Concerned parent sets the record straight on Mt. Carmel Preparatory School….


Mt Carmel
Mt Carmel

Dear Editor,

As I am going through the comments on social media about Mt. Carmel Preparatory School, I am deeply concerned. I am a parent of children at the school. The information that is being shared and discussed on social media is quite unfortunate and completely inaccurate.

Please allow me to elaborate. I saw a post on Saturday, regarding teachers being fired. I’m sure not one teacher would post a termination letter, because this is simply not true. Teachers were not fired. The truth is that some of them, said very early on, that they would not reapply to continue their contract and as such their contracts were not renewed. The teachers at Mt. Carmel are all on contracts and as I am aware, they always have been. I understand, that several persons were pissed, because an advertisement was placed for new teachers. My question is, what is wrong with that? Other schools do it all the time. I saw ads for many other private schools over the last several months. If you only have a one-year contract, why wouldn’t you reapply? Other teachers did and their contracts were renewed. Follow the truth people.

On another point, I am so happy to know that come September, the administration will be changed and in tip-top shape and some of the unscrupulous practices corrected. I was on a payment plan at the school and the office manager was not keeping up with my payments. Because of this, my child was pulled out of school and I was told my child could not take exams until I had completed payment – which I already had done. I had to report it all the way up to the school’s board to get it sorted out. I have spoken with teachers who indicated that if they were not in a clique with the administration, that they were victimized. I, along with other parents complained over and repeatedly to the board to get rid of that worthless administration who would cause parents to leave. I am just happy that they listened.

The former owner who purchased the school two years ago died last year. There are now new persons at the helm on the board, who seem to have the school’s best interest at heart. But they have to clean up the school. That means eliminating cliques, ensuring that the best teachers are on staff and that our children are getting the education we are paying top dollar for. I am willing to work with them. Earlier this year the new owners met with parents and shared the vision for the school. It was promising and little by little, I have seen progress. Starting with the driveway which desperately needed to be filled and paved. Months ago it took me at least ten minutes just to drive up to the school. Today, I’m driving like I’m on a highway. Change always seems tough, but give change a chance. And to the public – check your facts first and stop looking for something to gossip about.


Concerned Parent from Mt. Carmel School