A Bahamian Economics Educator is the country’s latest traffic fatality victim on Exuma this morning…


Four die on the streets of the Bahamas in just 36 hours! Motorists should exercise due care and attention while on the streets!

BP live on the scene following that traffic fatality on Exuma which claimed the life of educator Dominique Bullard. #exuma #fatality #bahamas

EXUMA| Bahamas Press team was live on the scene this morning following a traffic fatality in Exuma on the Queen’s Highway nearby The Cheaters Restaurant in George Town.

The victim we have identified as Economics Educator, Dominique Bullard, of the community of Hartswell. She died on the scene.

Bullard was headed to work at the L. N. Coakley High School at the time of the crash.

Meanwhile, police in the capital are investigating incidents surrounding a traffic fatality on New Providence last evening.

According to reports, shortly after 11:00pm, three males were traveling in a black Chevrolet Cruz, when the driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a house at the junction of Robinson Road and Podoleo Street.

Fire Service Officers were called to the scene and extricated the males from the vehicle. Two of the males were transported to hospital with serious injuries, while a third, the rear seat passenger, succumbed to his injuries on the scene.

The Exuma accident records the 4th traffic fatality around the country in the past three days. With one incident unfolding on Spanish Wells and another on East Street South on Sunday.

Bahamas Press is appealing to all motorists to exercise all due care and attention when on the roadways of the country.

We report yinner decide!

Live scenes to that traffic fatality on Exuma this morning.