A Gay Couple Shacking-Up in an apartment on Joe Farrington Road announced their wedding minutes after Parliament Passed the four Equality Bills!


BP SUNDAY SPECIAL >>> Couple might challenge on equality if Referendum Bills are passed!

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Chief Justice says “No one can give that assurance or guarantee” the proposed constitutional changes would not lead to the recognition or validation of same sex marriages before they support the bills.

Nassau, Bahamas — Timed almost with precision, two Bahamian sissies living together announced their intention to marry in the State of Florida on March 21st, 2016.

Sources close to the couple confirmed the boy-gal set to wear the dress is a relative of a prominent political family whose members have been recently charged and convicted of transporting serious lethal instruments [ammunition and guns].

Sources deep in the know tell us that the father-giver will be the father of the male-bride. We understand some politicians have also received their invitations to attend wedding.

According to someone close to these developments, “I believe the Bahamas will have its first test case challenging the marriage laws in the country if the equality bills are passed in the upcoming referendum. It is no accident.”

In his communications during the opening of the legal year Chief Justice Sir Hartman Longley told the nation how supporters of the bills cannot, “…. guarantee or prove beyond reasonable doubt that the proposed constitutional changes would not lead to the recognition or validation of same sex marriages before they support the bills. No one can give that assurance or guarantee.”

All we say is this: Look at the direction Christie DEM are about to take the nation!

We report yinner decide!