the PLP. And today, numbers are showing up in favour for Dr. Hubert Minnis and his FNM will spell trouble for the governing Progressive Liberal Party if they keep taking advice from a group, which lead the Canadian Government into political defeat!

When asked: If an Election was called today which political leader would you trust to lead the Bahamas? With a Margin of error ± 3.1, some 72% supported Dr. Hubert Minnis, 20% Rt. Hon. Perry Christie, 3% Branville McCartney and 6% polled were unsure.

When asked: Which Political Leader do you believe would have a Strong Hand when dealing with national matters? Again with a Margin of error ± 3.1 some 62% supported Dr. Hubert Minnis, 36% Rt. Hon. Perry Christie, 1% Branville McCartney and 2% polled were unsure.

On questions that suggest Likeability – Again with a Margin of error ± 3.1, some 51% polled for Dr. Minnis, while just 48% for Rt. Hon. Perry Christie and 2% for Branville McCartney.

When asked: How would you classify the performance of the Government to date? excellent, pretty good, only fair, or poor? Again with a Margin of error ± 3.1, some 22% classified the performance as excellent/pretty good, 20% only fair and 61% cited the performance of the Government to date as poor.

The early numbers are not good for the Governing Christie Administration, which has less than 18 months before they seek another five-year term to govern the Bahamas.

We report yinner decide!